variable "amount" { type = number description = "amount of nodes" } variable "vcpus" { type = number description = "amount of vcpus per instance" } variable "memory" { type = number description = "amount of memory per instance (MiB)" } variable "state_disk_size" { type = number description = "size of state disk (GiB)" } variable "ip_range_start" { type = number description = "first ip address to use within subnet" } variable "cidr" { type = string description = "subnet to use for dhcp" } variable "network_id" { type = string description = "id of the network to use" } variable "pool" { type = string description = "name of the storage pool to use" } variable "boot_volume_id" { type = string description = "id of the constellation boot disk" } variable "role" { type = string }