#!/usr/bin/expect -f # Note: Expects to be able to run 'sudo install' without a password set timeout -1 set send_human {0.05 0 1 0.05 0.3} set CTRLC \003 set CTRLX \030 set record_name [lindex $argv 0]; proc expect_prompt {} { # This matches the trailing 0m of our ANSI control sequence. See PS1 in Dockerfile. expect "0m " } proc run_command {cmd} { send -h "$cmd" send "\r" expect -timeout 1 } # Start recording spawn asciinema rec --overwrite /recordings/configure-cluster.cast send "\r" expect_prompt run_command "# Step 1: Create a configuration file for Constellation" expect_prompt run_command "constellation config generate gcp" expect_prompt run_command "# Step 2: Create your cluster's IAM configuration" expect_prompt run_command "constellation iam create gcp --update-config --projectID constellation-331613 --serviceAccountID constellation-demo --zone europe-west3-b" expect -re "y\/n" send "y" send "\r" expect_prompt # Stop recording send "exit"