name: tidy-check-generate on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - main - "release/**" pull_request: jobs: tidycheck: name: tidy, check and generate runs-on: [self-hosted, bazel-cached] permissions: id-token: write contents: read steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab # v3.5.2 with: ref: ${{ !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork && github.head_ref || '' }} # No token available for forks, so we can't push changes token: ${{ !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork && secrets.CI_COMMIT_PUSH_PR || '' }} - name: Install Dependencies run: | echo "::group::Install Dependencies" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install libcryptsetup-dev libvirt-dev echo "::endgroup::" - name: Setup Bazel uses: ./.github/actions/setup_bazel with: useCache: "true" buildBuddyApiKey: ${{ secrets.BUILDBUDDY_ORG_API_KEY }} - name: Setup Go environment uses: actions/setup-go@4d34df0c2316fe8122ab82dc22947d607c0c91f9 # v4.0.0 with: go-version: "1.20.4" - name: Assume AWS role to upload Bazel dependencies to S3 if: startsWith(github.head_ref, 'renovate/') uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@e1e17a757e536f70e52b5a12b2e8d1d1c60e04ef # v2.0.0 with: role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::795746500882:role/GithubConstellationMirrorWrite aws-region: eu-central-1 - name: Upload Bazel dependencies to the mirror if: startsWith(github.head_ref, 'renovate/') shell: bash run: | bazel run //bazel/ci:deps_mirror_upgrade bazel run //bazel/ci:deps_mirror_upload - name: Run Bazel tidy shell: bash run: bazel run //:tidy - name: Check if untidy id: untidy shell: bash run: | diff=$(git diff) if [[ -z "$diff" ]]; then echo "Everything is tidy." echo "untidy=false" | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" exit 0 fi echo "Detected changes after tidy" echo "untidy=true" | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" diffsum=$(echo "$diff" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1) echo "diffsum=${diffsum}" | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Run Bazel generate shell: bash run: bazel run //:generate - name: Check if ungenerated id: ungenerated shell: bash run: | diff=$(git diff) diffsum=$(echo "$diff" | sha256sum| cut -d' ' -f1) if [[ "${{ steps.untidy.outputs.diffsum }}" == "${diffsum}" ]]; then echo "Everything is tidy." echo "ungenerated=false" | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" exit 0 fi echo "Detected changes after tidy" echo "ungenerated=true" | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Check if tidy or generate made modifications id: modified shell: bash run: | diff=$(git diff) if [[ -z "$diff" ]]; then echo "Everything is tidy and generated." exit 0 fi cat << EOF >> "${GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY}" \`\`\`diff ${diff} \`\`\` EOF if [[ "${{ steps.untidy.outputs.untidy }}" == "true" ]] && [[ "${{ steps.ungenerated.outputs.ungenerated }}" == "true" ]]; then suggestCmd="'bazel run //:generate' &&' bazel run //:tidy'" elif [[ "${{ steps.untidy.outputs.untidy }}" == "true" ]]; then suggestCmd="'bazel run //:tidy'" elif [[ "${{ steps.ungenerated.outputs.ungenerated }}" == "true" ]]; then suggestCmd="'bazel run //:generate'" fi echo "::error::The repo is not tidy. Please run ${suggestCmd} and commit the changes." exit 1 - name: Run Bazel check shell: bash run: bazel run //:check # The following steps are only executed if the previous tidy check failed # and the action runs on an renovate branch. In this case, we tidy all # modules again and commit the changes, so the user doesn't need to do it. - name: Push changes if: | failure() && (steps.modified.conclusion == 'failure') && startsWith(github.head_ref, 'renovate/') && !github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork shell: bash run: | git config --global "edgelessci" git config --global "" git commit -am "deps: tidy all modules" git push