name: Go mod tidy check on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - main - "release/**" paths: - "**.go" - "**/go.mod" - "**/go.sum" pull_request: paths: - "**.go" - "**/go.mod" - "**/go.sum" jobs: gotidycheck: name: Go mod tidy check runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@755da8c3cf115ac066823e79a1e1788f8940201b # v3.2.0 with: ref: ${{ github.head_ref }} token: ${{ secrets.TIDY_RENOVATE_PUSH }} - name: Setup Go environment uses: actions/setup-go@6edd4406fa81c3da01a34fa6f6343087c207a568 # v3.5.0 with: go-version: "1.19.4" - name: Get Go submodules id: submods shell: bash run: | mods=$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' -m | xargs) echo "Found mods: $mods" echo "submods=${mods}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Go tidy check id: tidycheck uses: katexochen/go-tidy-check@45731e0013a976d5d616d79007c7ba52de6ce542 # tag=v1.0.2 with: modules: ${{ steps.submods.outputs.submods }} # The following steps are only executed if the previous tidy check failed # and the action runs on an renovat branche. In this case, we tidy all # modules again and commit the changes, so the user doesn't need to do it. - name: Tidy modules on renovate branches if: ${{ failure() && (steps.tidycheck.conclusion == 'failure') && startsWith(github.head_ref, 'renovate/') }} shell: bash run: | mods="${{ steps.submods.outputs.submods }}" for mod in $mods; do (cd $mod; go mod tidy) done - name: Push changes if: ${{ failure() && (steps.tidycheck.conclusion == 'failure') && startsWith(github.head_ref, 'renovate/') }} shell: bash run: | git config --global "renovate[bot]" git config --global "29139614+renovate[bot]" git commit -am "[bot] Tidy all modules" git push