variable "base_name" { type = string description = "Base name of the scale set." } variable "node_group_name" { type = string description = "Constellation name for the node group (used for configuration and CSP-independent naming)." } variable "role" { type = string description = "Role of the instance group." validation { condition = contains(["control-plane", "worker"], var.role) error_message = "The role has to be 'control-plane' or 'worker'." } } variable "tags" { type = map(string) description = "Tags to include in the scale set." } variable "zones" { type = list(string) description = "List of availability zones." default = null } variable "initial_count" { type = number description = "Number of instances in this scale set." } variable "instance_type" { type = string description = "Azure instance type to deploy." } variable "state_disk_size" { type = number default = 30 description = "Disk size for the state disk of the nodes [GB]." } variable "resource_group" { type = string description = "Name of the Azure resource group to create the Constellation cluster in." } variable "location" { type = string description = "Azure location to deploy the cluster in." } variable "image_id" { type = string description = "OS Image reference for the cluster's nodes." } variable "user_assigned_identity" { type = string description = "Name of the user assigned identity to attache to the nodes of the cluster." } variable "state_disk_type" { type = string default = "Premium_LRS" description = "Type of the state disk." } variable "network_security_group_id" { type = string description = "ID of the network security group to use for the scale set." } variable "backend_address_pool_ids" { type = list(string) description = "IDs of the backend address pools to use for the scale set." } variable "subnet_id" { type = string description = "ID of the subnet to use for the scale set." } variable "confidential_vm" { type = bool default = true description = "Whether to deploy the cluster nodes as confidential VMs." } variable "secure_boot" { type = bool default = false description = "Whether to deploy the cluster nodes with secure boot." } variable "marketplace_image" { type = object({ name = string publisher = string product = string version = string }) default = null description = "Marketplace image to use for the cluster nodes." }