/* Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ package cmd import ( "context" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/cli/internal/cloudcmd" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/cli/internal/iamid" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/cloud/cloudprovider" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/config" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constants" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/file" "github.com/spf13/afero" "github.com/spf13/cobra" ) var ( // GCP-specific validation regexes // Source: https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/reference/rest/v1/projects. zoneRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\w+-\w+-[abc]$`) regionRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^\w+-\w+[0-9]$`) projectIDRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{4,28}[a-z0-9]{1}$`) serviceAccIDRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{4,28}[a-z0-9])$`) ) // NewIAMCmd returns a new cobra.Command for the iam parent command. It needs another verb and does nothing on its own. func NewIAMCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "iam", Short: "Work with the IAM configuration on your cloud provider", Long: "Work with the IAM configuration on your cloud provider.", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), } cmd.AddCommand(newIAMCreateCmd()) return cmd } // NewIAMCreateCmd returns a new cobra.Command for the iam create parent command. It needs another verb, and does nothing on its own. func newIAMCreateCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "create", Short: "Create IAM configuration on a cloud platform for your Constellation cluster", Long: "Create IAM configuration on a cloud platform for your Constellation cluster.", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), } cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("generate-config", false, "automatically generate a configuration file and fill in the required fields") cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("yes", false, "create the IAM configuration without further confirmation") cmd.AddCommand(newIAMCreateAWSCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newIAMCreateAzureCmd()) cmd.AddCommand(newIAMCreateGCPCmd()) return cmd } // newIAMCreateAWSCmd returns a new cobra.Command for the iam create aws command. func newIAMCreateAWSCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "aws", Short: "Create IAM configuration on AWS for your Constellation cluster", Long: "Create IAM configuration on AWS for your Constellation cluster.", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), RunE: createRunIAMFunc(cloudprovider.AWS), } cmd.Flags().String("prefix", "", "name prefix for all resources (required)") must(cobra.MarkFlagRequired(cmd.Flags(), "prefix")) cmd.Flags().String("zone", "", "AWS availability zone the resources will be created in, e.g. us-east-2a (required)\n"+ "Find available zones here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html#concepts-availability-zones. "+ "Note that we do not support every zone / region. You can find a list of all supported regions in our docs.") must(cobra.MarkFlagRequired(cmd.Flags(), "zone")) return cmd } // newIAMCreateAzureCmd returns a new cobra.Command for the iam create azure command. func newIAMCreateAzureCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "azure", Short: "Create IAM configuration on Microsoft Azure for your Constellation cluster", Long: "Create IAM configuration on Microsoft Azure for your Constellation cluster.", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), RunE: createRunIAMFunc(cloudprovider.Azure), } cmd.Flags().String("resourceGroup", "", "name prefix of the two resource groups your cluster / IAM resources will be created in (required)") must(cobra.MarkFlagRequired(cmd.Flags(), "resourceGroup")) cmd.Flags().String("region", "", "region the resources will be created in, e.g. westus (required)") must(cobra.MarkFlagRequired(cmd.Flags(), "region")) cmd.Flags().String("servicePrincipal", "", "name of the service principal that will be created (required)") must(cobra.MarkFlagRequired(cmd.Flags(), "servicePrincipal")) return cmd } // NewIAMCreateGCPCmd returns a new cobra.Command for the iam create gcp command. func newIAMCreateGCPCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "gcp", Short: "Create IAM configuration on GCP for your Constellation cluster", Long: "Create IAM configuration on GCP for your Constellation cluster.", Args: cobra.ExactArgs(0), RunE: createRunIAMFunc(cloudprovider.GCP), } cmd.Flags().String("zone", "", "GCP zone the cluster will be deployed in (required)\n"+ "Find a list of available zones here: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones#available.") must(cobra.MarkFlagRequired(cmd.Flags(), "zone")) cmd.Flags().String("serviceAccountID", "", "ID