/* Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ package provider import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "time" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/atls" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/attestation/choose" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/attestation/variant" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/cloud/azureshared" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/cloud/cloudprovider" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/compatibility" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/config" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constants" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constellation" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constellation/helm" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constellation/kubecmd" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constellation/state" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/grpc/dialer" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/kms/uri" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/license" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/semver" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/versions" datastruct "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/terraform-provider-constellation/internal/data" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework-validators/stringvalidator" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/diag" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/path" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/planmodifier" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/stringplanmodifier" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/schema/validator" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types/basetypes" "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-log/tflog" ) var ( // Ensure provider defined types fully satisfy framework interfaces. _ resource.Resource = &ClusterResource{} _ resource.ResourceWithImportState = &ClusterResource{} _ resource.ResourceWithModifyPlan = &ClusterResource{} _ resource.ResourceWithValidateConfig = &ClusterResource{} cidrRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\/\d{1,2}$`) hexRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9a-fA-F]+$`) base64Regex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[-A-Za-z0-9+/]*={0,3}$`) ) // NewClusterResource creates a new cluster resource. func NewClusterResource() resource.Resource { return &ClusterResource{} } // ClusterResource defines the resource implementation. type ClusterResource struct { providerData datastruct.ProviderData newApplier func(ctx context.Context, validator atls.Validator) *constellation.Applier } // ClusterResourceModel describes the resource data model. type ClusterResourceModel struct { Name types.String `tfsdk:"name"` CSP types.String `tfsdk:"csp"` UID types.String `tfsdk:"uid"` Image types.Object `tfsdk:"image"` KubernetesVersion types.String `tfsdk:"kubernetes_version"` MicroserviceVersion types.String `tfsdk:"constellation_microservice_version"` OutOfClusterEndpoint types.String `tfsdk:"out_of_cluster_endpoint"` InClusterEndpoint types.String `tfsdk:"in_cluster_endpoint"` ExtraMicroservices types.Object `tfsdk:"extra_microservices"` APIServerCertSANs types.List `tfsdk:"api_server_cert_sans"` NetworkConfig types.Object `tfsdk:"network_config"` MasterSecret types.String `tfsdk:"master_secret"` MasterSecretSalt types.String `tfsdk:"master_secret_salt"` MeasurementSalt types.String `tfsdk:"measurement_salt"` InitSecret types.String `tfsdk:"init_secret"` LicenseID types.String `tfsdk:"license_id"` Attestation types.Object `tfsdk:"attestation"` GCP types.Object `tfsdk:"gcp"` Azure types.Object `tfsdk:"azure"` OwnerID types.String `tfsdk:"owner_id"` ClusterID types.String `tfsdk:"cluster_id"` KubeConfig types.String `tfsdk:"kubeconfig"` } // networkConfigAttribute is the network config attribute's data model. // needs basetypes because the struct might be used in ValidateConfig where these values might still be unknown. A go string type cannot handle unknown values. type networkConfigAttribute struct { IPCidrNode basetypes.StringValue `tfsdk:"ip_cidr_node"` IPCidrPod basetypes.StringValue `tfsdk:"ip_cidr_pod"` IPCidrService basetypes.StringValue `tfsdk:"ip_cidr_service"` } // gcpAttribute is the gcp attribute's data model. type gcpAttribute struct { // ServiceAccountKey is the private key of the service account used within the cluster. ServiceAccountKey string `tfsdk:"service_account_key"` ProjectID string `tfsdk:"project_id"` } // azureAttribute is the azure attribute's data model. type azureAttribute struct { TenantID string `tfsdk:"tenant_id"` Location string `tfsdk:"location"` UamiClientID string `tfsdk:"uami_client_id"` UamiResourceID string `tfsdk:"uami_resource_id"` ResourceGroup string `tfsdk:"resource_group"` SubscriptionID string `tfsdk:"subscription_id"` NetworkSecurityGroupName string `tfsdk:"network_security_group_name"` LoadBalancerName string `tfsdk:"load_balancer_name"` } // extraMicroservicesAttribute is the extra microservices attribute's data model. type extraMicroservicesAttribute struct { CSIDriver bool `tfsdk:"csi_driver"` } // Metadata returns the metadata of the resource. func (r *ClusterResource) Metadata(_ context.Context, req resource.MetadataRequest, resp *resource.MetadataResponse) { resp.TypeName = req.ProviderTypeName + "_cluster" } // Schema returns the schema of the resource. func (r *ClusterResource) Schema(_ context.Context, _ resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) { resp.Schema = schema.Schema{ MarkdownDescription: "Resource for a Constellation cluster.", Description: "Resource for a Constellation cluster.", Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{ // Input attributes "name": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Name used in the cluster's named resources / cluster name.", Description: "Name used in the cluster's named resources / cluster name.", Required: true, // TODO: Make optional and default to Constell. }, "csp": newCSPAttributeSchema(), "uid": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "The UID of the cluster.", Description: "The UID of the cluster.", Required: true, }, "image": newImageAttributeSchema(attributeInput), "kubernetes_version": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: fmt.Sprintf("The Kubernetes version to use for the cluster. The supported versions are %s.", versions.SupportedK8sVersions()), Description: fmt.Sprintf("The Kubernetes version to use for the cluster. The supported versions are %s.", versions.SupportedK8sVersions()), Required: true, }, "constellation_microservice_version": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "The version of Constellation's microservices used within the cluster.", Description: "The version of Constellation's microservices used within the cluster.", Required: true, }, "out_of_cluster_endpoint": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "The endpoint of the cluster. Typically, this is the public IP of a loadbalancer.", Description: "The endpoint of the cluster. Typically, this is the public IP of a loadbalancer.", Required: true, }, "in_cluster_endpoint": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "The endpoint of the cluster. When not set, the out-of-cluster endpoint is used.", Description: "The endpoint of the cluster. When not set, the out-of-cluster endpoint is used.", Optional: true, }, "extra_microservices": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Extra microservice settings.", Description: "Extra microservice settings.", Optional: true, Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{ "csi_driver": schema.BoolAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Enable Constellation's [encrypted CSI driver](https://docs.edgeless.systems/constellation/workflows/storage).", Description: "Enable Constellation's encrypted CSI driver.", Required: true, }, }, }, "api_server_cert_sans": schema.ListAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "List of Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for the API server certificate. Usually, this will be" + " the out-of-cluster endpoint and the in-cluster endpoint, if existing.", Description: "List of Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for the API server certificate.", ElementType: types.StringType, Optional: true, }, "network_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Configuration for the cluster's network.", Description: "Configuration for the cluster's network.", Required: true, Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{ "ip_cidr_node": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "CIDR range of the cluster's node network.", Description: "CIDR range of the cluster's node network.", Required: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.RegexMatches(cidrRegex, "Node IP CIDR must be a valid CIDR range."), }, }, "ip_cidr_pod": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "CIDR range of the cluster's pod network. Only required for clusters running on GCP.", Description: "CIDR range of the cluster's pod network. Only required for clusters running on GCP.", Optional: true, }, "ip_cidr_service": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "CIDR range of the cluster's service network.", Description: "CIDR range of the cluster's service network.", Required: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.RegexMatches(cidrRegex, "Service IP CIDR must be a valid CIDR range."), }, }, }, }, "master_secret": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Hex-encoded 32-byte master secret for the cluster.", Description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte master secret for the cluster.", Required: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.LengthBetween(64, 64), stringvalidator.RegexMatches(hexRegex, "Master secret must be a hex-encoded 32-byte value."), }, }, "master_secret_salt": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Hex-encoded 32-byte master secret salt for the cluster.", Description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte master secret salt for the cluster.", Required: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.LengthBetween(64, 64), stringvalidator.RegexMatches(hexRegex, "Master secret salt must be a hex-encoded 32-byte value."), }, }, "measurement_salt": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Hex-encoded 32-byte measurement salt for the cluster.", Description: "Hex-encoded 32-byte measurement salt for the cluster.", Required: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.LengthBetween(64, 64), stringvalidator.RegexMatches(hexRegex, "Measurement salt must be a hex-encoded 32-byte value."), }, }, "init_secret": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Secret used for initialization of the cluster.", Description: "Secret used for initialization of the cluster.", Required: true, }, "license_id": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Constellation license ID. When not set, the community license is used.", Description: "Constellation license ID. When not set, the community license is used.", Optional: true, }, "attestation": newAttestationConfigAttributeSchema(attributeInput), // CSP specific inputs "gcp": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "GCP-specific configuration.", Description: "GCP-specific configuration.", Optional: true, Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{ "service_account_key": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Base64-encoded