{{- if and (.Values.agent) (not .Values.preflight.enabled) }} {{- /* Default values with backwards compatibility */ -}} {{- $defaultEnableCnpStatusUpdates := "true" -}} {{- $defaultBpfMapDynamicSizeRatio := 0.0 -}} {{- $defaultBpfMasquerade := "false" -}} {{- $defaultBpfClockProbe := "false" -}} {{- $defaultBpfTProxy := "false" -}} {{- $defaultIPAM := "cluster-pool" -}} {{- $defaultOperatorApiServeAddr := "localhost:9234" -}} {{- $defaultBpfCtTcpMax := 524288 -}} {{- $defaultBpfCtAnyMax := 262144 -}} {{- $enableIdentityMark := "true" -}} {{- $fragmentTracking := "true" -}} {{- $defaultKubeProxyReplacement := "false" -}} {{- $azureUsePrimaryAddress := "true" -}} {{- /* Default values when 1.8 was initially deployed */ -}} {{- if semverCompare ">=1.8" (default "1.8" .Values.upgradeCompatibility) -}} {{- $defaultEnableCnpStatusUpdates = "false" -}} {{- $defaultBpfMapDynamicSizeRatio = 0.0025 -}} {{- $defaultBpfMasquerade = "true" -}} {{- $defaultBpfClockProbe = "true" -}} {{- $defaultIPAM = "cluster-pool" -}} {{- if .Values.ipv4.enabled }} {{- $defaultOperatorApiServeAddr = "" -}} {{- else -}} {{- $defaultOperatorApiServeAddr = "[::1]:9234" -}} {{- end }} {{- $defaultBpfCtTcpMax = 0 -}} {{- $defaultBpfCtAnyMax = 0 -}} {{- $defaultKubeProxyReplacement = "probe" -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* Default values when 1.9 was initially deployed */ -}} {{- if semverCompare ">=1.9" (default "1.9" .Values.upgradeCompatibility) -}} {{- $defaultKubeProxyReplacement = "probe" -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* Default values when 1.10 was initially deployed */ -}} {{- if semverCompare ">=1.10" (default "1.10" .Values.upgradeCompatibility) -}} {{- /* Needs to be explicitly disabled because it was enabled on all versions >=v1.8 above. */ -}} {{- $defaultBpfMasquerade = "false" -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* Default values when 1.12 was initially deployed */ -}} {{- if semverCompare ">=1.12" (default "1.12" .Values.upgradeCompatibility) -}} {{- if .Values.azure.enabled }} {{- $azureUsePrimaryAddress = "false" -}} {{- end }} {{- $defaultKubeProxyReplacement = "disabled" -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* Default values when 1.14 was initially deployed */ -}} {{- if semverCompare ">=1.14" (default "1.14" .Values.upgradeCompatibility) -}} {{- /* KPR default for 1.14 needed to override earlier version defaults set above when upgradeCompatibility is not specified */ -}} {{- $defaultKubeProxyReplacement = "false" -}} {{- end -}} {{- $ipam := (coalesce .Values.ipam.mode $defaultIPAM) -}} {{- $bpfCtTcpMax := (coalesce .Values.bpf.ctTcpMax $defaultBpfCtTcpMax) -}} {{- $bpfCtAnyMax := (coalesce .Values.bpf.ctAnyMax $defaultBpfCtAnyMax) -}} {{- $stringValueKPR := (toString .Values.kubeProxyReplacement) -}} {{- if (eq $stringValueKPR "<nil>") }} {{- $stringValueKPR = "" -}} {{- end}} {{- $kubeProxyReplacement := (coalesce $stringValueKPR $defaultKubeProxyReplacement) -}} {{- if and (ne $kubeProxyReplacement "disabled") (ne $kubeProxyReplacement "partial") (ne $kubeProxyReplacement "strict") (ne $kubeProxyReplacement "true") (ne $kubeProxyReplacement "false") }} {{ fail "kubeProxyReplacement must be explicitly set to a valid value (true, false, disabled (deprecated), partial (deprecated), or strict (deprecated)) to continue." }} {{- end }} {{- $azureUsePrimaryAddress = (coalesce .Values.azure.usePrimaryAddress $azureUsePrimaryAddress) -}} {{- $socketLB := (coalesce .Values.socketLB .Values.hostServices) -}} {{- $cniChainingMode := "none" -}} {{- if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.cni.chainingMode)) -}} {{- $cniChainingMode = .Values.cni.chainingMode -}} {{- else if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.cni.chainingTarget)) -}} {{- $cniChainingMode = "generic-veth" -}} {{- end -}} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cilium-config namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} data: {{- if .Values.etcd.enabled }} # The kvstore configuration is used to enable use of a kvstore for state # storage. This can either be provided with an external kvstore or with the # help of cilium-etcd-operator which operates an etcd cluster automatically. kvstore: etcd {{- if .Values.etcd.k8sService }} kvstore-opt: '{"etcd.config": "/var/lib/etcd-config/etcd.config", "etcd.operator": "true"}' {{- else }} kvstore-opt: '{"etcd.config": "/var/lib/etcd-config/etcd.config"}' {{- end }} # This etcd-config contains the etcd endpoints of your cluster. If you use # TLS please make sure you follow the tutorial in https://cilium.link/etcd-config etcd-config: |- --- endpoints: {{- if .Values.etcd.managed }} - https://cilium-etcd-client.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc:2379 {{- else }} {{- range .Values.etcd.endpoints }} - {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if or .Values.etcd.ssl .Values.etcd.managed }} trusted-ca-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client-ca.crt' key-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client.key' cert-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client.crt' {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.conntrackGCInterval }} conntrack-gc-interval: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.conntrackGCInterval | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.conntrackGCMaxInterval }} conntrack-gc-max-interval: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.conntrackGCMaxInterval | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "disableEnvoyVersionCheck" }} disable-envoy-version-check: {{ .Values.disableEnvoyVersionCheck | quote }} {{- end }} # Identity allocation mode selects how identities are shared between cilium # nodes by setting how they are stored. The options are "crd" or "kvstore". # - "crd" stores identities in kubernetes as CRDs (custom resource definition). # These can be queried with: # kubectl get ciliumid # - "kvstore" stores identities in an etcd kvstore, that is # configured below. Cilium versions before 1.6 supported only the kvstore # backend. Upgrades from these older cilium versions should continue using # the kvstore by commenting out the identity-allocation-mode below, or # setting it to "kvstore". identity-allocation-mode: {{ .Values.identityAllocationMode }} identity-heartbeat-timeout: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.operator.identityHeartbeatTimeout | quote }} identity-gc-interval: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.operator.identityGCInterval | quote }} cilium-endpoint-gc-interval: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.operator.endpointGCInterval | quote }} nodes-gc-interval: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.operator.nodeGCInterval | quote }} {{- if hasKey .Values.operator "skipCNPStatusStartupClean" }} skip-cnp-status-startup-clean: "{{ .Values.operator.skipCNPStatusStartupClean }}" {{- end }} {{- if eq .Values.disableEndpointCRD true }} # Disable the usage of CiliumEndpoint CRD disable-endpoint-crd: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.identityChangeGracePeriod }} # identity-change-grace-period is the grace period that needs to pass # before an endpoint that has changed its identity will start using # that new identity. During the grace period, the new identity has # already been allocated and other nodes in the cluster have a chance # to whitelist the new upcoming identity of the endpoint. identity-change-grace-period: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.identityChangeGracePeriod | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "labels" }} # To include or exclude matched resources from cilium identity evaluation labels: {{ .Values.labels | quote }} {{- end }} # If you want to run cilium in debug mode change this value to true debug: {{ .Values.debug.enabled | quote }} {{- if hasKey .Values.debug "verbose" }} debug-verbose: "{{ .Values.debug.verbose }}" {{- end }} {{- if ne (int .Values.healthPort) 9879 }} # Set the TCP port for the agent health status API. This is not the port used # for cilium-health. agent-health-port: "{{ .Values.healthPort }}" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "clusterHealthPort" }} # Set the TCP port for the agent health API. This port is used for cilium-health. cluster-health-port: "{{ .Values.clusterHealthPort }}" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "policyEnforcementMode" }} # The agent can be put into the following three policy enforcement modes # default, always and never. # https://docs.cilium.io/en/latest/security/policy/intro/#policy-enforcement-modes enable-policy: "{{ lower .Values.policyEnforcementMode }}" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "policyCIDRMatchMode" }} policy-cidr-match-mode: {{ join " " .Values.policyCIDRMatchMode | quote }} {{- end}} {{- if .Values.prometheus.enabled }} # If you want metrics enabled in all of your Cilium agents, set the port for # which the Cilium agents will have their metrics exposed. # This option deprecates the "prometheus-serve-addr" in the # "cilium-metrics-config" ConfigMap # NOTE that this will open the port on ALL nodes where Cilium pods are # scheduled. prometheus-serve-addr: ":{{ .Values.prometheus.port }}" {{- if .Values.prometheus.metrics }} # Metrics that should be enabled or disabled from the default metric # list. (+metric_foo to enable metric_foo , -metric_bar to disable # metric_bar). metrics: {{- range .Values.prometheus.metrics }} {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.prometheus.controllerGroupMetrics }} # A space-separated list of controller groups for which to enable metrics. # The special values of "all" and "none" are supported. controller-group-metrics: {{- range .Values.prometheus.controllerGroupMetrics }} {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if not .Values.envoy.enabled }} # Port to expose Envoy metrics (e.g. "9964"). Envoy metrics listener will be disabled if this # field is not set. {{- if and .Values.proxy.prometheus.enabled .Values.envoy.prometheus.enabled }} proxy-prometheus-port: "{{ .Values.proxy.prometheus.port | default .Values.envoy.prometheus.port }}" {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.operator.prometheus.enabled }} # If you want metrics enabled in cilium-operator, set the port for # which the Cilium Operator will have their metrics exposed. # NOTE that this will open the port on the nodes where Cilium operator pod # is scheduled. operator-prometheus-serve-addr: ":{{ .Values.operator.prometheus.port }}" enable-metrics: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.operator.skipCRDCreation }} skip-crd-creation: "true" {{- end }} {{- if or .Values.envoyConfig.enabled .Values.ingressController.enabled .Values.gatewayAPI.enabled (and (hasKey .Values "loadBalancer") (eq .Values.loadBalancer.l7.backend "envoy")) }} enable-envoy-config: "true" {{- if .Values.envoyConfig.enabled }} envoy-secrets-namespace: {{ .Values.envoyConfig.secretsNamespace.name | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ingressController.enabled }} enable-ingress-controller: "true" enforce-ingress-https: {{ .Values.ingressController.enforceHttps | quote }} enable-ingress-proxy-protocol: {{ .Values.ingressController.enableProxyProtocol | quote }} enable-ingress-secrets-sync: {{ .Values.ingressController.secretsNamespace.sync | quote }} ingress-secrets-namespace: {{ .Values.ingressController.secretsNamespace.name | quote }} ingress-lb-annotation-prefixes: {{ .Values.ingressController.ingressLBAnnotationPrefixes | join " " | quote }} ingress-default-lb-mode: {{ .Values.ingressController.loadbalancerMode }} ingress-shared-lb-service-name: {{ .Values.ingressController.service.name }} {{- if and .Values.ingressController.defaultSecretNamespace .Values.ingressController.defaultSecretName }} ingress-default-secret-namespace: {{ .Values.ingressController.defaultSecretNamespace | quote }} ingress-default-secret-name: {{ .Values.ingressController.defaultSecretName | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.gatewayAPI.enabled }} enable-gateway-api: "true" enable-gateway-api-secrets-sync: {{ .Values.gatewayAPI.secretsNamespace.sync | quote }} gateway-api-secrets-namespace: {{ .Values.gatewayAPI.secretsNamespace.name | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "loadBalancer" }} {{- if eq .Values.loadBalancer.l7.backend "envoy" }} loadbalancer-l7: "envoy" loadbalancer-l7-ports: {{ .Values.loadBalancer.l7.ports | join " " | quote }} loadbalancer-l7-algorithm: {{ .Values.loadBalancer.l7.algorithm | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} # Enable IPv4 addressing. If enabled, all endpoints are allocated an IPv4 # address. enable-ipv4: {{ .Values.ipv4.enabled | quote }} # Enable IPv6 addressing. If enabled, all endpoints are allocated an IPv6 # address. enable-ipv6: {{ .Values.ipv6.enabled | quote }} {{- if .Values.cleanState }} # If a serious issue occurs during Cilium startup, this # invasive option may be set to true to remove all persistent # state. Endpoints will not be restored using knowledge from a # prior Cilium run, so they may receive new IP addresses upon # restart. This