for the service account that will be created (required)\n"+ "Must match ^[a-z](?:[-a-z0-9]{4,28}[a-z0-9])$.") must(cobra.MarkFlagRequired(cmd.Flags(), "serviceAccountID")) cmd.Flags().String("projectID", "", "ID of the GCP project the configuration will be created in (required)\n"+ "Find it on the welcome screen of your project: https://console.cloud.google.com/welcome.") must(cobra.MarkFlagRequired(cmd.Flags(), "projectID")) return cmd } // createRunIAMFunc is the entrypoint for the iam create command. It sets up the iamCreator // and starts IAM creation for the specific cloud provider. func createRunIAMFunc(provider cloudprovider.Provider) func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { var providerCreator providerIAMCreator switch provider { case cloudprovider.AWS: providerCreator = &awsIAMCreator{} case cloudprovider.Azure: providerCreator = &azureIAMCreator{} case cloudprovider.GCP: providerCreator = &gcpIAMCreator{} default: return func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return fmt.Errorf("unknown provider %s", provider) } } return func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { iamCreator := newIAMCreator(cmd) defer iamCreator.spinner.Stop() iamCreator.provider = provider iamCreator.providerCreator = providerCreator return iamCreator.create(cmd.Context()) } } // newIAMCreator creates a new iamiamCreator. func newIAMCreator(cmd *cobra.Command) *iamCreator { spinner := newSpinner(cmd.ErrOrStderr()) return &iamCreator{ cmd: cmd, spinner: spinner, creator: cloudcmd.NewIAMCreator(spinner), fileHandler: file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs()), iamConfig: &cloudcmd.IAMConfig{}, } } // iamCreator is the iamCreator for the iam create command. type iamCreator struct { cmd *cobra.Command spinner spinnerInterf creator cloudIAMCreator fileHandler file.Handler provider cloudprovider.Provider providerCreator providerIAMCreator iamConfig *cloudcmd.IAMConfig } // create IAM configuration on the iamCreator's cloud provider. func (c *iamCreator) create(ctx context.Context) error { flags, err := c.parseFlagsAndSetupConfig() if err != nil { return err } if !flags.yesFlag { c.cmd.Printf("The following IAM configuration will be created:\n\n") c.providerCreator.printConfirmValues(c.cmd, flags) if flags.generateConfig { c.cmd.Printf("The configuration file %s will be automatically generated and populated with the IAM values.\n", flags.configPath) } ok, err := askToConfirm(c.cmd, "Do you want to create the configuration?") if err != nil { return err } if !ok { c.cmd.Println("The creation of the configuration was aborted.") return nil } } c.spinner.Start("Creating", false) conf := createConfig(c.provider) iamFile, err := c.creator.Create(ctx, c.provider, c.iamConfig) c.spinner.Stop() if err != nil { return err } c.cmd.Println() // Print empty line to separate after spinner ended. err = c.providerCreator.parseAndWriteIDFile(iamFile, c.fileHandler) if err != nil { return err } if flags.generateConfig { c.providerCreator.writeOutputValuesToConfig(conf, flags, iamFile) if err := c.fileHandler.WriteYAML(flags.configPath, conf, file.OptMkdirAll); err != nil { return err } c.cmd.Printf("Your IAM configuration was created and filled into %s successfully.\n", flags.configPath) return nil } c.providerCreator.printOutputValues(c.cmd, flags, iamFile) c.cmd.Println("Your IAM configuration was created successfully. Please fill the above values into your configuration file.") return nil } // parseFlagsAndSetupConfig parses the flags of the iam create command and fills the values into the IAM config (output values of the command). func (c *iamCreator) parseFlagsAndSetupConfig() (iamFlags, error) { configPath, err := c.cmd.Flags().GetString("config") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing config string: %w", err) } generateConfig, err := c.cmd.Flags().GetBool("generate-config") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing generate-config bool: %w", err) } yesFlag, err := c.cmd.Flags().GetBool("yes") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing yes bool: %w", err) } flags := iamFlags{ generateConfig: generateConfig, configPath: configPath, yesFlag: yesFlag, } flags, err = c.providerCreator.parseFlagsAndSetupConfig(c.cmd, flags, c.iamConfig) if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing provider-specific value: %w", err) } return flags, nil } // iamFlags contains the parsed flags of the iam create command, including the parsed flags of the selected cloud provider. type iamFlags struct { aws awsFlags azure azureFlags gcp gcpFlags generateConfig bool configPath string yesFlag bool } // awsFlags contains the parsed flags of the iam create aws command. type awsFlags struct { prefix string region string zone string } // azureFlags contains the parsed flags of the iam create azure command. type