# IAM instance profiles for AWS This terraform script creates the necessary profiles that need to be attached to Constellation nodes. You can create the profiles with the following commands: ```sh mkdir constellation_aws_iam cd constellation_aws_iam curl --remote-name-all https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edgelesssys/constellation/main/hack/terraform/aws/iam/{main,output,variables}.tf terraform init terraform apply -auto-approve -var name_prefix=my_constellation ``` You can either get the profile names from the Terraform output values `control_plane_instance_profile` and `worker_nodes_instance_profile` and manually add them to your Constellation configuration file. Or you can do this with a `yq` command: ```sh yq -i " .provider.aws.iamProfileControlPlane = $(terraform output control_plane_instance_profile) | .provider.aws.iamProfileWorkerNodes = $(terraform output worker_nodes_instance_profile) " path/to/constellation-conf.yaml ```