also triggers clean-cilium-bpf-state. clean-cilium-state: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.cleanBpfState }} # If you want to clean cilium BPF state, set this to true; # Removes all BPF maps from the filesystem. Upon restart, # endpoints are restored with the same IP addresses, however # any ongoing connections may be disrupted briefly. # Loadbalancing decisions will be reset, so any ongoing # connections via a service may be loadbalanced to a different # backend after restart. clean-cilium-bpf-state: "true" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.cni "customConf" }} # Users who wish to specify their own custom CNI configuration file must set # custom-cni-conf to "true", otherwise Cilium may overwrite the configuration. custom-cni-conf: "{{ .Values.cni.customConf }}" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "bpfClockProbe" }} enable-bpf-clock-probe: {{ .Values.bpfClockProbe | quote }} {{- else if eq $defaultBpfClockProbe "true" }} enable-bpf-clock-probe: {{ $defaultBpfClockProbe | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.bpf.tproxy)) }} enable-bpf-tproxy: {{ .Values.bpf.tproxy | quote }} {{- else if eq $defaultBpfTProxy "true" }} enable-bpf-tproxy: {{ $defaultBpfTProxy | quote }} {{- end }} # If you want cilium monitor to aggregate tracing for packets, set this level # to "low", "medium", or "maximum". The higher the level, the less packets # that will be seen in monitor output. monitor-aggregation: {{ .Values.bpf.monitorAggregation }} # The monitor aggregation interval governs the typical time between monitor # notification events for each allowed connection. # # Only effective when monitor aggregation is set to "medium" or higher. monitor-aggregation-interval: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.bpf.monitorInterval | quote }} # The monitor aggregation flags determine which TCP flags which, upon the # first observation, cause monitor notifications to be generated. # # Only effective when monitor aggregation is set to "medium" or higher. monitor-aggregation-flags: {{ .Values.bpf.monitorFlags }} {{- if .Values.bpf.mapDynamicSizeRatio }} # Specifies the ratio (0.0-1.0] of total system memory to use for dynamic # sizing of the TCP CT, non-TCP CT, NAT and policy BPF maps. bpf-map-dynamic-size-ratio: {{ .Values.bpf.mapDynamicSizeRatio | quote }} {{- else if ne $defaultBpfMapDynamicSizeRatio 0.0 }} # Specifies the ratio (0.0-1.0] of total system memory to use for dynamic # sizing of the TCP CT, non-TCP CT, NAT and policy BPF maps. bpf-map-dynamic-size-ratio: {{ $defaultBpfMapDynamicSizeRatio | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.bpf.hostLegacyRouting)) }} enable-host-legacy-routing: {{ .Values.bpf.hostLegacyRouting | quote }} {{- else if ne $cniChainingMode "none" }} # In cni chaining mode, the other chained plugin is responsible for underlying connectivity, # so cilium eBPF host routing shoud not work, and let it fall back to the legacy routing mode enable-host-legacy-routing: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.bpf.authMapMax }} # bpf-auth-map-max specifies the maximum number of entries in the auth map bpf-auth-map-max: {{ .Values.bpf.authMapMax | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if or $bpfCtTcpMax $bpfCtAnyMax }} # bpf-ct-global-*-max specifies the maximum number of connections # supported across all endpoints, split by protocol: tcp or other. One pair # of maps uses these values for IPv4 connections, and another pair of maps # use these values for IPv6 connections. # # If these values are modified, then during the next Cilium startup the # tracking of ongoing connections may be disrupted. As a result, reply # packets may be dropped and the load-balancing decisions for established # connections may change. # # For users upgrading from Cilium 1.2 or earlier, to minimize disruption # during the upgrade process, set bpf-ct-global-tcp-max to 1000000. {{- if $bpfCtTcpMax }} bpf-ct-global-tcp-max: {{ $bpfCtTcpMax | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if $bpfCtAnyMax }} bpf-ct-global-any-max: {{ $bpfCtAnyMax | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.bpf.natMax }} # bpf-nat-global-max specified the maximum number of entries in the # BPF NAT table. bpf-nat-global-max: "{{ .Values.bpf.natMax }}" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.bpf.neighMax }} # bpf-neigh-global-max specified the maximum number of entries in the # BPF neighbor table. bpf-neigh-global-max: "{{ .Values.bpf.neighMax }}" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.bpf "policyMapMax" }} # bpf-policy-map-max specifies the maximum number of entries in endpoint # policy map (per endpoint) bpf-policy-map-max: "{{ .Values.bpf.policyMapMax }}" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.bpf "lbMapMax" }} # bpf-lb-map-max specifies the maximum number of entries in bpf lb service, # backend and affinity maps. bpf-lb-map-max: "{{ .Values.bpf.lbMapMax }}" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.bpf "lbExternalClusterIP" }} bpf-lb-external-clusterip: {{ .Values.bpf.lbExternalClusterIP | quote }} {{- end }} # Pre-allocation of map entries allows per-packet latency to be reduced, at # the expense of up-front memory allocation for the entries in the maps. The # default value below will minimize memory usage in the default installation; # users who are sensitive to latency may consider setting this to "true". # # This option was introduced in Cilium 1.4. Cilium 1.3 and earlier ignore # this option and behave as though it is set to "true". # # If this value is modified, then during the next Cilium startup the restore # of existing endpoints and tracking of ongoing connections may be disrupted. # As a result, reply packets may be dropped and the load-balancing decisions # for established connections may change. # # If this option is set to "false" during an upgrade from 1.3 or earlier to # 1.4 or later, then it may cause one-time disruptions during the upgrade. preallocate-bpf-maps: "{{ .Values.bpf.preallocateMaps }}" # Regular expression matching compatible Istio sidecar istio-proxy # container image names sidecar-istio-proxy-image: "{{ .Values.proxy.sidecarImageRegex }}" # Name of the cluster. Only relevant when building a mesh of clusters. cluster-name: {{ .Values.cluster.name }} {{- if hasKey .Values.cluster "id" }} # Unique ID of the cluster. Must be unique across all conneted clusters and # in the range of 1 and 255. Only relevant when building a mesh of clusters. cluster-id: "{{ .Values.cluster.id }}" {{- end }} # Encapsulation mode for