name: E2E cleanup over timeframe description: Clean up old terraform resources of E2E tests inputs: ghToken: description: 'The github token that is used with the github CLI.' required: true encryptionSecret: description: 'The secret to use for decrypting the artifacts.' required: true azure_credentials: description: "Credentials authorized to create Constellation on Azure." required: true runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Authenticate AWS uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@e3dd6a429d7300a6a4c196c26e071d42e0343502 # v4.0.2 with: role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::795746500882:role/GithubActionsE2EDestroy aws-region: eu-central-1 - name: Authenticate Azure uses: ./.github/actions/login_azure with: azure_credentials: ${{ inputs.azure_credentials }} - name: Authenticate GCP uses: ./.github/actions/login_gcp with: service_account: "" - name: Install tools uses: ./.github/actions/setup_bazel_nix with: nixTools: | _7zz terraform - name: Run cleanup run: ./.github/actions/e2e_cleanup_timeframe/ shell: bash env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ inputs.ghToken }} ENCRYPTION_SECRET: ${{ inputs.encryptionSecret }}