private key JSON object of the service account used within the cluster.", Description: "Base64-encoded private key JSON object of the service account used within the cluster.", Required: true, Validators: []validator.String{ stringvalidator.RegexMatches(base64Regex, "Service account key must be a base64-encoded JSON object."), }, }, "project_id": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "ID of the GCP project the cluster resides in.", Description: "ID of the GCP project the cluster resides in.", Required: true, }, }, }, "azure": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Azure-specific configuration.", Description: "Azure-specific configuration.", Optional: true, Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{ "tenant_id": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Tenant ID of the Azure account.", Description: "Tenant ID of the Azure account.", Required: true, }, "location": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Azure Location of the cluster.", Description: "Azure Location of the cluster.", Required: true, }, "uami_client_id": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Client ID of the User assigned managed identity (UAMI) used within the cluster.", Description: "Client ID of the User assigned managed identity (UAMI) used within the cluster.", Required: true, }, "uami_resource_id": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Resource ID of the User assigned managed identity (UAMI) used within the cluster.", Description: "Resource ID of the User assigned managed identity (UAMI) used within the cluster.", Required: true, }, "resource_group": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Name of the Azure resource group the cluster resides in.", Description: "Name of the Azure resource group the cluster resides in.", Required: true, }, "subscription_id": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "ID of the Azure subscription the cluster resides in.", Description: "ID of the Azure subscription the cluster resides in.", Required: true, }, "network_security_group_name": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Name of the Azure network security group used for the cluster.", Description: "Name of the Azure network security group used for the cluster.", Required: true, }, "load_balancer_name": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "Name of the Azure load balancer used by the cluster.", Description: "Name of the Azure load balancer used by the cluster.", Required: true, }, }, }, // Computed (output) attributes "owner_id": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "The owner ID of the cluster.", Description: "The owner ID of the cluster.", Computed: true, PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{ // We know that this value will never change after creation, so we can use the state value for upgrades. stringplanmodifier.UseStateForUnknown(), }, }, "cluster_id": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "The cluster ID of the cluster.", Description: "The cluster ID of the cluster.", Computed: true, PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{ // We know that this value will never change after creation, so we can use the state value for upgrades. stringplanmodifier.UseStateForUnknown(), }, }, "kubeconfig": schema.StringAttribute{ MarkdownDescription: "The kubeconfig of the cluster.", Description: "The kubeconfig of the cluster.", Computed: true, Sensitive: true, PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{ // We know that this value will never change after creation, so we can use the state value for upgrades. stringplanmodifier.UseStateForUnknown(), }, }, }, } } // ValidateConfig validates the configuration for the resource. func (r *ClusterResource) ValidateConfig(ctx context.Context, req resource.ValidateConfigRequest, resp *resource.ValidateConfigResponse) { var data ClusterResourceModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Config.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } // Azure Config is required for Azure if strings.EqualFold(data.CSP.ValueString(), cloudprovider.Azure.String()) && data.Azure.IsNull() { resp.Diagnostics.AddAttributeError( path.Root("azure"), "Azure configuration missing", "When csp is set to 'azure', the 'azure' configuration must be set.", ) } // Azure Config should not be set for other CSPs if !strings.EqualFold(data.CSP.ValueString(), cloudprovider.Azure.String()) && !data.Azure.IsNull() { resp.Diagnostics.AddAttributeWarning( path.Root("azure"), "Azure configuration not allowed", "When csp is not set to 'azure', setting the 'azure' configuration has no effect.", ) } // GCP Config is required for GCP if strings.EqualFold(data.CSP.ValueString(), cloudprovider.GCP.String()) && data.GCP.IsNull() { resp.Diagnostics.AddAttributeError( path.Root("gcp"), "GCP configuration missing", "When csp is set to 'gcp', the 'gcp' configuration must be set.", ) } // GCP Config should not be set for other CSPs if !strings.EqualFold(data.CSP.ValueString(), cloudprovider.GCP.String()) && !data.GCP.IsNull() { resp.Diagnostics.AddAttributeWarning( path.Root("gcp"), "GCP configuration not allowed", "When csp is not set to 'gcp', setting the 'gcp' configuration has no effect.", ) } } // Configure configures the resource. func (r *ClusterResource) Configure(_ context.Context, req resource.ConfigureRequest, resp *resource.ConfigureResponse) { // Prevent panic if the provider has not been configured. if req.ProviderData == nil { return } var ok bool r.providerData, ok = req.ProviderData.