#!/usr/bin/env bash ###### script header ###### lib=$(realpath @@BASE_LIB@@) || exit 1 stat "${lib}" >> /dev/null || exit 1 # shellcheck source=../sh/lib.bash if ! source "${lib}"; then echo "Error: could not find import" exit 1 fi go=$(realpath @@GO@@) stat "${go}" >> /dev/null govulncheck=$(realpath @@GOVULNCHECK@@) stat "${govulncheck}" >> /dev/null jq=$(realpath @@JQ@@) stat "${jq}" >> /dev/null cd "${BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY}" ###### script body ###### submodules=$(${go} list -f '{{.Dir}}' -m) PATH=$(dirname "${go}"):${PATH} check_module() { # shellcheck disable=SC2016 # The $ sign in the single quoted string is correct. CGO_ENABLED=0 ${govulncheck} -C "$1" -format json "./..." | "${jq}" -sr ' (map(select(.osv) | {"key": .osv.id, "value": .osv.summary}) | from_entries) as $osvs | map(select( .finding and .finding.osv != "GO-2024-3166" and .finding.osv != "GO-2025-3408" ) | .finding | select( .trace[-1].module | startswith("github.com/edgelesssys/") )) | group_by(.osv) | map( {"osv": .[0].osv, "summary": $osvs[.[0].osv], "traces": [.[] | [.trace[] | .module]]} ) | if length > 0 then halt_error(1) else .[] end' } check() { err=0 echo "Scanning Go vulnerability DB for known vulnerabilities in modules:" for mod in ${submodules}; do echo " ${mod}" echo -n " " check_module "${mod}" done exit "${err}" } if test -v SILENT; then check > /dev/null else check fi