name: E2E Test s3proxy description: "Test the s3proxy." inputs: kubeconfig: description: "Kubeconfig to access target cluster" required: true s3AccessKey: description: "Access key for s3proxy" required: true s3SecretKey: description: "Secret key for s3proxy" required: true githubToken: description: "GitHub token" required: true runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Setup bazel uses: ./.github/actions/setup_bazel_nix - name: Get pseudoversion id: pseudoversion shell: bash run: | bazel build //bazel/settings:tag echo pseudoversion=$(cat ./bazel-bin/bazel/settings/_tag.tags.txt) | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Log in to the Container registry uses: ./.github/actions/container_registry_login with: registry: username: ${{ }} password: ${{ inputs.githubToken }} - name: Build and push s3proxy image id: s3proxybuild shell: bash run: | bazel run //bazel/release:s3proxy_push bazel build //bazel/release:s3proxy_tag.txt tagpath=$(bazel cquery --output=files //bazel/release:s3proxy_tag.txt) echo s3proxyImage=$(cat "${tagpath}") | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Setup s3proxy shell: bash env: KUBECONFIG: ${{ inputs.kubeconfig }} S3_PROXY_IMAGE: ${{ steps.s3proxybuild.outputs.s3proxyImage }} AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ inputs.s3AccessKey }} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ inputs.s3SecretKey }} run: | helm install s3proxy --set awsAccessKeyID="$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" --set awsSecretAccessKey="$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" --set image="$S3_PROXY_IMAGE" --set allowMultipart=true s3proxy/deploy/s3proxy - name: Run mint shell: bash env: KUBECONFIG: ${{ inputs.kubeconfig }} ACCESS_KEY: ${{ inputs.s3AccessKey }} SECRET_KEY: ${{ inputs.s3SecretKey }} IMAGE: "" # renovate:mint-fork run: | ./s3proxy/e2e/ "$IMAGE"