(datastruct.ProviderData) if !ok { resp.Diagnostics.AddError( "Unexpected Resource Configure Type", fmt.Sprintf("Expected datastruct.ProviderData, got: %T. Please report this issue to the provider developers.", req.ProviderData), ) return } newDialer := func(validator atls.Validator) *dialer.Dialer { return dialer.New(nil, validator, &net.Dialer{}) } r.newApplier = func(ctx context.Context, validator atls.Validator) *constellation.Applier { return constellation.NewApplier(&tfContextLogger{ctx: ctx}, &nopSpinner{}, constellation.ApplyContextTerraform, newDialer) } } // ModifyPlan is called when the resource is planned for creation, updates, or deletion. This allows to set pre-apply // warnings and errors. func (r *ClusterResource) ModifyPlan(ctx context.Context, req resource.ModifyPlanRequest, resp *resource.ModifyPlanResponse) { if req.Plan.Raw.IsNull() { return } // Read plannedState supplied by Terraform runtime into the model var plannedState ClusterResourceModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Plan.Get(ctx, &plannedState)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } licenseID := plannedState.LicenseID.ValueString() if licenseID == "" { resp.Diagnostics.AddWarning("Constellation license ID not set.", "Continuing with community license.") } if licenseID == license.CommunityLicense { resp.Diagnostics.AddWarning("Using community license.", "For details, see https://docs.edgeless.systems/constellation/overview/license") } // Validate during plan. Must be done in ModifyPlan to read provider data. // See https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/plugin/framework/resources/configure#define-resource-configure-method. _, diags := r.getMicroserviceVersion(&plannedState) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...) _, _, diags = r.getImageVersion(ctx, &plannedState) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } // Checks running on updates to the resource. (i.e. state and plan != nil) if !req.State.Raw.IsNull() { // Read currentState supplied by Terraform runtime into the model var currentState ClusterResourceModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, ¤tState)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } // Warn the user about possibly destructive changes in case microservice changes are to be applied. currVer, diags := r.getMicroserviceVersion(¤tState) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } plannedVer, diags := r.getMicroserviceVersion(&plannedState) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } if currVer.Compare(plannedVer) != 0 { // if versions are not equal resp.Diagnostics.AddWarning("Microservice version change", "Changing the microservice version can be a destructive operation.\n"+ "Upgrading cert-manager will destroy all custom resources you have manually created that are based on the current version of cert-manager.\n"+ "It is recommended to backup the cluster's CRDs before applying this change.") } } } // Create is called when the resource is created. func (r *ClusterResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) { // Read data supplied by Terraform runtime into the model var data ClusterResourceModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Plan.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } // Apply changes to the cluster, including the init RPC and skipping the node upgrade. diags := r.apply(ctx, &data, false, true) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } // Save data into Terraform state resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &data)...) } // Read is called when the resource is read or refreshed. func (r *ClusterResource) Read(ctx context.Context, req resource.ReadRequest, resp *resource.ReadResponse) { // Read Terraform prior state data into the model var data ClusterResourceModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } // All Calls to the Constellation API are idempotent, thus we don't need to implement reading. // Alternatively, we could: // Retrieve more up-to-date data from the cluster. e.g.: // - CSI Driver enabled? // - Kubernetes version? // - Microservice version? // - Attestation Config? // Save updated data into Terraform state resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &data)...) } // Update is called when the resource is updated. func (r *ClusterResource) Update(ctx context.Context, req resource.UpdateRequest, resp *resource.UpdateResponse) { // Read Terraform plan data into the model var data ClusterResourceModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.Plan.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } // Apply changes to the cluster, skipping the init RPC. diags := r.apply(ctx, &data, true, false) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } // Save updated data into Terraform state resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.Set(ctx, &data)...) } // Delete is called when the resource is destroyed. func (r *ClusterResource) Delete(ctx context.Context, req resource.DeleteRequest, resp *resource.DeleteResponse) { // Read Terraform prior state data into the model var data ClusterResourceModel resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &data)...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } } // ImportState imports to the resource. func (r *ClusterResource) ImportState(ctx context.Context, req resource.ImportStateRequest, resp *resource.ImportStateResponse) { expectedSchemaMsg := fmt.Sprintf( "Expected URI of schema '%s://?%s=<...>&%s=<...>&%s=<...>&%s=<...>'", constants.ConstellationClusterURIScheme, constants.KubeConfigURIKey, constants.ClusterEndpointURIKey, constants.MasterSecretURIKey, constants.MasterSecretSaltURIKey) uri, err := url.Parse(req.ID) if err != nil { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: %s.\n%s", err, expectedSchemaMsg)) return } if uri.Scheme != constants.ConstellationClusterURIScheme { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: Invalid scheme '%s'.