#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This script prepares the environment for expect scripts to be recorded in, # executes all scripts, and copies the .cast files to our doc's asset folder. # # Note: A cluster is created in GCP. Therefore you are expected to be logged in # via `gcloud` CLI. You credentials at $HOME/.config/gcloud are mounted into the # screenrecordings container. A full script run takes ~20min. # docker build -t screenrecodings docker # Create cast docker run -it \ -v "${HOME}"/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud \ -v "$(pwd)"/recordings:/recordings \ -v "$(pwd)"/constellation:/constellation \ screenrecodings /scripts/github-readme.expect # Fix meta data: width and height are always zero in Docker produced cast files. # Header is the first lint of cast file in JSON format, we read, fix and write it. head recordings/github-readme.cast -n 1 | yq e -M '.width = 95 | .height = 17' - > new_header.cast # Then append everything, expect first line from original cast file. tail -n+2 recordings/github-readme.cast >> new_header.cast # Then render cast into svg using: # https://github.com/nbedos/termtosvg termtosvg render new_header.cast readme.svg -t window-frame.svg # Copy and cleanup cp readme.svg ../static/img/shell-windowframe.svg rm readme.svg new_header.cast