azureFlags struct { region string resourceGroup string servicePrincipal string } // gcpFlags contains the parsed flags of the iam create gcp command. type gcpFlags struct { serviceAccountID string zone string region string projectID string } // providerIAMCreator is an interface for the IAM actions of different cloud providers. type providerIAMCreator interface { // printConfirmValues prints the values that will be created on the cloud provider and need to be confirmed by the user. printConfirmValues(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags) // printOutputValues prints the values that were created on the cloud provider. printOutputValues(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags, iamFile iamid.File) // writeOutputValuesToConfig writes the output values of the IAM creation to the constellation config file. writeOutputValuesToConfig(conf *config.Config, flags iamFlags, iamFile iamid.File) // parseFlagsAndSetupConfig parses the provider-specific flags and fills the values into the IAM config (output values of the command). parseFlagsAndSetupConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags, iamConfig *cloudcmd.IAMConfig) (iamFlags, error) // parseAndWriteIDFile parses the GCP service account key and writes it to a keyfile. It is only implemented for GCP. parseAndWriteIDFile(iamFile iamid.File, fileHandler file.Handler) error } // awsIAMCreator implements the providerIAMCreator interface for AWS. type awsIAMCreator struct{} func (c *awsIAMCreator) parseFlagsAndSetupConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags, iamConfig *cloudcmd.IAMConfig) (iamFlags, error) { prefix, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("prefix") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing prefix string: %w", err) } zone, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("zone") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing zone string: %w", err) } flags.aws = awsFlags{ prefix: prefix, zone: zone, } if strings.HasPrefix(zone, "eu-central-1") { flags.aws.region = "eu-central-1" } else if strings.HasPrefix(zone, "us-east-2") { flags.aws.region = "us-east-2" } else if strings.HasPrefix(zone, "ap-south-1") { flags.aws.region = "ap-south-1" } else { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid AWS region, to find a correct region please refer to our docs and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html#concepts-availability-zones") } // Setup IAM config. iamConfig.AWS = cloudcmd.AWSIAMConfig{ Region: flags.aws.region, Prefix: flags.aws.prefix, } return flags, nil } func (c *awsIAMCreator) printConfirmValues(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags) { cmd.Printf("Region:\t\t%s\n", flags.aws.region) cmd.Printf("Name Prefix:\t%s\n\n", flags.aws.prefix) } func (c *awsIAMCreator) printOutputValues(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags, iamFile iamid.File) { cmd.Printf("region:\t\t\t%s\n", flags.aws.region) cmd.Printf("zone:\t\t\t%s\n", flags.aws.zone) cmd.Printf("iamProfileControlPlane:\t%s\n", iamFile.AWSOutput.ControlPlaneInstanceProfile) cmd.Printf("iamProfileWorkerNodes:\t%s\n\n", iamFile.AWSOutput.WorkerNodeInstanceProfile) } func (c *awsIAMCreator) writeOutputValuesToConfig(conf *config.Config, flags iamFlags, iamFile iamid.File) { conf.Provider.AWS.Region = flags.aws.region conf.Provider.AWS.Zone = flags.aws.zone conf.Provider.AWS.IAMProfileControlPlane = iamFile.AWSOutput.ControlPlaneInstanceProfile conf.Provider.AWS.IAMProfileWorkerNodes = iamFile.AWSOutput.WorkerNodeInstanceProfile } func (c *awsIAMCreator) parseAndWriteIDFile(iamFile iamid.File, fileHandler file.Handler) error { return nil } // azureIAMCreator implements the providerIAMCreator interface for Azure. type azureIAMCreator struct{} func (c *azureIAMCreator) parseFlagsAndSetupConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags, iamConfig *cloudcmd.IAMConfig) (iamFlags, error) { region, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("region") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing region string: %w", err) } resourceGroup, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("resourceGroup") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing resourceGroup string: %w", err) } servicePrincipal, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("servicePrincipal") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing servicePrincipal string: %w", err) } flags.azure = azureFlags{ region: region, resourceGroup: resourceGroup, servicePrincipal: servicePrincipal, } // Setup IAM config. iamConfig.Azure = cloudcmd.AzureIAMConfig{ Region: flags.azure.region, ResourceGroup: flags.azure.resourceGroup, ServicePrincipal: flags.azure.servicePrincipal, } return flags, nil } func (c *azureIAMCreator) printConfirmValues(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags) { cmd.Printf("Region:\t\t\t%s\n", flags.azure.region) cmd.Printf("Resource