package gcp

import (


// API handles all GCP API requests.
type API interface {
	// RetrieveInstances retrieves a list of all accessible GCP instances with their metadata.
	RetrieveInstances(ctx context.Context, project, zone string) ([]core.Instance, error)
	// RetrieveInstances retrieves a single GCP instances with its metadata.
	RetrieveInstance(ctx context.Context, project, zone, instanceName string) (core.Instance, error)
	// RetrieveInstanceMetadata retrieves the GCP instance metadata of the current instance.
	RetrieveInstanceMetadata(attr string) (string, error)
	// RetrieveProjectID retrieves the GCP  projectID containing the current instance.
	RetrieveProjectID() (string, error)
	// RetrieveZone retrieves the GCP zone containing the current instance.
	RetrieveZone() (string, error)
	// RetrieveInstanceName retrieves the instance name of the current instance.
	RetrieveInstanceName() (string, error)
	// SetInstanceMetadata sets metadata key: value of the instance specified by project, zone and instanceName.
	SetInstanceMetadata(ctx context.Context, project, zone, instanceName, key, value string) error
	// UnsetInstanceMetadata removes a metadata key-value pair of the instance specified by project, zone and instanceName.
	UnsetInstanceMetadata(ctx context.Context, project, zone, instanceName, key string) error

// Metadata implements core.ProviderMetadata interface.
type Metadata struct {
	api API

// New creates a new Provider with real API and FS.
func New(api API) *Metadata {
	return &Metadata{
		api: api,

// List retrieves all instances belonging to the current constellation.
func (m *Metadata) List(ctx context.Context) ([]core.Instance, error) {
	project, err := m.api.RetrieveProjectID()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	zone, err := m.api.RetrieveZone()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	instances, err := m.api.RetrieveInstances(ctx, project, zone)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("retrieving instances list from GCP api failed: %w", err)
	return instances, nil

// Self retrieves the current instance.
func (m *Metadata) Self(ctx context.Context) (core.Instance, error) {
	project, err := m.api.RetrieveProjectID()
	if err != nil {
		return core.Instance{}, err
	zone, err := m.api.RetrieveZone()
	if err != nil {
		return core.Instance{}, err
	instanceName, err := m.api.RetrieveInstanceName()
	if err != nil {
		return core.Instance{}, err
	return m.api.RetrieveInstance(ctx, project, zone, instanceName)

// GetInstance retrieves an instance using its providerID.
func (m *Metadata) GetInstance(ctx context.Context, providerID string) (core.Instance, error) {
	project, zone, instanceName, err := splitProviderID(providerID)
	if err != nil {
		return core.Instance{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid providerID: %w", err)
	return m.api.RetrieveInstance(ctx, project, zone, instanceName)

// SignalRole signals the constellation role via cloud provider metadata.
func (m *Metadata) SignalRole(ctx context.Context, role role.Role) error {
	project, err := m.api.RetrieveProjectID()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	zone, err := m.api.RetrieveZone()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	instanceName, err := m.api.RetrieveInstanceName()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return m.api.SetInstanceMetadata(ctx, project, zone, instanceName, core.RoleMetadataKey, role.String())

// SetVPNIP stores the internally used VPN IP in cloud provider metadata.
func (m *Metadata) SetVPNIP(ctx context.Context, vpnIP string) error {
	project, err := m.api.RetrieveProjectID()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	zone, err := m.api.RetrieveZone()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	instanceName, err := m.api.RetrieveInstanceName()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return m.api.SetInstanceMetadata(ctx, project, zone, instanceName, core.VPNIPMetadataKey, vpnIP)

// Supported is used to determine if metadata API is implemented for this cloud provider.
func (m *Metadata) Supported() bool {
	return true