\n%s", uri.Scheme, expectedSchemaMsg)) return } // Parse query parameters query := uri.Query() kubeConfig := query.Get(constants.KubeConfigURIKey) clusterEndpoint := query.Get(constants.ClusterEndpointURIKey) masterSecret := query.Get(constants.MasterSecretURIKey) masterSecretSalt := query.Get(constants.MasterSecretSaltURIKey) if kubeConfig == "" { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: Missing query parameter '%s'.\n%s", constants.KubeConfigURIKey, expectedSchemaMsg)) return } if clusterEndpoint == "" { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: Missing query parameter '%s'.\n%s", constants.ClusterEndpointURIKey, expectedSchemaMsg)) return } if masterSecret == "" { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: Missing query parameter '%s'.\n%s", constants.MasterSecretURIKey, expectedSchemaMsg)) return } if masterSecretSalt == "" { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: Missing query parameter '%s'.\n%s", constants.MasterSecretSaltURIKey, expectedSchemaMsg)) return } decodedKubeConfig, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(kubeConfig) if err != nil { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: Decoding base64-encoded kubeconfig: %s.", err)) return } // Sanity checks for master secret and master secret salt if _, err := hex.DecodeString(masterSecret); err != nil { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: Decoding hex-encoded master secret: %s.", err)) return } if _, err := hex.DecodeString(masterSecretSalt); err != nil { resp.Diagnostics.AddError("Parsing cluster URI", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing cluster URI: Decoding hex-encoded master secret salt: %s.", err)) return } resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.SetAttribute(ctx, path.Root("kubeconfig"), string(decodedKubeConfig))...) resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.SetAttribute(ctx, path.Root("out_of_cluster_endpoint"), clusterEndpoint)...) resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.SetAttribute(ctx, path.Root("master_secret"), masterSecret)...) resp.Diagnostics.Append(resp.State.SetAttribute(ctx, path.Root("master_secret_salt"), masterSecretSalt)...) } func (r *ClusterResource) validateGCPNetworkConfig(ctx context.Context, data *ClusterResourceModel) diag.Diagnostics { networkCfg, diags := r.getNetworkConfig(ctx, data) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // Pod IP CIDR is required for GCP if strings.EqualFold(data.CSP.ValueString(), cloudprovider.GCP.String()) && networkCfg.IPCidrPod.ValueString() == "" { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("network_config").AtName("ip_cidr_pod"), "Pod IP CIDR missing", "When csp is set to 'gcp', 'ip_cidr_pod' must be set.", ) } // Pod IP CIDR should not be set for other CSPs if !strings.EqualFold(data.CSP.ValueString(), cloudprovider.GCP.String()) && networkCfg.IPCidrPod.ValueString() != "" { diags.AddAttributeWarning( path.Root("network_config").AtName("ip_cidr_pod"), "Pod IP CIDR not allowed", "When csp is not set to 'gcp', setting 'ip_cidr_pod' has no effect.", ) } // Pod IP CIDR should be a valid CIDR on GCP if strings.EqualFold(data.CSP.ValueString(), cloudprovider.GCP.String()) && !cidrRegex.MatchString(networkCfg.IPCidrPod.ValueString()) { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("network_config").AtName("ip_pod_cidr"), "Invalid CIDR range", "Pod IP CIDR must be a valid CIDR range.", ) } return diags } // apply applies changes to a cluster. It can be used for both creating and updating a cluster. // This implements the core part of the Create and Update methods. func (r *ClusterResource) apply(ctx context.Context, data *ClusterResourceModel, skipInitRPC, skipNodeUpgrade bool) diag.Diagnostics { diags := diag.Diagnostics{} // Parse and convert values from the Terraform state // to formats the Constellation library can work with. convertDiags := r.validateGCPNetworkConfig(ctx, data) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } csp := cloudprovider.FromString(data.CSP.ValueString()) // parse attestation config att, convertDiags := r.convertAttestationConfig(ctx, *data) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // parse secrets (i.e. measurement salt, master secret, etc.) secrets, convertDiags := r.convertSecrets(*data) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // parse API server certificate SANs apiServerCertSANs, convertDiags := r.getAPIServerCertSANs(ctx, data) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // parse network config networkCfg, getDiags := r.getNetworkConfig(ctx, data) diags.Append(getDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // parse Constellation microservice config var microserviceCfg extraMicroservicesAttribute convertDiags = data.ExtraMicroservices.As(ctx, µserviceCfg, basetypes.ObjectAsOptions{ UnhandledNullAsEmpty: true, // we want to allow null values, as the CSIDriver field is optional }) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // parse Constellation microservice version microserviceVersion, convertDiags := r.getMicroserviceVersion(data) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // parse Kubernetes version k8sVersion, getDiags := r.getK8sVersion(data) diags.Append(getDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // parse OS image version image, imageSemver, convertDiags := r.getImageVersion(ctx, data) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } // parse license ID licenseID := data.LicenseID.ValueString() if licenseID == "" { licenseID = license.CommunityLicense } // license ID can be base64-encoded licenseIDFromB64, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(licenseID) if err == nil { licenseID = string(licenseIDFromB64) } // Parse in-cluster service account info. serviceAccPayload := constellation.ServiceAccountPayload{} var gcpConfig gcpAttribute var azureConfig azureAttribute switch csp { case cloudprovider.GCP: convertDiags = data.GCP.As(ctx, &gcpConfig, basetypes.ObjectAsOptions{}) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } decodedSaKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(gcpConfig.ServiceAccountKey) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("gcp").AtName("service_account_key"), "Decoding service account key", fmt.Sprintf("Decoding base64-encoded service account key: %s", err)) return diags } if err := json.Unmarshal(decodedSaKey, &serviceAccPayload.GCP); err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("gcp").AtName("service_account_key"), "Unmarshalling service account key", fmt.Sprintf("Unmarshalling service account key: %s", err)) return diags } case cloudprovider.Azure: convertDiags = data.Azure.As(ctx, &azureConfig, basetypes.ObjectAsOptions{}) diags.Append(convertDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } serviceAccPayload.Azure = azureshared.ApplicationCredentials{ TenantID: azureConfig.TenantID, Location: azureConfig.Location, PreferredAuthMethod: azureshared.AuthMethodUserAssignedIdentity, UamiResourceID: azureConfig.UamiResourceID, } } serviceAccURI, err := constellation.MarshalServiceAccountURI(csp, serviceAccPayload) if err != nil { diags.AddError("Marshalling service account URI", err.Error()) return diags } // we want to fall back to outOfClusterEndpoint if inClusterEndpoint is not set. inClusterEndpoint := data.InClusterEndpoint.ValueString() if inClusterEndpoint == "" { inClusterEndpoint = data.OutOfClusterEndpoint.ValueString() } // setup clients validator, err := choose.Validator(att.config, &tfContextLogger{ctx: ctx}) if err != nil { diags.AddError("Choosing validator", err.Error()) return diags } applier := r.newApplier(ctx, validator) // Construct in-memory state file stateFile := state.New().SetInfrastructure(state.Infrastructure{ UID: data.UID.ValueString(), ClusterEndpoint: data.OutOfClusterEndpoint.ValueString(), InClusterEndpoint: inClusterEndpoint, InitSecret: []byte(data.InitSecret.ValueString()), APIServerCertSANs: apiServerCertSANs, Name: data.Name.ValueString(), IPCidrNode: networkCfg.IPCidrNode.ValueString(), }) switch csp { case cloudprovider.Azure: stateFile.Infrastructure.Azure = &state.Azure{ ResourceGroup: azureConfig.ResourceGroup, SubscriptionID: azureConfig.SubscriptionID, NetworkSecurityGroupName: azureConfig.NetworkSecurityGroupName, LoadBalancerName: azureConfig.LoadBalancerName, UserAssignedIdentity: azureConfig.UamiClientID, AttestationURL: att.maaURL, } case cloudprovider.GCP: stateFile.Infrastructure.GCP = &state.GCP{ ProjectID: gcpConfig.ProjectID, IPCidrPod: networkCfg.IPCidrPod.ValueString(), } } // Check license quota, err := applier.CheckLicense(ctx, csp, !skipInitRPC, licenseID) if err != nil { diags.AddWarning("Unable to contact license server.", "Please keep your vCPU quota in mind.") } else if licenseID == license.CommunityLicense { diags.AddWarning("Using community license.", "For details, see https://docs.edgeless.systems/constellation/overview/license") } else { tflog.Info(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Please keep your vCPU quota (%d) in mind.", quota)) } // Now, we perform the actual applying. // Run init RPC var initDiags diag.Diagnostics if !skipInitRPC { // run the init RPC and retrieve the post-init state initRPCPayload := initRPCPayload{ csp: csp, masterSecret: secrets.masterSecret, measurementSalt: secrets.measurementSalt, apiServerCertSANs: apiServerCertSANs, azureCfg: azureConfig, gcpCfg: gcpConfig, networkCfg: networkCfg, maaURL: att.maaURL, k8sVersion: k8sVersion, inClusterEndpoint: inClusterEndpoint, } initDiags = r.runInitRPC(ctx, applier, initRPCPayload, data, validator, stateFile) diags.Append(initDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } } // Here, we either have the post-init values from the actual init RPC // or, if performing an upgrade and skipping the init RPC, we have the // values from the Terraform state. stateFile.SetClusterValues(state.ClusterValues{ ClusterID: data.ClusterID.ValueString(), OwnerID: data.OwnerID.ValueString(), MeasurementSalt: secrets.measurementSalt, }) // Kubeconfig is in the state by now. Either through the init RPC or through // already being in the state. if err := applier.SetKubeConfig([]byte(data.KubeConfig.ValueString())); err != nil { diags.AddError("Setting kubeconfig", err.Error()) return diags } // Apply attestation config if err := applier.ApplyJoinConfig(ctx, att.config, secrets.measurementSalt); err != nil { diags.AddError("Applying attestation config", err.Error()) return diags } // Extend API Server Certificate SANs if err := applier.ExtendClusterConfigCertSANs(ctx, data.OutOfClusterEndpoint.ValueString(), "", apiServerCertSANs); err != nil { diags.AddError("Extending API server certificate SANs", err.Error()) return diags } // Apply Helm Charts payload := applyHelmChartsPayload{ csp: cloudprovider.FromString(data.CSP.ValueString()), attestationVariant: att.variant, k8sVersion: k8sVersion, microserviceVersion: microserviceVersion, DeployCSIDriver: microserviceCfg.CSIDriver, masterSecret: secrets.masterSecret, serviceAccURI: serviceAccURI, } helmDiags := r.applyHelmCharts(ctx, applier, payload, stateFile) diags.Append(helmDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return diags } if !skipNodeUpgrade { // Upgrade node image err = applier.UpgradeNodeImage(ctx, imageSemver, image.Reference, false) var upgradeImageErr *compatibility.InvalidUpgradeError switch { case errors.Is(err, kubecmd.ErrInProgress): diags.AddWarning("Skipping OS image upgrade", "Another upgrade is already in progress.") case errors.As(err, &upgradeImageErr): diags.AddWarning("Ignoring invalid OS image upgrade", err.Error()) case err != nil: diags.AddError("Upgrading OS image", err.Error()) return diags } // Upgrade Kubernetes components err = applier.UpgradeKubernetesVersion(ctx, k8sVersion, false) var upgradeK8sErr *compatibility.InvalidUpgradeError