terraform { required_providers { constellation = { source = "edgelesssys/constellation" version = "2.20.0" // replace with the version you want to use } random = { source = "hashicorp/random" version = "3.6.3" } } } locals { name = "constell" image_version = "vX.Y.Z" kubernetes_version = "vX.Y.Z" microservice_version = "vX.Y.Z" csp = "azure" attestation_variant = "azure-sev-snp" location = "northeurope" control_plane_count = 3 worker_count = 2 instance_type = "Standard_DC4as_v5" // Adjust if using TDX subscription_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" master_secret = random_bytes.master_secret.hex master_secret_salt = random_bytes.master_secret_salt.hex measurement_salt = random_bytes.measurement_salt.hex } resource "random_bytes" "master_secret" { length = 32 } resource "random_bytes" "master_secret_salt" { length = 32 } resource "random_bytes" "measurement_salt" { length = 32 } module "azure_iam" { // replace $VERSION with the Constellation version you want to use, e.g., v2.14.0 source = "https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/releases/download/$VERSION/terraform-module.zip//terraform-module/iam/azure" subscription_id = local.subscription_id location = local.location service_principal_name = "${local.name}-sp" resource_group_name = "${local.name}-rg" } module "azure_infrastructure" { // replace $VERSION with the Constellation version you want to use, e.g., v2.14.0 source = "https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/releases/download/$VERSION/terraform-module.zip//terraform-module/azure" subscription_id = local.subscription_id name = local.name user_assigned_identity = module.azure_iam.uami_id node_groups = { control_plane_default = { role = "control-plane" instance_type = local.instance_type disk_size = 30 disk_type = "Premium_LRS" initial_count = local.control_plane_count }, worker_default = { role = "worker" instance_type = local.instance_type disk_size = 30 disk_type = "Premium_LRS" initial_count = local.worker_count } } location = local.location image_id = data.constellation_image.bar.image.reference resource_group = module.azure_iam.base_resource_group internal_load_balancer = false create_maa = true } data "constellation_attestation" "foo" { csp = local.csp attestation_variant = local.attestation_variant image = data.constellation_image.bar.image # Needs to be patched manually, see: # https://docs.edgeless.systems/constellation/workflows/terraform-provider#quick-setup maa_url = module.azure_infrastructure.attestation_url } data "constellation_image" "bar" { csp = local.csp attestation_variant = local.attestation_variant version = local.image_version } resource "constellation_cluster" "azure_example" { csp = local.csp name = module.azure_infrastructure.name uid = module.azure_infrastructure.uid image = data.constellation_image.bar.image attestation = data.constellation_attestation.foo.attestation kubernetes_version = local.kubernetes_version constellation_microservice_version = local.microservice_version init_secret = module.azure_infrastructure.init_secret master_secret = local.master_secret master_secret_salt = local.master_secret_salt measurement_salt = local.measurement_salt out_of_cluster_endpoint = module.azure_infrastructure.out_of_cluster_endpoint in_cluster_endpoint = module.azure_infrastructure.in_cluster_endpoint api_server_cert_sans = module.azure_infrastructure.api_server_cert_sans azure = { tenant_id = module.azure_iam.tenant_id subscription_id = module.azure_iam.subscription_id uami_client_id = module.azure_infrastructure.user_assigned_identity_client_id uami_resource_id = module.azure_iam.uami_id location = local.location resource_group = module.azure_iam.base_resource_group load_balancer_name = module.azure_infrastructure.loadbalancer_name network_security_group_name = module.azure_infrastructure.network_security_group_name } network_config = { ip_cidr_node = module.azure_infrastructure.ip_cidr_node ip_cidr_service = "" } } output "maa_url" { value = module.azure_infrastructure.attestation_url description = "URL of the MAA provider, required for manual patching." } output "kubeconfig" { value = constellation_cluster.azure_example.kubeconfig sensitive = true description = "KubeConfig for the Constellation cluster." }