# notify Teams action This action is used to send a message to our Teams channel in case of a failure in the CI/CD pipeline. The action will automatically choose an engineer to assign to the issue and tag them in the message. Engineers are identified by their GitHub username and bound to a Microsoft Teams ID in `.attachments[0].content.msteams.entities`. To add a new engineer, add a new entry to the entity list in the format: ```json { "type": "mention", "text": "${github_username}", "mentioned": { "id": "${msteams_id}", "name": "${name}" } } ``` Where `${github_username}` is the GitHub username of the engineer, `${msteams_id}` is the Microsoft Teams ID of the engineer, and `${name}` is the name of the engineer. To find the Microsoft Teams ID use the following command: ```bash az ad user show --id ${email} --query id ``` Where `${email}` is the email address of the engineer.