terraform { required_providers { openstack = { source = "terraform-provider-openstack/openstack" version = "3.0.0" } } } locals { tags = distinct(sort(concat(var.tags, ["constellation-role-${var.role}"], ["constellation-node-group-${var.node_group_name}"]))) group_uid = random_id.uid.hex name = "${var.base_name}-${var.role}-${local.group_uid}" flavor_id_is_uuid = length(var.flavor_id) == 36 && length(regexall("^[[:xdigit:]]{8}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{4}-[[:xdigit:]]{12}$", var.flavor_id)) == 1 } resource "random_id" "uid" { byte_length = 4 } resource "openstack_networking_port_v2" "port" { name = "${local.name}-${count.index}" count = var.initial_count admin_state_up = "true" network_id = var.network_id fixed_ip { subnet_id = var.subnet_id } security_group_ids = var.security_groups } # TODO(malt3): get this API enabled in the test environment # resource "openstack_compute_servergroup_v2" "instance_group" { # name = local.name # policies = ["soft-anti-affinity"] # } data "openstack_compute_flavor_v2" "flavor" { flavor_id = local.flavor_id_is_uuid ? var.flavor_id : null name = local.flavor_id_is_uuid ? null : var.flavor_id } resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "instance_group_member" { name = "${local.name}-${count.index}" count = var.initial_count flavor_id = data.openstack_compute_flavor_v2.flavor.id tags = local.tags # TODO(malt3): get this API enabled in the test environment # scheduler_hints { # group = openstack_compute_servergroup_v2.instance_group.id # } network { port = openstack_networking_port_v2.port[count.index].id } block_device { uuid = var.image_id source_type = "image" destination_type = "volume" volume_size = "5" boot_index = 0 delete_on_termination = true } block_device { source_type = "blank" destination_type = "volume" volume_size = var.disk_size volume_type = var.state_disk_type boot_index = 1 delete_on_termination = true } metadata = { constellation-role = var.role constellation-uid = var.uid constellation-init-secret-hash = var.init_secret_hash } user_data = jsonencode({ openstack-auth-url = var.identity_internal_url openstack-username = var.openstack_username openstack-password = var.openstack_password openstack-user-domain-name = var.openstack_user_domain_name openstack-region-name = var.openstack_region_name openstack-load-balancer-endpoint = var.openstack_load_balancer_endpoint }) availability_zone_hints = length(var.availability_zone) > 0 ? var.availability_zone : null lifecycle { ignore_changes = [block_device] # block device contains current image, which can be updated from inside the cluster } }