package azure import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "strings" "" "" ) // getVMInterfaces retrieves all network interfaces referenced by a virtual machine. func (m *Metadata) getVMInterfaces(ctx context.Context, vm armcompute.VirtualMachine, resourceGroup string) ([]armnetwork.Interface, error) { if vm.Properties == nil || vm.Properties.NetworkProfile == nil { return []armnetwork.Interface{}, nil } interfaceNames := extractInterfaceNamesFromInterfaceReferences(vm.Properties.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces) networkInterfaces := []armnetwork.Interface{} for _, interfaceName := range interfaceNames { networkInterfacesResp, err := m.networkInterfacesAPI.Get(ctx, resourceGroup, interfaceName, nil) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("retrieving network interface %v: %w", interfaceName, err) } networkInterfaces = append(networkInterfaces, networkInterfacesResp.Interface) } return networkInterfaces, nil } // getScaleSetVMInterfaces retrieves all network interfaces referenced by a scale set virtual machine. func (m *Metadata) getScaleSetVMInterfaces(ctx context.Context, vm armcompute.VirtualMachineScaleSetVM, resourceGroup, scaleSet, instanceID string) ([]armnetwork.Interface, error) { if vm.Properties == nil || vm.Properties.NetworkProfile == nil { return []armnetwork.Interface{}, nil } interfaceNames := extractInterfaceNamesFromInterfaceReferences(vm.Properties.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces) networkInterfaces := []armnetwork.Interface{} for _, interfaceName := range interfaceNames { networkInterfacesResp, err := m.networkInterfacesAPI.GetVirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface(ctx, resourceGroup, scaleSet, instanceID, interfaceName, nil) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("retrieving network interface %v: %w", interfaceName, err) } networkInterfaces = append(networkInterfaces, networkInterfacesResp.Interface) } return networkInterfaces, nil } // getScaleSetVMPublicIPAddresses retrieves all public IP addresses from a network interface which is referenced by a scale set virtual machine. func (m *Metadata) getScaleSetVMPublicIPAddresses(ctx context.Context, resourceGroup, scaleSet, instanceID string, networkInterfaces []armnetwork.Interface, ) ([]string, error) { var publicIPAddresses []string for _, networkInterface := range networkInterfaces { if networkInterface.Properties == nil || networkInterface.Name == nil { continue } for _, config := range networkInterface.Properties.IPConfigurations { if config == nil || config.Properties == nil || config.Properties.PublicIPAddress == nil || config.Name == nil { continue } publicIPAddressName := *config.Properties.PublicIPAddress.ID publicIPAddressNameParts := strings.Split(publicIPAddressName, "/") publicIPAddressName = publicIPAddressNameParts[len(publicIPAddressNameParts)-1] publicIPAddress, err := m.publicIPAddressesAPI.GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddress(ctx, resourceGroup, scaleSet, instanceID, *networkInterface.Name, *config.Name, publicIPAddressName, nil) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve public ip address %v: %w", publicIPAddressName, err) } if publicIPAddress.Properties == nil || publicIPAddress.Properties.IPAddress == nil { return nil, errors.New("retrieved public ip address has invalid ip address") } publicIPAddresses = append(publicIPAddresses, *publicIPAddress.Properties.IPAddress) } } return publicIPAddresses, nil } // extractPrivateIPs extracts private IPs from a list of network interface IP configurations. func extractPrivateIPs(networkInterfaces []armnetwork.Interface) []string { addresses := []string{} for _, networkInterface := range networkInterfaces { if networkInterface.Properties == nil || len(networkInterface.Properties.IPConfigurations) == 0 { continue } for _, config := range networkInterface.Properties.IPConfigurations { if config == nil || config.Properties == nil || config.Properties.PrivateIPAddress == nil { continue } addresses = append(addresses, *config.Properties.PrivateIPAddress) } } return addresses } // extractInterfaceNamesFromInterfaceReferences extracts the name of a network interface from a reference id. // Format: // - "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/" // - "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets//virtualMachines//networkInterfaces/". func extractInterfaceNamesFromInterfaceReferences(references []*armcompute.NetworkInterfaceReference) []string { interfaceNames := []string{} for _, interfaceReference := range references { if interfaceReference == nil || interfaceReference.ID == nil { continue } interfaceIDParts := strings.Split(*interfaceReference.ID, "/") if len(interfaceIDParts) < 1 { continue } interfaceName := interfaceIDParts[len(interfaceIDParts)-1] interfaceNames = append(interfaceNames, interfaceName) } return interfaceNames }