name: Self-managed infrastructure creation description: "Create the required infrastructure for a Constellation cluster manually." inputs: cloudProvider: description: "The cloud provider the test runs on." required: true attestationVariant: description: "The attestation variant to use." required: true runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Copy Terraform configuration and Constellation config shell: bash working-directory: run: | cp -r ${{ github.workspace }}/terraform/infrastructure/${{ inputs.cloudProvider }} ${{ github.workspace }}/e2e-infra cp ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-conf.yaml ${{ github.workspace }}/e2e-infra - name: Get CSP image reference id: get_image shell: bash working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/e2e-infra run: | echo "image_ref=$(bazel run //hack/image-fetch:image-fetch)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Write Terraform variables shell: bash working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/e2e-infra run: | echo "name = \"$(yq '.name' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "debug = $(yq '.debugCluster' constellation-conf.yaml)" >> terraform.tfvars echo "custom_endpoint = \"$(yq '.customEndpoint' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "image_id = \"${{ steps.get_image.outputs.image_ref }}\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "node_groups = { control_plane_default = { role = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.control_plane_default.role' constellation-conf.yaml)\" zone = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\" instance_type = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.control_plane_default.instanceType' constellation-conf.yaml)\" disk_size = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.control_plane_default.stateDiskSizeGB' constellation-conf.yaml)\" disk_type = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.control_plane_default.stateDiskType' constellation-conf.yaml)\" initial_count = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.control_plane_default.initialCount' constellation-conf.yaml)\" } worker_default = { role = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.worker_default.role' constellation-conf.yaml)\" zone = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\" instance_type = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.worker_default.instanceType' constellation-conf.yaml)\" disk_size = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.worker_default.stateDiskSizeGB' constellation-conf.yaml)\" disk_type = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.worker_default.stateDiskType' constellation-conf.yaml)\" initial_count = \"$(yq '.nodeGroups.worker_default.initialCount' constellation-conf.yaml)\" } }" >> terraform.tfvars if [[ "${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" == 'aws' ]]; then echo "iam_instance_profile_name_control_plane = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "iam_instance_profile_name_worker_nodes = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "region = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "zone = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "enable_snp = $(yq '.attestation | has("awsSEVSNP")' constellation-conf.yaml)" >> terraform.tfvars elif [[ "${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" == 'azure' ]]; then echo "location = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "create_maa = $(yq '.attestation | has("azureSEVSNP")' constellation-conf.yaml)" >> terraform.tfvars echo "confidential_vm = $(yq '.attestation | has("azureTrustedLaunch") | not' constellation-conf.yaml)" >> terraform.tfvars echo "secure_boot = $(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)" >> terraform.tfvars echo "resource_group = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "user_assigned_identity = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars elif [[ "${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" == 'gcp' ]]; then echo "project = \"$(yq '.provider.gcp.project' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "region = \"$(yq '.provider.gcp.region' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars echo "zone = \"$(yq '' constellation-conf.yaml)\"" >> terraform.tfvars fi terraform fmt terraform.tfvars echo "Using Terraform variables:" cat terraform.tfvars - name: Apply Terraform configuration shell: bash working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/e2e-infra run: | terraform init terraform apply -auto-approve - name: Patch MAA Policy shell: bash working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/e2e-infra if: inputs.attestationVariant == 'azure-sev-snp' run: | constellation maa-patch $(terraform output attestation_url | jq -r) - name: Write outputs to state file shell: bash working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/e2e-infra run: | yq eval '.version ="v1"' --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval ".infrastructure.initSecret =\"$(terraform output init_secret | jq -r | tr -d '\n' | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02x"' && echo '')\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval ".infrastructure.clusterEndpoint =\"$(terraform output out_of_cluster_endpoint | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval ".infrastructure.inClusterEndpoint =\"$(terraform output in_cluster_endpoint | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval ".infrastructure.ipCidrNode =\"$(terraform output ip_cidr_node | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval ".infrastructure.uid =\"$(terraform output uid | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval " =\"$(terraform output name | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval ".infrastructure.apiServerCertSANs =$(terraform output -json api_server_cert_sans)" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml if [[ "${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" == 'azure' ]]; then yq eval " =\"$(terraform output resource_group | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval " =\"$(terraform output subscription_id | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval " =\"$(terraform output network_security_group_name | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval " =\"$(terraform output loadbalancer_name | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval " =\"$(terraform output user_assigned_identity_client_id | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval " =\"$(terraform output attestation_url | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml elif [[ "${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" == 'gcp' ]]; then yq eval ".infrastructure.gcp.projectID =\"$(terraform output project | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml yq eval ".infrastructure.gcp.ipCidrPod =\"$(terraform output ip_cidr_pod | jq -r)\"" --inplace ${{ github.workspace }}/constellation-state.yaml fi