name: E2E Attestationconfig API Test description: "Test the attestationconfig CLI is functional." inputs: buildBuddyApiKey: description: "BuildBuddy API key for caching Bazel artifacts" required: true cosignPrivateKey: description: "Cosign private key" required: true cosignPassword: description: "Password for Cosign private key" required: true runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Setup bazel uses: ./.github/actions/setup_bazel with: useCache: "true" buildBuddyApiKey: ${{ inputs.buildBuddyApiKey }} - name: Login to AWS uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@5fd3084fc36e372ff1fff382a39b10d03659f355 # v2.2.0 with: role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::795746500882:role/GithubTestResourceAPI aws-region: eu-west-1 - name: Run attestationconfig API E2E shell: bash env: COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ inputs.cosignPrivateKey }} COSIGN_PASSWORD: ${{ inputs.cosignPassword }} run: | bazel run //hack/configapi:configapi_e2e_test