communication between nodes # Possible values: # - disabled # - vxlan (default) # - geneve {{- if .Values.gke.enabled }} routing-mode: "native" enable-endpoint-routes: "true" {{- else if .Values.aksbyocni.enabled }} routing-mode: "tunnel" tunnel-protocol: "vxlan" {{- else if .Values.routingMode }} routing-mode: {{ .Values.routingMode | quote }} {{- else }} {{- if eq .Values.tunnel "disabled" }} routing-mode: "native" {{- else if eq .Values.tunnel "vxlan" }} routing-mode: "tunnel" tunnel-protocol: "vxlan" {{- else if eq .Values.tunnel "geneve" }} routing-mode: "tunnel" tunnel-protocol: "geneve" {{- else }} # Default case routing-mode: "tunnel" tunnel-protocol: "vxlan" {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.tunnelProtocol }} tunnel-protocol: {{ .Values.tunnelProtocol | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.tunnelPort }} tunnel-port: {{ .Values.tunnelPort | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.MTU }} mtu: {{ .Values.MTU | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.eni.enabled }} enable-endpoint-routes: "true" auto-create-cilium-node-resource: "true" {{- if .Values.eni.updateEC2AdapterLimitViaAPI }} update-ec2-adapter-limit-via-api: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.eni.awsReleaseExcessIPs }} aws-release-excess-ips: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.eni.awsEnablePrefixDelegation }} aws-enable-prefix-delegation: "true" {{- end }} ec2-api-endpoint: {{ .Values.eni.ec2APIEndpoint | quote }} eni-tags: {{ .Values.eni.eniTags | toRawJson | quote }} {{- if .Values.eni.subnetIDsFilter }} subnet-ids-filter: {{ .Values.eni.subnetIDsFilter | join " " | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.eni.subnetTagsFilter }} subnet-tags-filter: {{ .Values.eni.subnetTagsFilter | join " " | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.eni.instanceTagsFilter }} instance-tags-filter: {{ .Values.eni.instanceTagsFilter | join " " | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ if .Values.eni.gcInterval }} eni-gc-interval: {{ .Values.eni.gcInterval | quote }} {{- end }} {{ if .Values.eni.gcTags }} eni-gc-tags: {{ .Values.eni.gcTags | toRawJson | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.azure.enabled }} enable-endpoint-routes: "true" auto-create-cilium-node-resource: "true" {{- if .Values.azure.userAssignedIdentityID }} azure-user-assigned-identity-id: {{ .Values.azure.userAssignedIdentityID | quote }} {{- end }} azure-use-primary-address: {{ $azureUsePrimaryAddress | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.alibabacloud.enabled }} enable-endpoint-routes: "true" auto-create-cilium-node-resource: "true" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "l7Proxy" }} # Enables L7 proxy for L7 policy enforcement and visibility enable-l7-proxy: {{ .Values.l7Proxy | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if ne $cniChainingMode "none" }} # Enable chaining with another CNI plugin # # Supported modes: # - none # - aws-cni # - flannel # - generic-veth # - portmap (Enables HostPort support for Cilium) cni-chaining-mode: {{ $cniChainingMode }} {{- if hasKey .Values "enableIdentityMark" }} enable-identity-mark: {{ .Values.enableIdentityMark | quote }} {{- else if (ne $enableIdentityMark "true") }} enable-identity-mark: "false" {{- end }} {{- if ne $cniChainingMode "portmap" }} # Disable the PodCIDR route to the cilium_host interface as it is not # required. While chaining, it is the responsibility of the underlying plugin # to enable routing. enable-local-node-route: "false" {{- end }} {{- end }} enable-ipv4-masquerade: {{ .Values.enableIPv4Masquerade | quote }} enable-ipv4-big-tcp: {{ .Values.enableIPv4BIGTCP | quote }} enable-ipv6-big-tcp: {{ .Values.enableIPv6BIGTCP | quote }} enable-ipv6-masquerade: {{ .Values.enableIPv6Masquerade | quote }} {{- if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.bpf.masquerade)) }} enable-bpf-masquerade: {{ .Values.bpf.masquerade | quote }} {{- else if eq $defaultBpfMasquerade "true" }} enable-bpf-masquerade: {{ $defaultBpfMasquerade | quote }} {{- end }} enable-masquerade-to-route-source: {{ .Values.enableMasqueradeRouteSource | quote }} {{- if hasKey .Values "egressMasqueradeInterfaces" }} egress-masquerade-interfaces: {{ .Values.egressMasqueradeInterfaces }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.ipMasqAgent .Values.ipMasqAgent.enabled }} enable-ip-masq-agent: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.encryption.enabled }} {{- if eq .Values.encryption.type "ipsec" }} enable-ipsec: {{ .Values.encryption.enabled | quote }} {{- if and .Values.encryption.ipsec.mountPath .Values.encryption.ipsec.keyFile }} ipsec-key-file: {{ .Values.encryption.ipsec.mountPath }}/{{ .Values.encryption.ipsec.keyFile }} {{- else }} ipsec-key-file: {{ .Values.encryption.mountPath }}/{{ .Values.encryption.keyFile }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.encryption.ipsec.interface }} encrypt-interface: {{ .Values.encryption.ipsec.interface }} {{- else if .Values.encryption.interface }} encrypt-interface: {{ .Values.encryption.interface }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.encryption.ipsec "keyWatcher" }} enable-ipsec-key-watcher: {{ .Values.encryption.ipsec.keyWatcher | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.encryption.ipsec.keyRotationDuration }} ipsec-key-rotation-duration: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.encryption.ipsec.keyRotationDuration | quote }} {{- end }} {{- else if eq .Values.encryption.type "wireguard" }} enable-wireguard: {{ .Values.encryption.enabled | quote }} {{- if .Values.encryption.wireguard.userspaceFallback }} enable-wireguard-userspace-fallback: {{ .Values.encryption.wireguard.userspaceFallback | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.encryption.wireguard.persistentKeepalive }} wireguard-persistent-keepalive: {{ .Values.encryption.wireguard.persistentKeepalive | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.encryption.nodeEncryption }} encrypt-node: {{ .Values.encryption.nodeEncryption | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.encryption.strictMode.enabled }} enable-encryption-strict-mode: {{ .Values.encryption.strictMode.enabled | quote }} encryption-strict-mode-node-cidrs: {{ .Values.encryption.strictMode.nodeCIDRList | join " " | quote }} encryption-strict-mode-pod-cidrs: {{ .Values.encryption.strictMode.podCIDRList | join " " | quote }} encryption-strict-mode-allow-remote-node-identities: {{ .Values.encryption.strictMode.allowRemoteNodeIdentities | quote }} {{- end }} enable-xt-socket-fallback: {{ .Values.enableXTSocketFallback | quote }} {{- if or (.Values.azure.enabled) (.Values.eni.enabled) (.Values.gke.enabled) (ne $cniChainingMode "none") }} install-no-conntrack-iptables-rules: "false" {{- else }} install-no-conntrack-iptables-rules: {{ .Values.installNoConntrackIptablesRules | quote }} {{- end}} {{- if hasKey .Values "iptablesRandomFully" }} iptables-random-fully: {{ .Values.iptablesRandomFully | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "iptablesLockTimeout" }} iptables-lock-timeout: {{ .Values.iptablesLockTimeout | quote }} {{- end }} auto-direct-node-routes: {{ .Values.autoDirectNodeRoutes | quote }} {{- if hasKey .Values "bandwidthManager" }} {{- if .Values.bandwidthManager.enabled }} enable-bandwidth-manager: {{ .Values.bandwidthManager.enabled | quote }} enable-bbr: {{ .Values.bandwidthManager.bbr | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.highScaleIPcache.enabled }} enable-high-scale-ipcache: {{ .Values.highScaleIPcache.