package resources import ( "fmt" "" "" apps "" k8s "" rbac "" meta "" "" ) type joinServiceDaemonset struct { ClusterRole rbac.ClusterRole ClusterRoleBinding rbac.ClusterRoleBinding ConfigMap k8s.ConfigMap DaemonSet apps.DaemonSet ServiceAccount k8s.ServiceAccount Service k8s.Service } // NewJoinServiceDaemonset returns a daemonset for the join service. func NewJoinServiceDaemonset(csp, measurementsJSON, enforcedPCRsJSON string, measurementSalt []byte) *joinServiceDaemonset { return &joinServiceDaemonset{ ClusterRole: rbac.ClusterRole{ TypeMeta: meta.TypeMeta{ APIVersion: "", Kind: "ClusterRole", }, ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{ Name: "join-service", Labels: map[string]string{ "k8s-app": "join-service", }, }, Rules: []rbac.PolicyRule{ { APIGroups: []string{""}, Resources: []string{"secrets"}, Verbs: []string{"get", "list", "create", "update"}, }, { APIGroups: []string{""}, Resources: []string{"roles", "rolebindings"}, Verbs: []string{"create", "update"}, }, }, }, ClusterRoleBinding: rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{ TypeMeta: meta.TypeMeta{ APIVersion: "", Kind: "ClusterRoleBinding", }, ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{ Name: "join-service", }, RoleRef: rbac.RoleRef{ APIGroup: "", Kind: "ClusterRole", Name: "join-service", }, Subjects: []rbac.Subject{ { Kind: "ServiceAccount", Name: "join-service", Namespace: "kube-system", }, }, }, DaemonSet: apps.DaemonSet{ TypeMeta: meta.TypeMeta{ APIVersion: "apps/v1", Kind: "DaemonSet", }, ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{ Name: "join-service", Namespace: "kube-system", Labels: map[string]string{ "k8s-app": "join-service", "component": "join-service", "": "true", }, }, Spec: apps.DaemonSetSpec{ Selector: &meta.LabelSelector{ MatchLabels: map[string]string{ "k8s-app": "join-service", }, }, Template: k8s.PodTemplateSpec{ ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{ Labels: map[string]string{ "k8s-app": "join-service", }, }, Spec: k8s.PodSpec{ PriorityClassName: "system-cluster-critical", ServiceAccountName: "join-service", Tolerations: []k8s.Toleration{ { Key: "CriticalAddonsOnly", Operator: k8s.TolerationOpExists, }, { Key: "", Operator: k8s.TolerationOpEqual, Value: "true", Effect: k8s.TaintEffectNoSchedule, }, { Key: "", Operator: k8s.TolerationOpExists, Effect: k8s.TaintEffectNoSchedule, }, { Operator: k8s.TolerationOpExists, Effect: k8s.TaintEffectNoExecute, }, { Operator: k8s.TolerationOpExists, Effect: k8s.TaintEffectNoSchedule, }, }, // Only run on control plane nodes NodeSelector: map[string]string{ "": "", }, Containers: []k8s.Container{ { Name: "join-service", Image: versions.JoinImage, Ports: []k8s.ContainerPort{ { ContainerPort: constants.JoinServicePort, Name: "tcp", }, }, SecurityContext: &k8s.SecurityContext{ Privileged: func(b bool) *bool { return &b }(true), }, Args: []string{ fmt.Sprintf("--cloud-provider=%s", csp), fmt.Sprintf("--kms-endpoint=kms.kube-system:%d", constants.KMSPort), }, VolumeMounts: []k8s.VolumeMount{ { Name: "config", ReadOnly: true, MountPath: constants.ServiceBasePath, }, { Name: "kubeadm", ReadOnly: true, MountPath: "/etc/kubernetes", }, }, }, }, Volumes: []k8s.Volume{ { Name: "config", VolumeSource: k8s.VolumeSource{ Projected: &k8s.ProjectedVolumeSource{ Sources: []k8s.VolumeProjection{ { ConfigMap: &k8s.ConfigMapProjection{ LocalObjectReference: k8s.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "join-config", }, }, }, { ConfigMap: &k8s.ConfigMapProjection{ LocalObjectReference: k8s.LocalObjectReference{ Name: constants.K8sVersion, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, { Name: "kubeadm", VolumeSource: k8s.VolumeSource{ HostPath: &k8s.HostPathVolumeSource{ Path: "/etc/kubernetes", }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ServiceAccount: k8s.ServiceAccount{ TypeMeta: meta.TypeMeta{ APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ServiceAccount", }, ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{ Name: "join-service", Namespace: "kube-system", }, }, Service: k8s.Service{ TypeMeta: meta.TypeMeta{ APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Service", }, ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{ Name: "join-service", Namespace: "kube-system", }, Spec: k8s.ServiceSpec{ Type: k8s.ServiceTypeNodePort, Ports: []k8s.ServicePort{ { Name: "grpc", Protocol: k8s.ProtocolTCP, Port: constants.JoinServicePort, TargetPort: intstr.IntOrString{IntVal: constants.JoinServicePort}, NodePort: constants.JoinServiceNodePort, }, }, Selector: map[string]string{ "k8s-app": "join-service", }, }, }, ConfigMap: k8s.ConfigMap{ TypeMeta: meta.TypeMeta{ APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "ConfigMap", }, ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{ Name: "join-config", Namespace: "kube-system", }, Data: map[string]string{ constants.MeasurementsFilename: measurementsJSON, constants.EnforcedPCRsFilename: enforcedPCRsJSON, }, BinaryData: map[string][]byte{ constants.MeasurementSaltFilename: measurementSalt, }, }, } } // Marshal the daemonset using the Kubernetes resource marshaller. func (a *joinServiceDaemonset) Marshal() ([]byte, error) { return MarshalK8SResources(a) }