Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

Package validation provides a unified document validation interface for use within the Constellation CLI.

It validates documents that specify a set of constraints on their content.
package validation

import (

// ErrStrategy is the strategy to use when encountering an error during validation.
type ErrStrategy int

const (
	// EvaluateAll continues evaluating all constraints even if one is not satisfied.
	EvaluateAll ErrStrategy = iota
	// FailFast stops validation on the first error.

// NewValidator creates a new Validator.
func NewValidator() *Validator {
	return &Validator{}

// Validator validates documents.
type Validator struct{}

// Validatable is implemented by documents that can be validated.
// It returns a list of constraints that must be satisfied for the document to be valid.
type Validatable interface {
	Constraints() []*Constraint

// ValidateOptions are the options to use when validating a document.
type ValidateOptions struct {
	// ErrStrategy is the strategy to use when encountering an error during validation.
	ErrStrategy ErrStrategy
	// OverrideConstraints overrides the constraints to use for validation.
	// If nil, the constraints returned by the document are used.
	OverrideConstraints func() []*Constraint

// Validate validates a document using the given options.
func (v *Validator) Validate(doc Validatable, opts ValidateOptions) error {
	var constraints func() []*Constraint
	if opts.OverrideConstraints != nil {
		constraints = opts.OverrideConstraints
	} else {
		constraints = doc.Constraints

	var retErr error
	for _, c := range constraints() {
		if err := c.Satisfied(); err != nil {
			if opts.ErrStrategy == FailFast {
				return err
			retErr = errors.Join(retErr, err)
	return retErr