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "localRedirectPolicy" }} enable-local-redirect-policy: {{ .Values.localRedirectPolicy | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR }} ipv4-native-routing-cidr: {{ .Values.ipv4NativeRoutingCIDR }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ipv6NativeRoutingCIDR }} ipv6-native-routing-cidr: {{ .Values.ipv6NativeRoutingCIDR }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "fragmentTracking" }} enable-ipv4-fragment-tracking: {{ .Values.fragmentTracking | quote }} {{- else if (ne $fragmentTracking "true") }} enable-ipv4-fragment-tracking: "false" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.nat46x64Gateway.enabled }} enable-nat46x64-gateway: {{ .Values.nat46x64Gateway.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.hostFirewall .Values.hostFirewall.enabled }} enable-host-firewall: {{ .Values.hostFirewall.enabled | quote }} {{- end}} {{- if hasKey .Values "devices" }} # List of devices used to attach bpf_host.o (implements BPF NodePort, # host-firewall and BPF masquerading) devices: {{ join " " .Values.devices | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.enableRuntimeDeviceDetection }} enable-runtime-device-detection: "true" {{- end }} kube-proxy-replacement: {{ $kubeProxyReplacement | quote }} {{- if ne $kubeProxyReplacement "disabled" }} kube-proxy-replacement-healthz-bind-address: {{ default "" .Values.kubeProxyReplacementHealthzBindAddr | quote}} {{- end }} {{- if $socketLB }} {{- if hasKey $socketLB "enabled" }} bpf-lb-sock: {{ $socketLB.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey $socketLB "hostNamespaceOnly" }} bpf-lb-sock-hostns-only: {{ $socketLB.hostNamespaceOnly | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "hostPort" }} {{- if or (eq $kubeProxyReplacement "partial") (eq $kubeProxyReplacement "false") }} enable-host-port: {{ .Values.hostPort.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "externalIPs" }} {{- if or (eq $kubeProxyReplacement "partial") (eq $kubeProxyReplacement "false") }} enable-external-ips: {{ .Values.externalIPs.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "nodePort" }} {{- if or (eq $kubeProxyReplacement "partial") (eq $kubeProxyReplacement "false") }} enable-node-port: {{ .Values.nodePort.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.nodePort "range" }} node-port-range: {{ get .Values.nodePort "range" | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.nodePort "directRoutingDevice" }} direct-routing-device: {{ .Values.nodePort.directRoutingDevice | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.nodePort "enableHealthCheck" }} enable-health-check-nodeport: {{ .Values.nodePort.enableHealthCheck | quote}} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.gke.enabled }} enable-health-check-loadbalancer-ip: "true" {{- else if hasKey .Values.nodePort "enableHealthCheckLoadBalancerIP" }} enable-health-check-loadbalancer-ip: {{ .Values.nodePort.enableHealthCheckLoadBalancerIP | quote}} {{- end }} node-port-bind-protection: {{ .Values.nodePort.bindProtection | quote }} enable-auto-protect-node-port-range: {{ .Values.nodePort.autoProtectPortRange | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "loadBalancer" }} {{- if .Values.loadBalancer.standalone }} datapath-mode: lb-only {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.loadBalancer "mode" }} bpf-lb-mode: {{ .Values.loadBalancer.mode | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.loadBalancer "algorithm" }} bpf-lb-algorithm: {{ .Values.loadBalancer.algorithm | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.loadBalancer "acceleration" }} bpf-lb-acceleration: {{ .Values.loadBalancer.acceleration | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.loadBalancer "dsrDispatch" }} bpf-lb-dsr-dispatch: {{ .Values.loadBalancer.dsrDispatch | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.loadBalancer "serviceTopology" }} enable-service-topology: {{ .Values.loadBalancer.serviceTopology | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.maglev "tableSize" }} bpf-lb-maglev-table-size: {{ .Values.maglev.tableSize | quote}} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.maglev "hashSeed" }} bpf-lb-maglev-hash-seed: {{ .Values.maglev.hashSeed | quote}} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.sessionAffinity }} enable-session-affinity: {{ .Values.sessionAffinity | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.svcSourceRangeCheck }} enable-svc-source-range-check: {{ .Values.svcSourceRangeCheck | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "l2NeighDiscovery" }} {{- if hasKey .Values.l2NeighDiscovery "enabled" }} enable-l2-neigh-discovery: {{ .Values.l2NeighDiscovery.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} arping-refresh-period: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.l2NeighDiscovery.refreshPeriod | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.pprof.enabled }} pprof: {{ .Values.pprof.enabled | quote }} pprof-address: {{ .Values.pprof.address | quote }} pprof-port: {{ .Values.pprof.port | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.operator.pprof.enabled }} operator-pprof: {{ .Values.operator.pprof.enabled | quote }} operator-pprof-address: {{ .Values.operator.pprof.address | quote }} operator-pprof-port: {{ .Values.operator.pprof.port | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.logSystemLoad }} log-system-load: {{ .Values.logSystemLoad | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.logOptions }} log-opt: {{ .Values.logOptions | toJson | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.k8s "requireIPv4PodCIDR" }} k8s-require-ipv4-pod-cidr: {{ .Values.k8s.requireIPv4PodCIDR | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.k8s "requireIPv6PodCIDR" }} k8s-require-ipv6-pod-cidr: {{ .Values.k8s.requireIPv6PodCIDR | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.endpointStatus.enabled }} endpoint-status: {{ required "endpointStatus.status required: policy, health, controllers, log and / or state. For 2 or more options use a space: \"policy health\"" .Values.endpointStatus.status | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.endpointRoutes .Values.endpointRoutes.enabled }} enable-endpoint-routes: {{ .Values.endpointRoutes.