# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.5-labs FROM alpine:3.17.3@sha256:b6ca290b6b4cdcca5b3db3ffa338ee0285c11744b4a6abaa9627746ee3291d8d as builder ADD --checksum=sha256:11968a8b706095a081ac30168849b351b0263a6df5c224119aa914d7e5afb0c1 \ https://github.com/reproducible-containers/repro-get/releases/download/v0.3.0/repro-get-v0.3.0.linux-amd64 \ /usr/bin/repro-get RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/repro-get RUN apk update && apk add \ alpine-base \ libvirt-dev \ abuild WORKDIR /out # Dump the hashes of the installed packages RUN repro-get hash generate > SHA256SUMS # Export the apks RUN repro-get cache export repository-apk # Sort the hashes RUN sort -k2 -o SHA256SUMS SHA256SUMS FROM scratch as output COPY --from=builder /out/SHA256SUMS SHA256SUMS-apk-amd64 COPY --from=builder /out/repository-apk repository-apk