switch { case errors.As(err, &upgradeK8sErr): diags.AddWarning("Ignoring invalid Kubernetes components upgrade", err.Error()) case err != nil: diags.AddError("Upgrading Kubernetes components", err.Error()) return diags } } return diags } func (r *ClusterResource) getImageVersion(ctx context.Context, data *ClusterResourceModel) (imageAttribute, semver.Semver, diag.Diagnostics) { var image imageAttribute diags := data.Image.As(ctx, &image, basetypes.ObjectAsOptions{}) if diags.HasError() { return imageAttribute{}, semver.Semver{}, diags } imageSemver, err := semver.New(image.Version) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("image").AtName("version"), "Invalid image version", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing image version (%s): %s", image.Version, err)) return imageAttribute{}, semver.Semver{}, diags } if err := compatibility.BinaryWith(r.providerData.Version.String(), imageSemver.String()); err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("image").AtName("version"), "Invalid image version", fmt.Sprintf("Image version (%s) incompatible with provider version (%s): %s", image.Version, r.providerData.Version.String(), err)) } return image, imageSemver, diags } // initRPCPayload groups the data required to run the init RPC. type initRPCPayload struct { csp cloudprovider.Provider // cloud service provider the cluster runs on. masterSecret uri.MasterSecret // master secret of the cluster. measurementSalt []byte // measurement salt of the cluster. apiServerCertSANs []string // additional SANs to add to the API server certificate. azureCfg azureAttribute // Azure-specific configuration. gcpCfg gcpAttribute // GCP-specific configuration. networkCfg networkConfigAttribute // network configuration of the cluster. maaURL string // URL of the MAA service. Only used for Azure clusters. k8sVersion versions.ValidK8sVersion // Kubernetes version of the cluster. // Internal Endpoint of the cluster. // If no internal LB is used, this should be the same as the out-of-cluster endpoint. inClusterEndpoint string } // runInitRPC runs the init RPC on the cluster. func (r *ClusterResource) runInitRPC(ctx context.Context, applier *constellation.Applier, payload initRPCPayload, data *ClusterResourceModel, validator atls.Validator, stateFile *state.State, ) diag.Diagnostics { diags := diag.Diagnostics{} clusterLogs := &bytes.Buffer{} initOutput, err := applier.Init( ctx, validator, stateFile, clusterLogs, constellation.InitPayload{ MasterSecret: payload.masterSecret, MeasurementSalt: payload.measurementSalt, K8sVersion: payload.k8sVersion, ConformanceMode: false, // Conformance mode does't need to be configurable through the TF provider for now. ServiceCIDR: payload.networkCfg.IPCidrService.ValueString(), }) if err != nil { var nonRetriable *constellation.NonRetriableInitError if errors.As(err, &nonRetriable) { diags.AddError("Cluster initialization failed.", fmt.Sprintf("This error is not recoverable. Clean up the cluster's infrastructure resources and try again.\nError: %s", err)) if nonRetriable.LogCollectionErr != nil { diags.AddError("Bootstrapper log collection failed.", fmt.Sprintf("Failed to collect logs from bootstrapper: %s\n", nonRetriable.LogCollectionErr)) } else { diags.AddWarning("Cluster log collection succeeded.", clusterLogs.String()) } } else { diags.AddError("Cluster initialization failed.", fmt.Sprintf("You might try to apply the resource again.\nError: %s", err)) } return diags } // Save data from init response into the Terraform state data.KubeConfig = types.StringValue(string(initOutput.Kubeconfig)) data.ClusterID = types.StringValue(initOutput.ClusterID) data.OwnerID = types.StringValue(initOutput.OwnerID) return diags } // applyHelmChartsPayload groups the data required to apply the Helm charts. type applyHelmChartsPayload struct { csp cloudprovider.Provider // cloud service provider the cluster runs on. attestationVariant variant.Variant // attestation variant used on the cluster's nodes. k8sVersion versions.ValidK8sVersion // Kubernetes version of the cluster. microserviceVersion semver.Semver // version of the Constellation microservices used on the cluster. DeployCSIDriver bool // Whether to deploy the CSI driver. masterSecret uri.MasterSecret // master secret of the cluster. serviceAccURI string // URI of the service account used within the cluster. } // applyHelmCharts applies the Helm charts to the cluster. func (r *ClusterResource) applyHelmCharts(ctx context.Context, applier *constellation.Applier, payload applyHelmChartsPayload, state *state.State, ) diag.Diagnostics { diags := diag.Diagnostics{} options := helm.Options{ CSP: payload.csp, AttestationVariant: payload.attestationVariant, K8sVersion: payload.k8sVersion, MicroserviceVersion: payload.microserviceVersion, DeployCSIDriver: payload.DeployCSIDriver, Force: false, Conformance: false, // Conformance mode does't need to be configurable through the TF provider for now. HelmWaitMode: helm.WaitModeAtomic, ApplyTimeout: 10 * time.Minute, // Allow destructive changes to the cluster. // The user has previously been warned about this when planning a microservice version change. AllowDestructive: helm.AllowDestructive, } executor, _, err := applier.PrepareHelmCharts(options, state, payload.serviceAccURI, payload.masterSecret, nil) var upgradeErr *compatibility.InvalidUpgradeError if err != nil { if !errors.As(err, &upgradeErr) { diags.AddError("Upgrading microservices", err.Error()) return diags } diags.AddWarning("Ignoring invalid microservice upgrade(s)", err.Error()) } if err := executor.Apply(ctx); err != nil { diags.AddError("Applying Helm charts", err.Error()) return diags } return diags } // attestationInput groups the attestation values in a state consumable by the Constellation library. type attestationInput struct { variant variant.Variant