terraform { required_providers { google = { source = "hashicorp/google" version = "5.17.0" } random = { source = "hashicorp/random" version = "3.6.0" } } } provider "google" { project = var.project region = var.region zone = var.zone } locals { uid = random_id.uid.hex name = "${var.name}-${local.uid}" init_secret_hash = random_password.init_secret.bcrypt_hash labels = { constellation-uid = local.uid, } ports_node_range = "30000-32767" cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes = "" cidr_vpc_subnet_pods = "" cidr_vpc_subnet_proxy = "" cidr_vpc_subnet_ilb = "" kube_env = "AUTOSCALER_ENV_VARS: kube_reserved=cpu=1060m,memory=1019Mi,ephemeral-storage=41Gi;node_labels=;os=linux;os_distribution=cos;evictionHard=" control_plane_named_ports = flatten([ { name = "kubernetes", port = "6443", health_check = "HTTPS" }, { name = "bootstrapper", port = "9000", health_check = "TCP" }, { name = "verify", port = "30081", health_check = "TCP" }, { name = "konnectivity", port = "8132", health_check = "TCP" }, { name = "recovery", port = "9999", health_check = "TCP" }, { name = "join", port = "30090", health_check = "TCP" }, var.debug ? [{ name = "debugd", port = "4000", health_check = "TCP" }] : [], ]) node_groups_by_role = { for name, node_group in var.node_groups : node_group.role => name... } control_plane_instance_groups = [ for control_plane in local.node_groups_by_role["control-plane"] : module.instance_group[control_plane].instance_group_url ] in_cluster_endpoint = var.internal_load_balancer ? google_compute_address.loadbalancer_ip_internal[0].address : google_compute_global_address.loadbalancer_ip[0].address out_of_cluster_endpoint = var.debug && var.internal_load_balancer ? module.jump_host[0].ip : local.in_cluster_endpoint } resource "random_id" "uid" { byte_length = 4 } resource "random_password" "init_secret" { length = 32 special = true override_special = "_%@" } resource "google_compute_network" "vpc_network" { name = local.name description = "Constellation VPC network" auto_create_subnetworks = false mtu = 8896 } resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "vpc_subnetwork" { name = local.name description = "Constellation VPC subnetwork" network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id ip_cidr_range = local.cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes secondary_ip_range = [ { range_name = local.name, ip_cidr_range = local.cidr_vpc_subnet_pods, } ] } resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "proxy_subnet" { count = var.internal_load_balancer ? 1 : 0 name = "${local.name}-proxy" ip_cidr_range = local.cidr_vpc_subnet_proxy region = var.region purpose = "REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY" role = "ACTIVE" network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id } resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "ilb_subnet" { count = var.internal_load_balancer ? 1 : 0 name = "${local.name}-ilb" ip_cidr_range = local.cidr_vpc_subnet_ilb region = var.region network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id depends_on = [google_compute_subnetwork.proxy_subnet] } resource "google_compute_router" "vpc_router" { name = local.name description = "Constellation VPC router" network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id } resource "google_compute_router_nat" "vpc_router_nat" { name = local.name router = google_compute_router.vpc_router.name nat_ip_allocate_option = "AUTO_ONLY" source_subnetwork_ip_ranges_to_nat = "ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_IP_RANGES" } resource "google_compute_firewall" "firewall_external" { name = local.name description = "Constellation VPC firewall" network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id source_ranges = [""] direction = "INGRESS" allow { protocol = "tcp" ports = flatten([ [for port in local.control_plane_named_ports : port.port], [local.ports_node_range], var.internal_load_balancer ? [22] : [], ]) } } resource "google_compute_firewall" "firewall_internal_nodes" { name = "${local.name}-nodes" description = "Constellation VPC firewall" network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id source_ranges = [local.cidr_vpc_subnet_nodes] direction = "INGRESS" allow { protocol = "tcp" } allow { protocol = "udp" } allow { protocol = "icmp" } } resource "google_compute_firewall" "firewall_internal_pods" { name = "${local.name}-pods" description = "Constellation VPC firewall" network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id source_ranges = [local.cidr_vpc_subnet_pods] direction = "INGRESS" allow { protocol = "tcp" } allow { protocol = "udp" } allow { protocol = "icmp" } } module "instance_group" { source = "./modules/instance_group" for_each = var.node_groups base_name = local.name node_group_name = each.key role = each.value.role zone = each.value.zone uid = local.uid instance_type = each.value.instance_type initial_count = each.value.initial_count image_id = var.image_id disk_size = each.value.disk_size disk_type = each.value.disk_type network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id subnetwork = google_compute_subnetwork.vpc_subnetwork.id alias_ip_range_name = google_compute_subnetwork.vpc_subnetwork.secondary_ip_range[0].range_name kube_env = local.kube_env debug = var.debug named_ports = each.value.role == "control-plane" ? local.control_plane_named_ports : [] labels = local.labels init_secret_hash = local.init_secret_hash custom_endpoint = var.custom_endpoint } resource "google_compute_address" "loadbalancer_ip_internal" { count = var.internal_load_balancer ? 1 : 0 name = local.name region = var.region subnetwork = google_compute_subnetwork.ilb_subnet[0].id purpose = "SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP" address_type = "INTERNAL" } resource "google_compute_global_address" "loadbalancer_ip" { count = var.internal_load_balancer ? 0 : 1 name = local.name } module "loadbalancer_public" { // for every port in control_plane_named_ports if internal lb is disabled for_each = var.internal_load_balancer ? {} : { for port in local.control_plane_named_ports : port.name => port } source = "./modules/loadbalancer" name = local.name backend_port_name = each.value.name port = each.value.port health_check = each.value.health_check backend_instance_groups = local.control_plane_instance_groups ip_address = google_compute_global_address.loadbalancer_ip[0].self_link frontend_labels = merge(local.labels, { constellation-use = each.value.name }) } module "loadbalancer_internal" { for_each = var.internal_load_balancer ? { for port in local.control_plane_named_ports : port.name => port } : {} source = "./modules/internal_load_balancer" name = local.name backend_port_name = each.value.name port = each.value.port health_check = each.value.health_check backend_instance_group = local.control_plane_instance_groups[0] ip_address = google_compute_address.loadbalancer_ip_internal[0].self_link frontend_labels = merge(local.labels, { constellation-use = each.value.name }) region = var.region network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id backend_subnet = google_compute_subnetwork.ilb_subnet[0].id } module "jump_host" { count = var.internal_load_balancer && var.debug ? 1 : 0 source = "./modules/jump_host" base_name = local.name zone = var.zone subnetwork = google_compute_subnetwork.vpc_subnetwork.id labels = local.labels lb_internal_ip = google_compute_address.loadbalancer_ip_internal[0].address ports = [for port in local.control_plane_named_ports : port.port] } moved { from = module.loadbalancer_boot to = module.loadbalancer_public["bootstrapper"] } moved { from = module.loadbalancer_kube to = module.loadbalancer_public["kubernetes"] } moved { from = module.loadbalancer_verify to = module.loadbalancer_public["verify"] } moved { from = module.loadbalancer_konnectivity to = module.loadbalancer_public["konnectivity"] } moved { from = module.loadbalancer_recovery to = module.loadbalancer_public["recovery"] } moved { from = module.loadbalancer_debugd[0] to = module.loadbalancer_public["debugd"] }