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.k8sNetworkPolicy .Values.k8sNetworkPolicy.enabled }} enable-k8s-networkpolicy: {{ .Values.k8sNetworkPolicy.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.cni.configMap }} read-cni-conf: {{ .Values.cni.confFileMountPath }}/{{ .Values.cni.configMapKey }} {{- if .Values.cni.customConf }} # legacy: v1.13 and before needed cni.customConf: true with cni.configMap write-cni-conf-when-ready: {{ .Values.cni.hostConfDirMountPath }}/05-cilium.conflist {{- end }} {{- else if .Values.cni.readCniConf }} read-cni-conf: {{ .Values.cni.readCniConf }} {{- end }} {{- if and (not .Values.cni.customConf) .Values.cni.install }} # Tell the agent to generate and write a CNI configuration file write-cni-conf-when-ready: {{ .Values.cni.hostConfDirMountPath }}/05-cilium.conflist cni-exclusive: {{ .Values.cni.exclusive | quote }} cni-log-file: {{ .Values.cni.logFile | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.cni.uninstall }} cni-uninstall: {{ .Values.cni.uninstall | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.cni.chainingTarget)) }} cni-chaining-target: {{ .Values.cni.chainingTarget | quote }} {{- end}} {{- if .Values.kubeConfigPath }} k8s-kubeconfig-path: {{ .Values.kubeConfigPath | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and ( .Values.endpointHealthChecking.enabled ) (or (eq $cniChainingMode "portmap") (eq $cniChainingMode "none")) }} enable-endpoint-health-checking: "true" {{- else}} # Disable health checking, when chaining mode is not set to portmap or none enable-endpoint-health-checking: "false" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "healthChecking" }} enable-health-checking: {{ .Values.healthChecking | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if or .Values.wellKnownIdentities.enabled .Values.etcd.managed }} enable-well-known-identities: "true" {{- else }} enable-well-known-identities: "false" {{- end }} enable-remote-node-identity: {{ .Values.remoteNodeIdentity | quote }} {{- if hasKey .Values "synchronizeK8sNodes" }} synchronize-k8s-nodes: {{ .Values.synchronizeK8sNodes | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "policyAuditMode" }} policy-audit-mode: {{ .Values.policyAuditMode | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if ne $defaultOperatorApiServeAddr "localhost:9234" }} operator-api-serve-addr: {{ $defaultOperatorApiServeAddr | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.hubble.enabled }} # Enable Hubble gRPC service. enable-hubble: {{ .Values.hubble.enabled | quote }} # UNIX domain socket for Hubble server to listen to. hubble-socket-path: {{ .Values.hubble.socketPath | quote }} {{- if hasKey .Values.hubble "eventQueueSize" }} # Buffer size of the channel for Hubble to receive monitor events. If this field is not set, # the buffer size is set to the default monitor queue size. hubble-event-queue-size: {{ .Values.hubble.eventQueueSize | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.hubble "eventBufferCapacity" }} # Capacity of the buffer to store recent events. hubble-event-buffer-capacity: {{ .Values.hubble.eventBufferCapacity | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.hubble.metrics.enabled }} # Address to expose Hubble metrics (e.g. ":7070"). Metrics server will be disabled if this # field is not set. hubble-metrics-server: ":{{ .Values.hubble.metrics.port }}" # A space separated list of metrics to enable. See [0] for available metrics. # # https://github.com/cilium/hubble/blob/master/Documentation/metrics.md hubble-metrics: {{- range .Values.hubble.metrics.enabled }} {{.}} {{- end }} enable-hubble-open-metrics: {{ .Values.hubble.metrics.enableOpenMetrics | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.hubble.redact }} {{- if eq .Values.hubble.redact.enabled true }} # Enables hubble redact capabilities hubble-redact-enabled: "true" {{- if .Values.hubble.redact.http }} # Enables redaction of the http URL query part in flows hubble-redact-http-urlquery: {{ .Values.hubble.redact.http.urlQuery | quote }} {{- if .Values.hubble.redact.http.headers }} {{- if .Values.hubble.redact.http.headers.allow }} # Redact all http headers that do not match this list hubble-redact-http-headers-allow: {{- range .Values.hubble.redact.http.headers.allow }} {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.hubble.redact.http.headers.deny }} # Redact all http headers that match this list hubble-redact-http-headers-deny: {{- range .Values.hubble.redact.http.headers.deny }} {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.hubble.redact.kafka }} # Enables redaction of the Kafka API key part in flows hubble-redact-kafka-apikey: {{ .Values.hubble.redact.kafka.apiKey | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.hubble "listenAddress" }} # An additional address for Hubble server to listen to (e.g. ":4244"). hubble-listen-address: {{ .Values.hubble.listenAddress | quote }} {{- if .Values.hubble.tls.enabled }} hubble-disable-tls: "false" hubble-tls-cert-file: /var/lib/cilium/tls/hubble/server.crt hubble-tls-key-file: /var/lib/cilium/tls/hubble/server.key hubble-tls-client-ca-files: /var/lib/cilium/tls/hubble/client-ca.crt {{- else }} hubble-disable-tls: "true" {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.hubble.preferIpv6 }} hubble-prefer-ipv6: "true" {{- end }} {{- if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.hubble.skipUnknownCGroupIDs)) }} hubble-skip-unknown-cgroup-ids: {{ .Values.hubble.skipUnknownCGroupIDs | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "disableIptablesFeederRules" }} # A space separated list of iptables chains to disable when installing feeder rules. disable-iptables-feeder-rules: {{ .Values.disableIptablesFeederRules | join " " | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.aksbyocni.enabled }} ipam: "cluster-pool" {{- else }} ipam: {{ $ipam | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ipam.ciliumNodeUpdateRate }} ipam-cilium-node-update-rate: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.ipam.ciliumNodeUpdateRate | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if (eq $ipam "cluster-pool") }} {{- if .Values.ipv4.enabled }} {{- if hasKey .Values.ipam.operator "clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDR" }} {{- /* ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDR removed in v1.14, remove this failsafe around v1.17 */ -}} {{- fail "Value ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDR removed, use ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList instead" }} {{- end }} cluster-pool-ipv4-cidr: {{ .Values.ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList | join " " | quote }} cluster-pool-ipv4-mask-size: {{ .Values.ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4MaskSize | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ipv6.enabled }} {{- if hasKey .Values.ipam.operator "clusterPoolIPv6PodCIDR" }} {{- /* ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv6PodCIDR removed in v1.14, remove this failsafe around v1.17 */ -}} {{- fail "Value ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv6PodCIDR removed, use ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv6PodCIDRList instead" }} {{- end }} cluster-pool-ipv6-cidr: {{ .Values.ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv6PodCIDRList | join " " | quote }} cluster-pool-ipv6-mask-size: {{ .Values.ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv6MaskSize | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if (eq $ipam "multi-pool") }} {{- $pools := list }} {{- range $pool, $spec := .Values.ipam.operator.autoCreateCiliumPodIPPools }} {{- $attrs := list }} {{- if hasKey $spec "ipv4" }} {{- $attrs = append $attrs (printf "ipv4-cidrs:%s" (join "," $spec.ipv4.cidrs)) }} {{- $attrs = append $attrs (printf "ipv4-mask-size:%s" (toString $spec.ipv4.maskSize)) }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey $spec "ipv6" }} {{- $attrs = append $attrs (printf "ipv6-cidrs:%s" (join "," $spec.ipv6.cidrs)) }} {{- $attrs = append $attrs (printf "ipv6-mask-size:%s" (toString $spec.ipv6.maskSize)) }} {{- end }} {{- $pools = append $pools (printf "%s=%s" $pool (join ";" $attrs)) }} {{- end }} auto-create-cilium-pod-ip-pools: {{ join "," $pools | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ipam.operator.externalAPILimitBurstSize }} limit-ipam-api-burst: {{ .Values.ipam.operator.externalAPILimitBurstSize | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ipam.operator.externalAPILimitQPS }} limit-ipam-api-qps: {{ .Values.ipam.operator.externalAPILimitQPS | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.apiRateLimit }} api-rate-limit: {{ .Values.apiRateLimit | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.enableCnpStatusUpdates }} disable-cnp-status-updates: "false" {{- else if (eq $defaultEnableCnpStatusUpdates "false") }} disable-cnp-status-updates: "true" cnp-node-status-gc-interval: "0s" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.egressGateway.enabled }} enable-ipv4-egress-gateway: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.egressGateway.installRoutes }} install-egress-gateway-routes: "true" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.egressGateway "reconciliationTriggerInterval" }} egress-gateway-reconciliation-trigger-interval: {{ .Values.egressGateway.reconciliationTriggerInterval | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.egressGateway.maxPolicyEntries }} egress-gateway-policy-map-max: {{ .Values.egressGateway.maxPolicyEntries }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "vtep" }} enable-vtep: {{ .Values.vtep.enabled | quote }} {{- if hasKey .Values.vtep "endpoint" }} vtep-endpoint: {{ .Values.vtep.endpoint | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.vtep "cidr" }} vtep-cidr: {{ .Values.vtep.cidr | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.vtep "mask" }} vtep-mask: {{ .Values.vtep.mask | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.vtep "mac" }} vtep-mac: {{ .Values.vtep.mac | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.enableK8sEventHandover }} enable-k8s-event-handover: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.crdWaitTimeout }} crd-wait-timeout: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.crdWaitTimeout | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.enableK8sEndpointSlice }} enable-k8s-endpoint-slice: {{ .Values.enableK8sEndpointSlice | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.k8s "serviceProxyName" }} # Configure service proxy name for Cilium. k8s-service-proxy-name: {{ .Values.k8s.serviceProxyName | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.customCalls .Values.customCalls.enabled }} # Enable tail call hooks for custom eBPF programs. enable-custom-calls: {{ .Values.customCalls.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.l2announcements.enabled }} # Enable L2 announcements enable-l2-announcements: {{ .Values.l2announcements.enabled | quote }} {{- if .Values.l2announcements.leaseDuration }} l2-announcements-lease-duration: {{ .Values.l2announcements.leaseDuration | quote }} {{- end}} {{- if .Values.l2announcements.leaseRenewDeadline }} l2-announcements-renew-deadline: {{ .Values.l2announcements.leaseRenewDeadline | quote }} {{- end}} {{- if .Values.l2announcements.leaseRetryPeriod }} l2-announcements-retry-period: {{ .Values.l2announcements.leaseRetryPeriod | quote }} {{- end}} {{- end}} {{- if .Values.l2podAnnouncements.enabled }} enable-l2-pod-announcements: {{ .Values.l2podAnnouncements.enabled | quote }} l2-pod-announcements-interface: {{ .Values.l2podAnnouncements.interface | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.bgp.enabled (and (not .Values.bgp.announce.loadbalancerIP) (not .Values.bgp.announce.podCIDR)) }} {{ fail "BGP was enabled, but no announcements were enabled. Please enable one or more announcements." }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.bgp.enabled .Values.bgp.announce.loadbalancerIP }} bgp-announce-lb-ip: {{ .Values.bgp.announce.loadbalancerIP | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.bgp.enabled .Values.bgp.announce.podCIDR }} bgp-announce-pod-cidr: {{ .Values.bgp.announce.podCIDR | quote }} {{- end}} {{- if .Values.bgpControlPlane.enabled }} enable-bgp-control-plane: "true" bgp-secrets-namespace: {{ .Values.bgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace.name | quote }} {{- else }} enable-bgp-control-plane: "false" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.pmtuDiscovery.enabled }} enable-pmtu-discovery: "true" {{- end }} {{- if not .Values.securityContext.privileged }} procfs: "/host/proc" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.bpf "root" }} bpf-root: {{ .Values.bpf.root | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.cgroup "hostRoot" }} cgroup-root: {{ .Values.cgroup.hostRoot | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.bpf.vlanBypass }} # A space separated list of explicitly allowed vlan id's vlan-bpf-bypass: {{ .Values.bpf.vlanBypass | join " " | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.enableCiliumEndpointSlice }} enable-cilium-endpoint-slice: "true" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "enableK8sTerminatingEndpoint" }} enable-k8s-terminating-endpoint: {{ .Values.enableK8sTerminatingEndpoint | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.sctp "enabled" }} enable-sctp: {{ .Values.sctp.enabled | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "dnsPolicyUnloadOnShutdown" }} # Unload DNS policy rules on graceful shutdown dns-policy-unload-on-shutdown: {{.Values.dnsPolicyUnloadOnShutdown | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.annotateK8sNode }} annotate-k8s-node: "true" {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "k8sClientRateLimit" }} k8s-client-qps: {{ .Values.k8sClientRateLimit.qps | quote }} k8s-client-burst: {{ .Values.k8sClientRateLimit.burst | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.operator.setNodeTaints (not .Values.operator.removeNodeTaints) -}} {{ fail "Cannot have operator.setNodeTaintsMaxNodes and not operator.removeNodeTaints = false" }} {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.operator.removeNodeTaints }} remove-cilium-node-taints: "true" {{- end }} {{- /* set node taints if setNodeTaints is explicitly enabled or removeNodeTaints is set */ -}} {{- if or .Values.operator.setNodeTaints ( and (kindIs "invalid" .Values.operator.setNodeTaints) .Values.operator.removeNodeTaints ) }} set-cilium-node-taints: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.operator.setNodeNetworkStatus }} set-cilium-is-up-condition: "true" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.operator.unmanagedPodWatcher.restart }} unmanaged-pod-watcher-interval: {{ .Values.operator.unmanagedPodWatcher.intervalSeconds | quote }} {{- else }} unmanaged-pod-watcher-interval: "0" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy.dnsRejectResponseCode }} tofqdns-dns-reject-response-code: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.dnsRejectResponseCode | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values.dnsProxy "enableDnsCompression" }} tofqdns-enable-dns-compression: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.enableDnsCompression | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy.endpointMaxIpPerHostname }} tofqdns-endpoint-max-ip-per-hostname: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.endpointMaxIpPerHostname | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy.idleConnectionGracePeriod }} tofqdns-idle-connection-grace-period: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.idleConnectionGracePeriod | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy.maxDeferredConnectionDeletes }} tofqdns-max-deferred-connection-deletes: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.maxDeferredConnectionDeletes | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy.minTtl }} tofqdns-min-ttl: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.minTtl | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy.preCache }} tofqdns-pre-cache: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.preCache | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy.proxyPort }} tofqdns-proxy-port: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.proxyPort | quote }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dnsProxy.proxyResponseMaxDelay }} tofqdns-proxy-response-max-delay: {{ .Values.dnsProxy.proxyResponseMaxDelay | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if hasKey .Values "agentNotReadyTaintKey" }} agent-not-ready-taint-key: {{ .Values.agentNotReadyTaintKey | quote }} {{- end }} mesh-auth-enabled: {{ .Values.authentication.enabled | quote }} mesh-auth-queue-size: {{ .Values.authentication.queueSize | quote }} mesh-auth-rotated-identities-queue-size: {{ .Values.authentication.rotatedIdentitiesQueueSize | quote }} mesh-auth-gc-interval: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.authentication.gcInterval | quote }} {{- if .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.enabled }} mesh-auth-mutual-enabled: "true" mesh-auth-mutual-listener-port: {{ .Values.authentication.mutual.port | quote }} mesh-auth-spire-agent-socket: {{ .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.agentSocketPath | quote }} mesh-auth-mutual-connect-timeout: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.authentication.mutual.connectTimeout | quote }} {{- if .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.serverAddress }} mesh-auth-spire-server-address: {{ .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.serverAddress | quote }} {{- else }} mesh-auth-spire-server-address: "spire-server.{{ .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.namespace}}.svc:8081" {{- end }} mesh-auth-spire-server-connection-timeout: {{ .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.connectionTimeout }} mesh-auth-spire-admin-socket: {{ .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.adminSocketPath | quote }} mesh-auth-spiffe-trust-domain: {{ .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.trustDomain | quote }} {{- end }} proxy-connect-timeout: {{ .Values.envoy.connectTimeoutSeconds | quote }} proxy-max-requests-per-connection: {{ .Values.envoy.maxRequestsPerConnection | quote }} proxy-max-connection-duration-seconds: {{ .Values.envoy.maxConnectionDurationSeconds | quote }} external-envoy-proxy: {{ .Values.envoy.enabled | quote }} {{- if .Values.envoy.log.path }} envoy-log: {{ .Values.envoy.log.path | quote }} {{- end }} # Extra config allows adding arbitrary properties to the cilium config. # By putting it at the end of the ConfigMap, it's also possible to override existing properties. {{- if .Values.extraConfig }} {{ toYaml .Values.extraConfig | nindent 2 }} {{- end }} {{- end }} --- {{- if and .Values.ipMasqAgent.enabled .Values.ipMasqAgent.config }} apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: ip-masq-agent namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} data: config: |- {{ toJson .Values.ipMasqAgent.config | indent 4 }} {{- end }}