variable "name" { type = string description = "Name of the Constellation cluster." } variable "project" { type = string description = "The project ID to deploy the cluster to." } variable "service_account_id" { type = string description = "The service account ID to use for the cluster." } variable "image" { type = string description = "Node image reference or semantic release version. When not set, the latest default version will be used." default = "@@CONSTELLATION_VERSION@@" } variable "microservice_version" { type = string description = "Microservice version. When not set, the latest default version will be used." default = "" } variable "kubernetes_version" { type = string description = "Kubernetes version. When not set, the latest default version will be used." default = "" } variable "node_groups" { type = map(object({ role = string initial_count = optional(number) instance_type = string disk_size = number disk_type = string zone = string })) description = "A map of node group names to node group configurations." validation { condition = can([for group in var.node_groups : group.role == "control-plane" || group.role == "worker"]) error_message = "The role has to be 'control-plane' or 'worker'." } } variable "zone" { type = string description = "The availability zone name to create the cluster in." } variable "debug" { type = bool default = false description = "DON'T USE IN PRODUCTION: Enable debug mode and allow the use of debug images." } variable "custom_endpoint" { type = string default = "" description = "Custom endpoint (DNS Name) to use for the Constellation API server. If not set, the default endpoint will be used." } variable "internal_load_balancer" { type = bool default = false description = "Use an internal load balancer." }