load("@bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl", "bool_flag", "string_flag") bool_flag( # tpm_simulator is used to decide if the TPM simulator should be enabled # and linked into the build. # # You can set enable at the command line with "$ bazel build # --//bazel/settings:tpm_simulator ..." # or in a .bazelrc file with "build --//bazel/settings:tpm_simulator". # for details. name = "tpm_simulator", build_setting_default = False, ) config_setting( name = "tpm_simulator_enabled", flag_values = {":tpm_simulator": "True"}, visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) string_flag( # cryptsetup_provider is used to decide if you want to link against the # cryptsetup library provided by the host system or the one provided by # the Fedora RPMs. # You can set this at the command line with "$ bazel build # --//bazel/settings:cryptsetup_provider ..." # or in a .bazelrc file with "build --//bazel/settings:cryptsetup_provider". # for details. name = "cryptsetup_provider", build_setting_default = "fedora_rpm", values = [ "fedora_rpm", "host", ], )