name: Aspect Workflows Warming on: # Run the workflows on a cron schedule to periodically create an up-to-date warming archive schedule: # M-F 15:05, 19:05, 23:05 UTC - cron: '5 15,19,23 * * 1-5' # Allow this to be triggered manually via the GitHub UI Actions tab workflow_dispatch: jobs: warming-archive: name: Aspect Workflows Warming runs-on: [self-hosted, aspect-workflows, aspect-warming] steps: - name: Configure environment run: configure_workflows_env - uses: actions/checkout@c85c95e3d7251135ab7dc9ce3241c5835cc595a9 # v3.5.3 - name: Agent health checks run: agent_health_check - name: Create warming archive uses: aspect-build/workflows-action@94af6eb5b5319f01de6338f2a20c274825a7c50f # 5.7.0-rc5 with: task: warming - name: Archive warming tars run: warming_archive