package gcp import ( "context" "errors" "testing" compute "" "" "" gax "" "" "" "" "" computepb "" "" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { goleak.VerifyTestMain(m, // goleak.IgnoreTopFunction("*worker).start"), //, goleak.IgnoreTopFunction("*loggingT).flushDaemon"), ) } func TestRetrieveInstances(t *testing.T) { uid := "1234" someErr := errors.New("failed") newTestIter := func() *stubInstanceIterator { return &stubInstanceIterator{ instances: []*computepb.Instance{ { Name: proto.String("someInstance"), Metadata: &computepb.Metadata{ Items: []*computepb.Items{ { Key: proto.String("ssh-keys"), Value: proto.String("bob:ssh-rsa bobskey"), }, { Key: proto.String("key-2"), Value: proto.String("value-2"), }, { Key: proto.String(core.ConstellationUIDMetadataKey), Value: proto.String(uid), }, { Key: proto.String(core.RoleMetadataKey), Value: proto.String(role.Coordinator.String()), }, }, }, NetworkInterfaces: []*computepb.NetworkInterface{ {NetworkIP: proto.String("")}, }, }, }, } } testCases := map[string]struct { client stubInstancesClient metadata stubMetadataClient instanceIter *stubInstanceIterator instanceIterMutator func(*stubInstanceIterator) expectedInstances []core.Instance expectErr bool }{ "retrieve works": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, metadata: stubMetadataClient{InstanceValue: uid}, instanceIter: newTestIter(), expectedInstances: []core.Instance{ { Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", Role: role.Coordinator, IPs: []string{""}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{"bob": {"ssh-rsa bobskey"}}, }, }, }, "instance name is null": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, metadata: stubMetadataClient{InstanceValue: uid}, instanceIter: newTestIter(), instanceIterMutator: func(sii *stubInstanceIterator) { sii.instances[0].Name = nil }, expectErr: true, }, "no instance with network ip": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, metadata: stubMetadataClient{InstanceValue: uid}, instanceIter: newTestIter(), instanceIterMutator: func(sii *stubInstanceIterator) { sii.instances[0].NetworkInterfaces = nil }, expectedInstances: []core.Instance{ { Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", Role: role.Coordinator, IPs: []string{}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{"bob": {"ssh-rsa bobskey"}}, }, }, }, "network ip is nil": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, metadata: stubMetadataClient{InstanceValue: uid}, instanceIter: newTestIter(), instanceIterMutator: func(sii *stubInstanceIterator) { sii.instances[0].NetworkInterfaces[0].NetworkIP = nil }, expectedInstances: []core.Instance{ { Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", Role: role.Coordinator, IPs: []string{}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{"bob": {"ssh-rsa bobskey"}}, }, }, }, "constellation id is not set": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, metadata: stubMetadataClient{InstanceValue: uid}, instanceIter: newTestIter(), instanceIterMutator: func(sii *stubInstanceIterator) { sii.instances[0].Metadata.Items[2].Key = proto.String("") }, expectedInstances: []core.Instance{}, }, "constellation retrieval fails": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, metadata: stubMetadataClient{InstanceErr: someErr}, instanceIter: newTestIter(), expectErr: true, }, "role is not set": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, metadata: stubMetadataClient{InstanceValue: uid}, instanceIter: newTestIter(), instanceIterMutator: func(sii *stubInstanceIterator) { sii.instances[0].Metadata.Items[3].Key = proto.String("") }, expectedInstances: []core.Instance{ { Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", Role: role.Unknown, IPs: []string{""}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{"bob": {"ssh-rsa bobskey"}}, }, }, }, "instance iterator Next() errors": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, metadata: stubMetadataClient{InstanceValue: uid}, instanceIter: &stubInstanceIterator{nextErr: someErr}, expectErr: true, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) if tc.instanceIterMutator != nil { tc.instanceIterMutator(tc.instanceIter) } tc.client.ListInstanceIterator = tc.instanceIter client := Client{ instanceAPI: tc.client, metadataAPI: tc.metadata, } instances, err := client.RetrieveInstances(context.Background(), "someProject", "someZone") if tc.expectErr { assert.Error(err) return } require.NoError(err) assert.Equal(tc.expectedInstances, instances) }) } } func TestRetrieveInstance(t *testing.T) { newTestInstance := func() *computepb.Instance { return &computepb.Instance{ Name: proto.String("someInstance"), Metadata: &computepb.Metadata{ Items: []*computepb.Items{ { Key: proto.String("key-1"), Value: proto.String("value-1"), }, { Key: proto.String("key-2"), Value: proto.String("value-2"), }, }, }, NetworkInterfaces: []*computepb.NetworkInterface{ {NetworkIP: proto.String("")}, }, } } testCases := map[string]struct { client stubInstancesClient clientInstance *computepb.Instance clientInstanceMutator func(*computepb.Instance) expectedInstance core.Instance expectErr bool }{ "retrieve works": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, clientInstance: newTestInstance(), expectedInstance: core.Instance{ Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", IPs: []string{""}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, }, "retrieve with SSH key works": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, clientInstance: newTestInstance(), clientInstanceMutator: func(i *computepb.Instance) { i.Metadata.Items[0].Key = proto.String("ssh-keys") i.Metadata.Items[0].Value = proto.String("bob:ssh-rsa bobskey") }, expectedInstance: core.Instance{ Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", IPs: []string{""}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{"bob": {"ssh-rsa bobskey"}}, }, }, "retrieve with Role works": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, clientInstance: newTestInstance(), clientInstanceMutator: func(i *computepb.Instance) { i.Metadata.Items[0].Key = proto.String(core.RoleMetadataKey) i.Metadata.Items[0].Value = proto.String(role.Coordinator.String()) }, expectedInstance: core.Instance{ Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", Role: role.Coordinator, IPs: []string{""}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, }, "retrieve fails": { client: stubInstancesClient{ GetErr: errors.New("retrieve error"), }, clientInstance: nil, expectErr: true, }, "metadata item is null": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, clientInstance: newTestInstance(), clientInstanceMutator: func(i *computepb.Instance) { i.Metadata.Items[0] = nil }, expectedInstance: core.Instance{ Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", IPs: []string{""}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, }, "metadata key is null": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, clientInstance: newTestInstance(), clientInstanceMutator: func(i *computepb.Instance) { i.Metadata.Items[0].Key = nil }, expectedInstance: core.Instance{ Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", IPs: []string{""}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, }, "metadata value is null": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, clientInstance: newTestInstance(), clientInstanceMutator: func(i *computepb.Instance) { i.Metadata.Items[0].Value = nil }, expectedInstance: core.Instance{ Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", IPs: []string{""}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, }, "instance without network ip": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, clientInstance: newTestInstance(), clientInstanceMutator: func(i *computepb.Instance) { i.NetworkInterfaces[0] = nil }, expectedInstance: core.Instance{ Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", IPs: []string{}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, }, "network ip is nil": { client: stubInstancesClient{}, clientInstance: newTestInstance(), clientInstanceMutator: func(i *computepb.Instance) { i.NetworkInterfaces[0].NetworkIP = nil }, expectedInstance: core.Instance{ Name: "someInstance", ProviderID: "gce://someProject/someZone/someInstance", IPs: []string{}, SSHKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) if tc.clientInstanceMutator != nil { tc.clientInstanceMutator(tc.clientInstance) } tc.client.GetInstance = tc.clientInstance client := Client{instanceAPI: tc.client} instance, err := client.RetrieveInstance(context.Background(), "someProject", "someZone", "someInstance") if tc.expectErr { assert.Error(err) return } require.NoError(err) assert.Equal(tc.expectedInstance, instance) }) } } func TestRetrieveProjectID(t *testing.T) { someErr := errors.New("failed") testCases := map[string]struct { client stubMetadataClient expectedValue string expectErr bool }{ "retrieve works": { client: stubMetadataClient{ProjectIDValue: "someProjectID"}, expectedValue: "someProjectID", }, "retrieve fails": { client: stubMetadataClient{ProjectIDErr: someErr}, expectErr: true, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) client := Client{metadataAPI: tc.client} value, err := client.RetrieveProjectID() if tc.expectErr { assert.Error(err) return } require.NoError(err) assert.Equal(tc.expectedValue, value) }) } } func TestRetrieveZone(t *testing.T) { someErr := errors.New("failed") testCases := map[string]struct { client stubMetadataClient expectedValue string expectErr bool }{ "retrieve works": { client: stubMetadataClient{ZoneValue: "someZone"}, expectedValue: "someZone", }, "retrieve fails": { client: stubMetadataClient{ZoneErr: someErr}, expectErr: true, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) client := Client{metadataAPI: tc.client} value, err := client.RetrieveZone() if tc.expectErr { assert.Error(err) return } require.NoError(err) assert.Equal(tc.expectedValue, value) }) } } func TestRetrieveInstanceName(t *testing.T) { someErr := errors.New("failed") testCases := map[string]struct { client stubMetadataClient expectedValue string expectErr bool }{ "retrieve works": { client: stubMetadataClient{InstanceNameValue: "someInstanceName"}, expectedValue: "someInstanceName", }, "retrieve fails": { client: stubMetadataClient{InstanceNameErr: someErr}, expectErr: true, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) client := Client{metadataAPI: tc.client} value, err := client.RetrieveInstanceName() if tc.expectErr { assert.Error(err) return } require.NoError(err) assert.Equal(tc.expectedValue, value) }) } } func TestRetrieveInstanceMetadata(t *testing.T) { someErr := errors.New("failed") attr := "someAttribute" testCases := map[string]struct { client stubMetadataClient attr string expectedValue string expectErr bool }{ "retrieve works": { client: stubMetadataClient{ InstanceValue: "someValue", InstanceErr: nil, }, expectedValue: "someValue", }, "retrieve fails": { client: stubMetadataClient{ InstanceValue: "", InstanceErr: someErr, }, expectErr: true, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) client := Client{metadataAPI: tc.client} value, err := client.RetrieveInstanceMetadata(attr) if tc.expectErr { assert.Error(err) return } require.NoError(err) assert.Equal(tc.expectedValue, value) }) } } func TestSetInstanceMetadata(t *testing.T) { someErr := errors.New("failed") testCases := map[string]struct { client stubInstancesClient expectErr bool }{ "set works": { client: stubInstancesClient{ GetInstance: &computepb.Instance{ Metadata: &computepb.Metadata{ Fingerprint: proto.String("someFingerprint"), Kind: proto.String("compute#metadata"), Items: []*computepb.Items{}, }, }, }, }, "retrieve fails": { client: stubInstancesClient{ GetErr: someErr, }, expectErr: true, }, "retrieve returns nil": { expectErr: true, }, "setting fails": { client: stubInstancesClient{ GetInstance: &computepb.Instance{ Metadata: &computepb.Metadata{ Fingerprint: proto.String("someFingerprint"), Kind: proto.String("compute#metadata"), Items: []*computepb.Items{}, }, }, SetMetadataErr: someErr, }, expectErr: true, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) client := Client{instanceAPI: tc.client} err := client.SetInstanceMetadata(context.Background(), "project", "zone", "instanceName", "key", "value") if tc.expectErr { assert.Error(err) return } require.NoError(err) }) } } func TestUnsetInstanceMetadata(t *testing.T) { someErr := errors.New("failed") testCases := map[string]struct { client stubInstancesClient expectErr bool }{ "unset works": { client: stubInstancesClient{ GetInstance: &computepb.Instance{ Metadata: &computepb.Metadata{ Fingerprint: proto.String("someFingerprint"), Kind: proto.String("compute#metadata"), Items: []*computepb.Items{}, }, }, }, }, "unset with existing key works": { client: stubInstancesClient{ GetInstance: &computepb.Instance{ Metadata: &computepb.Metadata{ Fingerprint: proto.String("someFingerprint"), Kind: proto.String("compute#metadata"), Items: []*computepb.Items{ { Key: