terraform { required_providers { libvirt = { source = "dmacvicar/libvirt" version = "0.8.1" } docker = { source = "kreuzwerker/docker" version = "3.0.2" } random = { source = "hashicorp/random" version = "3.6.3" } } } provider "libvirt" { uri = var.libvirt_uri } provider "docker" { host = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" } locals { cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes = "" cidr_vpc_subnet_control_planes = "" cidr_vpc_subnet_worker = "" revision = 1 } # A way to force replacement of resources if the provider does not want to replace them # see: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/resources/terraform-data#example-usage-data-for-replace_triggered_by resource "terraform_data" "replacement" { input = local.revision } resource "random_password" "init_secret" { length = 32 special = true override_special = "_%@" } resource "docker_image" "qemu_metadata" { name = var.metadata_api_image keep_locally = true } resource "docker_container" "qemu_metadata" { name = "${var.name}-qemu-metadata" image = docker_image.qemu_metadata.image_id network_mode = "host" rm = true command = [ "--network", "${var.name}-network", "--libvirt-uri", "${var.metadata_libvirt_uri}", "--initsecrethash", "${random_password.init_secret.bcrypt_hash}", ] mounts { source = abspath(var.libvirt_socket_path) target = "/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock" type = "bind" } } module "node_group" { source = "./modules/instance_group" base_name = var.name for_each = var.node_groups node_group_name = each.key role = each.value.role amount = each.value.initial_count state_disk_size = each.value.disk_size vcpus = each.value.vcpus memory = each.value.memory machine = var.machine cidr = each.value.role == "control-plane" ? local.cidr_vpc_subnet_control_planes : local.cidr_vpc_subnet_worker network_id = libvirt_network.constellation.id pool = libvirt_pool.cluster.name boot_mode = var.constellation_boot_mode boot_volume_id = libvirt_volume.image_id.id kernel_volume_id = local.kernel_volume_id initrd_volume_id = local.initrd_volume_id kernel_cmdline = each.value.role == "control-plane" ? local.kernel_cmdline : var.constellation_cmdline firmware = var.firmware nvram = var.nvram } resource "libvirt_pool" "cluster" { name = "${var.name}-storage-pool" type = "dir" path = "/var/lib/libvirt/images" } resource "libvirt_volume" "image_id" { name = "${var.name}-node-image" pool = libvirt_pool.cluster.name source = var.image_id format = var.image_format } resource "libvirt_volume" "constellation_kernel" { name = "${var.name}-kernel" pool = libvirt_pool.cluster.name source = var.constellation_kernel format = "raw" count = var.constellation_boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? 1 : 0 } resource "libvirt_volume" "constellation_initrd" { name = "${var.name}-initrd" pool = libvirt_pool.cluster.name source = var.constellation_initrd format = "raw" count = var.constellation_boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? 1 : 0 } resource "libvirt_network" "constellation" { name = "${var.name}-network" mode = "nat" addresses = [""] dhcp { enabled = true } dns { enabled = true } } locals { kernel_volume_id = var.constellation_boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? libvirt_volume.constellation_kernel[0].id : null initrd_volume_id = var.constellation_boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? libvirt_volume.constellation_initrd[0].id : null kernel_cmdline = var.constellation_boot_mode == "direct-linux-boot" ? var.constellation_cmdline : null }