#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only set -euo pipefail shopt -s inherit_errexit ref="-" stream="stable" json=false cdn_url="https://cdn.confidential.cloud" function usage() { cat << 'EOF' Usage: find-image.sh [options] [command] Options: -r, --ref <ref> Ref to search for (default: "-") -s, --stream <stream> Stream to search for (default: "stable") --json Output JSON instead of shortname(s) --help Show this help Commands: latest Find latest image for ref and stream list List all images for ref and stream EOF } POSITIONAL_ARGS=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -r | --ref) # Canonicalize ref format (e.g. "feat/foo/bar" -> "feat-foo-bar") ref=$(echo -n "$2" | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '-') shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -s | --stream) stream="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --json) json=true shift # past argument ;; --help) usage exit 0 ;; -*) echo "Unknown option $1" echo usage exit 1 ;; *) POSITIONAL_ARGS+=("$1") # save positional arg shift # past argument ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL_ARGS[@]}" # restore positional parameters # shortname <ref> <stream> <version> function shortname() { shortname="" if [[ ${ref} != "-" ]]; then shortname+="ref/${1}/" fi if [[ ${stream} != "stable" ]]; then shortname+="stream/${2}/" fi shortname+="${3}" echo "${shortname}" } function latest() { latest_path="constellation/v1/ref/${ref}/stream/${stream}/versions/latest/image.json" latest_url="${cdn_url}/${latest_path}" latest_status=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "${latest_url}") if [[ ${latest_status} != "200" ]]; then echo "[Error] No image found for ref ${ref} and stream ${stream} (${latest_status})" exit 1 fi latest_json=$(curl -sL "${latest_url}") if [[ ${json} == true ]]; then jq <<< "${latest_json}" exit 0 fi latest_version=$(echo "${latest_json}" | jq -r '.version') shortname "${ref}" "${stream}" "${latest_version}" exit 0 } function list() { major="v2" list_path="constellation/v1/ref/${ref}/stream/${stream}/versions/major/${major}/image.json" list_url="${cdn_url}/${list_path}" list_status=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "${list_url}") if [[ ${list_status} != "200" ]]; then echo "[Error] No minor image list found for ref ${ref} and stream ${stream} and version ${major} (${list_status})" exit 1 fi minor_list=$(curl -sL "${list_url}" | jq -r '.versions[]') for minor in ${minor_list}; do list_path="constellation/v1/ref/${ref}/stream/${stream}/versions/minor/${minor}/image.json" list_url="${cdn_url}/${list_path}" list_status=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "${list_url}") if [[ ${list_status} != "200" ]]; then echo "[Error] No patch image list found for ref ${ref} and stream ${stream} and version ${minor} (${list_status})" exit 1 fi patch_list="${patch_list-""} $(curl -sL "${list_url}" | jq -r '.versions[]')" done if [[ ${json} == true ]]; then out="{}" out=$(jq <<< "${out}" --arg ref "${ref}" '.ref = $ref') out=$(jq <<< "${out}" --arg stream "${stream}" '.stream = $stream') for patch in ${patch_list}; do out=$(jq <<< "${out}" --arg patch "${patch}" '.versions += [$patch]') done jq <<< "${out}" exit 0 fi for version in ${patch_list}; do shortname "${ref}" "${stream}" "${version}" done exit 0 } case ${1-"latest"} in "list") list ;; "latest") latest ;; *) echo "Unknown command $1" ;; esac