proto.String("key"), Value: proto.String("value"), }, }, }, }, }, }, "retrieve fails": { client: stubInstancesClient{GetErr: someErr}, expectErr: true, }, "retrieve returns nil": { expectErr: true, }, "setting fails": { client: stubInstancesClient{ GetInstance: &computepb.Instance{ Metadata: &computepb.Metadata{ Fingerprint: proto.String("someFingerprint"), Kind: proto.String("compute#metadata"), Items: []*computepb.Items{}, }, }, SetMetadataErr: someErr, }, expectErr: true, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) require := require.New(t) client := Client{instanceAPI: tc.client} err := client.UnsetInstanceMetadata(context.Background(), "project", "zone", "instanceName", "key") if tc.expectErr { assert.Error(err) return } require.NoError(err) }) } } func TestClose(t *testing.T) { someErr := errors.New("failed") assert := assert.New(t) client := Client{instanceAPI: stubInstancesClient{}} assert.NoError(client.Close()) client = Client{instanceAPI: stubInstancesClient{CloseErr: someErr}} assert.Error(client.Close()) } func TestFetchSSHKeys(t *testing.T) { testCases := map[string]struct { metadata map[string]string expectedKeys map[string][]string }{ "fetch works": { metadata: map[string]string{"ssh-keys": "bob:ssh-rsa bobskey"}, expectedKeys: map[string][]string{"bob": {"ssh-rsa bobskey"}}, }, "google ssh key metadata is ignored": { metadata: map[string]string{"ssh-keys": "bob:ssh-rsa bobskey google-ssh {\"userName\":\"bob\",\"expireOn\":\"2021-06-14T16:59:03+0000\"}"}, expectedKeys: map[string][]string{"bob": {"ssh-rsa bobskey"}}, }, "ssh key format error is ignored": { metadata: map[string]string{"ssh-keys": "incorrect-format"}, expectedKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, "ssh key format space error is ignored": { metadata: map[string]string{"ssh-keys": "user:incorrect-key-format"}, expectedKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, "metadata field empty": { metadata: map[string]string{"ssh-keys": ""}, expectedKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, "metadata field missing": { metadata: map[string]string{}, expectedKeys: map[string][]string{}, }, "multiple keys": { metadata: map[string]string{"ssh-keys": "bob:ssh-rsa bobskey\nalice:ssh-rsa alicekey"}, expectedKeys: map[string][]string{ "bob": {"ssh-rsa bobskey"}, "alice": {"ssh-rsa alicekey"}, }, }, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) keys := extractSSHKeys(tc.metadata) assert.Equal(tc.expectedKeys, keys) }) } } type stubInstanceIterator struct { instances []*computepb.Instance nextErr error internalCounter int } func (i *stubInstanceIterator) Next() (*computepb.Instance, error) { if i.nextErr != nil { return nil, i.nextErr } if i.internalCounter >= len(i.instances) { i.internalCounter = 0 return nil, iterator.Done } resp := i.instances[i.internalCounter] i.internalCounter++ return resp, nil } type stubInstancesClient struct { GetInstance *computepb.Instance GetErr error ListInstanceIterator InstanceIterator SetMetadataOperation *compute.Operation SetMetadataErr error CloseErr error } func (s stubInstancesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, req *computepb.GetInstanceRequest, opts ...gax.CallOption) (*computepb.Instance, error) { return s.GetInstance, s.GetErr } func (s stubInstancesClient) List(ctx context.Context, req *computepb.ListInstancesRequest, opts ...gax.CallOption) InstanceIterator { return s.ListInstanceIterator } func (s stubInstancesClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, req *computepb.SetMetadataInstanceRequest, opts ...gax.CallOption) (*compute.Operation, error) { return s.SetMetadataOperation, s.SetMetadataErr } func (s stubInstancesClient) Close() error { return s.CloseErr } type stubMetadataClient struct { InstanceValue string InstanceErr error ProjectIDValue string ProjectIDErr error ZoneValue string ZoneErr error InstanceNameValue string InstanceNameErr error } func (s stubMetadataClient) InstanceAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) { return s.InstanceValue, s.InstanceErr } func (s stubMetadataClient) ProjectID() (string, error) { return s.ProjectIDValue, s.ProjectIDErr } func (s stubMetadataClient) Zone() (string, error) { return s.ZoneValue, s.ZoneErr } func (s stubMetadataClient) InstanceName() (string, error) { return s.InstanceNameValue, s.InstanceNameErr }