//go:build integration /* Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ package integration import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "testing" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/csi/cryptmapper" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "go.uber.org/goleak" ) const ( DevicePath string = "testDevice" DeviceName string = "testDeviceName" ) func setup() { _ = exec.Command("/bin/dd", "if=/dev/zero", fmt.Sprintf("of=%s", DevicePath), "bs=64M", "count=1").Run() } func teardown(devicePath string) { _ = exec.Command("/bin/rm", "-f", devicePath).Run() } func copy(source, target string) error { return exec.Command("cp", source, target).Run() } func resize() { _ = exec.Command("/bin/dd", "if=/dev/zero", fmt.Sprintf("of=%s", DevicePath), "bs=32M", "count=1", "oflag=append", "conv=notrunc").Run() } func TestMain(m *testing.M) { if os.Getuid() != 0 { fmt.Printf("This test suite requires root privileges, as libcryptsetup uses the kernel's device mapper.\n") os.Exit(1) } goleak.VerifyTestMain(m) result := m.Run() os.Exit(result) } func TestOpenAndClose(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) setup() defer teardown(DevicePath) mapper := cryptmapper.New(&fakeKMS{}, &cryptmapper.CryptDevice{}) newPath, err := mapper.OpenCryptDevice(context.Background(), DevicePath, DeviceName, false) require.NoError(err) assert.Equal("/dev/mapper/"+DeviceName, newPath) // assert crypt device got created _, err = os.Stat(newPath) assert.NoError(err) // assert no integrity device got created _, err = os.Stat(newPath + "_dif") assert.True(os.IsNotExist(err)) // Resize the device resize() resizedPath, err := mapper.ResizeCryptDevice(context.Background(), DeviceName) require.NoError(err) assert.Equal("/dev/mapper/"+DeviceName, resizedPath) assert.NoError(mapper.CloseCryptDevice(DeviceName)) // assert crypt device got removed _, err = os.Stat(newPath) assert.True(os.IsNotExist(err)) // check if we can reopen the device _, err = mapper.OpenCryptDevice(context.Background(), DevicePath, DeviceName, true) assert.NoError(err) assert.NoError(mapper.CloseCryptDevice(DeviceName)) } func TestOpenAndCloseIntegrity(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) setup() defer teardown(DevicePath) mapper := cryptmapper.New(&fakeKMS{}, &cryptmapper.CryptDevice{}) newPath, err := mapper.OpenCryptDevice(context.Background(), DevicePath, DeviceName, true) require.NoError(err) assert.Equal("/dev/mapper/"+DeviceName, newPath) // assert crypt device got created _, err = os.Stat(newPath) assert.NoError(err) // assert integrity device got created _, err = os.Stat(newPath + "_dif") assert.NoError(err) // integrity devices do not support resizing resize() _, err = mapper.ResizeCryptDevice(context.Background(), DeviceName) assert.Error(err) assert.NoError(mapper.CloseCryptDevice(DeviceName)) // assert crypt device got removed _, err = os.Stat(newPath) assert.True(os.IsNotExist(err)) // assert integrity device got removed _, err = os.Stat(newPath + "_dif") assert.True(os.IsNotExist(err)) // check if we can reopen the device _, err = mapper.OpenCryptDevice(context.Background(), DevicePath, DeviceName, true) assert.NoError(err) assert.NoError(mapper.CloseCryptDevice(DeviceName)) } func TestDeviceCloning(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) setup() defer teardown(DevicePath) mapper := cryptmapper.New(&dynamicKMS{}, &cryptmapper.CryptDevice{}) _, err := mapper.OpenCryptDevice(context.Background(), DevicePath, DeviceName, false) assert.NoError(err) require.NoError(copy(DevicePath, DevicePath+"-copy")) defer teardown(DevicePath + "-copy") _, err = mapper.OpenCryptDevice(context.Background(), DevicePath+"-copy", DeviceName+"-copy", false) assert.NoError(err) assert.NoError(mapper.CloseCryptDevice(DeviceName)) assert.NoError(mapper.CloseCryptDevice(DeviceName + "-copy")) } type fakeKMS struct{} func (k *fakeKMS) GetDEK(_ context.Context, _ string, dekSize int) ([]byte, error) { key := make([]byte, dekSize) for i := range key { key[i] = 0x41 } return key, nil } type dynamicKMS struct{} func (k *dynamicKMS) GetDEK(_ context.Context, dekID string, dekSize int) ([]byte, error) { key := make([]byte, dekSize) for i := range key { key[i] = 0x41 ^ dekID[i%len(dekID)] } return key, nil }