maaURL string config config.AttestationCfg } // convertAttestationConfig converts the attestation config from the Terraform state to the format // used by the Constellation library. func (r *ClusterResource) convertAttestationConfig(ctx context.Context, data ClusterResourceModel) (attestationInput, diag.Diagnostics) { diags := diag.Diagnostics{} var tfAttestation attestationAttribute castDiags := data.Attestation.As(ctx, &tfAttestation, basetypes.ObjectAsOptions{}) diags.Append(castDiags...) if diags.HasError() { return attestationInput{}, diags } attestationVariant, err := variant.FromString(tfAttestation.Variant) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("attestation_variant"), "Invalid Attestation Variant", fmt.Sprintf("Invalid attestation variant: %s", tfAttestation.Variant)) return attestationInput{}, diags } attestationCfg, err := convertFromTfAttestationCfg(tfAttestation, attestationVariant) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("attestation"), "Invalid Attestation Config", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing attestation config: %s", err)) return attestationInput{}, diags } return attestationInput{attestationVariant, tfAttestation.AzureSNPFirmwareSignerConfig.MAAURL, attestationCfg}, diags } // secretInput groups the secrets and salts in a state consumable by the Constellation library. type secretInput struct { masterSecret uri.MasterSecret initSecret []byte measurementSalt []byte } // convertFromTfAttestationCfg converts the secrets and salts from the Terraform state to the format // used by the Constellation library. func (r *ClusterResource) convertSecrets(data ClusterResourceModel) (secretInput, diag.Diagnostics) { diags := diag.Diagnostics{} masterSecret, err := hex.DecodeString(data.MasterSecret.ValueString()) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("master_secret"), "Unmarshalling master secret", fmt.Sprintf("Unmarshalling hex-encoded master secret: %s", err)) return secretInput{}, diags } masterSecretSalt, err := hex.DecodeString(data.MasterSecretSalt.ValueString()) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("master_secret_salt"), "Unmarshalling master secret salt", fmt.Sprintf("Unmarshalling hex-encoded master secret salt: %s", err)) return secretInput{}, diags } measurementSalt, err := hex.DecodeString(data.MeasurementSalt.ValueString()) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("measurement_salt"), "Unmarshalling measurement salt", fmt.Sprintf("Unmarshalling hex-encoded measurement salt: %s", err)) return secretInput{}, diags } return secretInput{ masterSecret: uri.MasterSecret{Key: masterSecret, Salt: masterSecretSalt}, initSecret: []byte(data.InitSecret.ValueString()), measurementSalt: measurementSalt, }, diags } // getK8sVersion returns the Kubernetes version from the Terraform state if set, and the default // version otherwise. func (r *ClusterResource) getK8sVersion(data *ClusterResourceModel) (versions.ValidK8sVersion, diag.Diagnostics) { diags := diag.Diagnostics{} k8sVersion, err := versions.NewValidK8sVersion(data.KubernetesVersion.ValueString(), true) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("kubernetes_version"), "Invalid Kubernetes version", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing Kubernetes version: %s", err)) return "", diags } return k8sVersion, diags } // getK8sVersion returns the Microservice version from the Terraform state if set, and the default // version otherwise. func (r *ClusterResource) getMicroserviceVersion(data *ClusterResourceModel) (semver.Semver, diag.Diagnostics) { diags := diag.Diagnostics{} ver, err := semver.New(data.MicroserviceVersion.ValueString()) if err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("constellation_microservice_version"), "Invalid microservice version", fmt.Sprintf("Parsing microservice version: %s", err)) return semver.Semver{}, diags } if err := config.ValidateMicroserviceVersion(r.providerData.Version, ver); err != nil { diags.AddAttributeError( path.Root("constellation_microservice_version"), "Invalid microservice version", fmt.Sprintf("Microservice version (%s) incompatible with provider version (%s): %s", ver, r.providerData.Version, err)) } return ver, diags } // getNetworkConfig returns the network config from the Terraform state. func (r *ClusterResource) getNetworkConfig(ctx context.Context, data *ClusterResourceModel) (networkConfigAttribute, diag.Diagnostics) { var networkCfg networkConfigAttribute diags := data.NetworkConfig.As(ctx, &networkCfg, basetypes.ObjectAsOptions{ UnhandledNullAsEmpty: true, // we want to allow null values, as some of the field's subfields are optional. }) return networkCfg, diags } func (r *ClusterResource) getAPIServerCertSANs(ctx context.Context, data *ClusterResourceModel) ([]string, diag.Diagnostics) { if data.APIServerCertSANs.IsNull() { return nil, nil } apiServerCertSANs := make([]string, 0, len(data.APIServerCertSANs.Elements())) diags := data.APIServerCertSANs.ElementsAs(ctx, &apiServerCertSANs, false) return apiServerCertSANs, diags } // tfContextLogger is a logging adapter between the tflog package and // Constellation's logger. type tfContextLogger struct { ctx context.Context // bind context to struct to satisfy interface } func (l *tfContextLogger) Debugf(format string, args ...any) { tflog.Debug(l.ctx, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } func (l *tfContextLogger) Infof(format string, args ...any) { tflog.Info(l.ctx, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } func (l *tfContextLogger) Warnf(format string, args ...any) { tflog.Warn(l.ctx, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) } type nopSpinner struct{ io.Writer } func (s *nopSpinner) Start(string, bool) {} func (s *nopSpinner) Stop() {} func (s *nopSpinner) Write([]byte) (n int, err error) { return 1, nil }