Group:\t\t%s\n", flags.azure.resourceGroup) cmd.Printf("Service Principal:\t%s\n\n", flags.azure.servicePrincipal) } func (c *azureIAMCreator) printOutputValues(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags, iamFile iamid.File) { cmd.Printf("subscription:\t\t%s\n", iamFile.AzureOutput.SubscriptionID) cmd.Printf("tenant:\t\t\t%s\n", iamFile.AzureOutput.TenantID) cmd.Printf("location:\t\t%s\n", flags.azure.region) cmd.Printf("resourceGroup:\t\t%s\n", flags.azure.resourceGroup) cmd.Printf("userAssignedIdentity:\t%s\n", iamFile.AzureOutput.UAMIID) cmd.Printf("appClientID:\t\t%s\n", iamFile.AzureOutput.ApplicationID) cmd.Printf("clientSecretValue:\t%s\n\n", iamFile.AzureOutput.ApplicationClientSecretValue) cmd.Println("Your IAM configuration was created successfully. Please fill the above values into your configuration file.") } func (c *azureIAMCreator) writeOutputValuesToConfig(conf *config.Config, flags iamFlags, iamFile iamid.File) { conf.Provider.Azure.SubscriptionID = iamFile.AzureOutput.SubscriptionID conf.Provider.Azure.TenantID = iamFile.AzureOutput.TenantID conf.Provider.Azure.Location = flags.azure.region conf.Provider.Azure.ResourceGroup = flags.azure.resourceGroup conf.Provider.Azure.UserAssignedIdentity = iamFile.AzureOutput.UAMIID conf.Provider.Azure.AppClientID = iamFile.AzureOutput.ApplicationID conf.Provider.Azure.ClientSecretValue = iamFile.AzureOutput.ApplicationClientSecretValue } func (c *azureIAMCreator) parseAndWriteIDFile(iamFile iamid.File, fileHandler file.Handler) error { return nil } // gcpIAMCreator implements the providerIAMCreator interface for GCP. type gcpIAMCreator struct{} func (c *gcpIAMCreator) parseFlagsAndSetupConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags, iamConfig *cloudcmd.IAMConfig) (iamFlags, error) { zone, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("zone") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing zone string: %w", err) } if !zoneRegex.MatchString(zone) { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid zone string: %s", zone) } // Infer region from zone. zoneParts := strings.Split(zone, "-") region := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", zoneParts[0], zoneParts[1]) if !regionRegex.MatchString(region) { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid region string: %s", region) } projectID, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("projectID") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing projectID string: %w", err) } if !projectIDRegex.MatchString(projectID) { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid projectID string: %s", projectID) } serviceAccID, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("serviceAccountID") if err != nil { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing serviceAccountID string: %w", err) } if !serviceAccIDRegex.MatchString(serviceAccID) { return iamFlags{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid serviceAccountID string: %s", serviceAccID) } flags.gcp = gcpFlags{ zone: zone, region: region, projectID: projectID, serviceAccountID: serviceAccID, } // Setup IAM config. iamConfig.GCP = cloudcmd.GCPIAMConfig{ Zone: flags.gcp.zone, Region: flags.gcp.region, ProjectID: flags.gcp.projectID, ServiceAccountID: flags.gcp.serviceAccountID, } return flags, nil } func (c *gcpIAMCreator) printConfirmValues(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags) { cmd.Printf("Project ID:\t\t%s\n", flags.gcp.projectID) cmd.Printf("Service Account ID:\t%s\n", flags.gcp.serviceAccountID) cmd.Printf("Region:\t\t\t%s\n", flags.gcp.region) cmd.Printf("Zone:\t\t\t%s\n\n", flags.gcp.zone) } func (c *gcpIAMCreator) printOutputValues(cmd *cobra.Command, flags iamFlags, iamFile iamid.File) { cmd.Println(fmt.Sprintf("serviceAccountKeyPath:\t%s\n", constants.GCPServiceAccountKeyFile)) } func (c *gcpIAMCreator) writeOutputValuesToConfig(conf *config.Config, flags iamFlags, iamFile iamid.File) { conf.Provider.GCP.ServiceAccountKeyPath = constants.GCPServiceAccountKeyFile } func (c *gcpIAMCreator) parseAndWriteIDFile(iamFile iamid.File, fileHandler file.Handler) error { // GCP needs to write the service account key to a file. tmpOut, err := parseIDFile(iamFile.GCPOutput.ServiceAccountKey) if err != nil { return err } if err := fileHandler.WriteJSON(constants.GCPServiceAccountKeyFile, tmpOut, file.OptNone); err != nil { return err } return nil } // parseIDFile parses the given base64 encoded JSON string of the GCP service account key and returns a map. func parseIDFile(serviceAccountKeyBase64 string) (map[string]string, error) { dec, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(serviceAccountKeyBase64) if err != nil { return nil, err } out := make(map[string]string) if err = json.Unmarshal(dec, &out); err != nil { return nil, err } return out, nil }