# Join Service

Implementation for Constellation's node flow to join an existing cluster.

The join service runs on each control-plane node of the Kubernetes cluster.
New nodes (at cluster start, or later through autoscaling) send an IssueJoinTicket request to the service over [aTLS](../internal/atls/).
The join service verifies the new nodes certificate and attestation statement.
If attestation is successful, the new node is supplied with a disk encryption key for its state disk, and a Kubernetes bootstrap token, so it may join the cluster.

## Packages

### [joinproto](./joinproto/)

Proto definitions for the join service.

### [internal/server](./internal/server/)

The `server` implements gRPC endpoints for joining the cluster and holds the main application logic.

Connections between the join service and joining nodes are secured using [aTLS](../internal/atls/README.md)

    participant New Node
    participant Join Service
    New Node-->>Join Service: aTLS Handshake (server side verification)
    Join Service-->>New Node: #
    New Node->>+Join Service: grpc::IssueJoinTicket(DiskUUID, NodeName, IsControlPlane)
    Join Service->>+KMS: grpc::GetDataKey(DiskUUID)
    KMS->>-Join Service: DiskEncryptionKey
    Join Service->>-New Node: [DiskEncryptionKey, KubernetesJoinToken, ...]

### [internal/kms](./internal/kms/)

Implements interaction with Constellation's keyservice.
This is needed for fetching data encryption keys for joining nodes.

### [internal/kubeadm](./internal/kubeadm/)

Implements interaction with the Kubernetes API to create join tokens for new nodes.

## [Dockerfile](./Dockerfile)

export VERSION=0.0.0
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg PROJECT_VERSION=${VERSION} -t ghcr.io/edgelesssys/constellation/join-service:v${VERSION} -f joinservice/Dockerfile .