//go:build e2e /* Copyright (c) Edgeless Systems GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ package upgrade import ( "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "strings" "testing" "time" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/e2e/internal/kubectl" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/config" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constants" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/file" "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/semver" "github.com/spf13/afero" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" coreV1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" metaV1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes" ) // Flags are defined globally as `go test` implicitly calls flag.Parse() before executing a testcase. // Thus defining and parsing flags inside a testcase would result in a panic. // See https://groups.google.com/g/golang-nuts/c/P6EdEdgvDuc/m/5-Dg6bPxmvQJ. var ( targetImage = flag.String("target-image", "", "Image (shortversion) to upgrade to.") targetKubernetes = flag.String("target-kubernetes", "", "Kubernetes version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) to upgrade to. Defaults to default version of target CLI.") targetMicroservices = flag.String("target-microservices", "", "Microservice version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) to upgrade to. Defaults to default version of target CLI.") // When executing the test as a bazel target the workspace path is supplied through an env variable that bazel sets. workspace = flag.String("workspace", "", "Constellation workspace in which to run the tests.") // When executing the test as a bazel target the CLI path is supplied through an env variable that bazel sets. // When executing via `go test` extra care should be taken that the supplied CLI is built on the same commit as this test. cliPath = flag.String("cli", "", "Constellation CLI to run the tests.") wantWorker = flag.Int("want-worker", 0, "Number of wanted worker nodes.") wantControl = flag.Int("want-control", 0, "Number of wanted control nodes.") timeout = flag.Duration("timeout", 3*time.Hour, "Timeout after which the cluster should have converged to the target version.") ) // setup checks that the prerequisites for the test are met: // - a workspace is set // - a CLI path is set // - the constellation-upgrade folder does not exist. func setup() error { workingDir, err := workingDir(*workspace) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("getting working directory: %w", err) } if err := os.Chdir(workingDir); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("changing working directory: %w", err) } if _, err := getCLIPath(*cliPath); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("getting CLI path: %w", err) } if _, err := os.Stat("constellation-upgrade"); err == nil { return errors.New("please remove the existing constellation-upgrade folder") } return nil } // TestUpgrade checks that the workspace's kubeconfig points to a healthy cluster, // we can write an upgrade config, we can trigger an upgrade // and the cluster eventually upgrades to the target version. func TestUpgrade(t *testing.T) { require := require.New(t) err := setup() require.NoError(err) k, err := kubectl.New() require.NoError(err) require.NotNil(k) require.NotEqual(*targetImage, "", "--target-image needs to be specified") testNodesEventuallyAvailable(t, k, *wantControl, *wantWorker) testPodsEventuallyReady(t, k, "kube-system") targetVersions := writeUpgradeConfig(require, *targetImage, *targetKubernetes, *targetMicroservices) cli, err := getCLIPath(*cliPath) require.NoError(err) data, err := os.ReadFile("./constellation-conf.yaml") require.NoError(err) log.Println(string(data)) log.Println("Triggering upgrade.") cmd := exec.CommandContext(context.Background(), cli, "upgrade", "apply", "--force", "--debug") msg, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() require.NoErrorf(err, "%s", string(msg)) require.NoError(containsUnexepectedMsg(string(msg))) log.Println(string(msg)) // Show versions set in cluster. // The string after "Cluster status:" in the output might not be updated yet. // This is only updated after the operator finishes one reconcile loop. cmd = exec.CommandContext(context.Background(), cli, "status") msg, err = cmd.CombinedOutput() require.NoError(err, string(msg)) log.Println(string(msg)) testMicroservicesEventuallyHaveVersion(t, targetVersions.microservices, *timeout) testNodesEventuallyHaveVersion(t, k, targetVersions, *wantControl+*wantWorker, *timeout) } // workingDir returns the path to the workspace. func workingDir(workspace string) (string, error) { workingDir := os.Getenv("BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY") switch { case workingDir != "": return workingDir, nil case workspace != "": return workspace, nil default: return "", errors.New("neither 'BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY' nor 'workspace' flag set") } } // getCLIPath returns the path to the CLI. func getCLIPath(cliPath string) (string, error) { pathCLI := os.Getenv("PATH_CLI") switch { case pathCLI != "": return pathCLI, nil case cliPath != "": return cliPath, nil default: return "", errors.New("neither 'PATH_CLI' nor 'cli' flag set") } } // containsUnexepectedMsg checks if the given input contains any unexpected messages. // unexepcted messages are: // "Skipping image & Kubernetes upgrades. Another upgrade is in progress". func containsUnexepectedMsg(input string) error { if strings.Contains(input, "Skipping image & Kubernetes upgrades. Another upgrade is in progress") { return errors.New("unexpected upgrade in progress") } return nil } func writeUpgradeConfig(require *require.Assertions, image string, kubernetes string, microservices string) versionContainer { fileHandler := file.NewHandler(afero.NewOsFs()) cfg, err := config.New(fileHandler, constants.ConfigFilename, true) require.NoError(err) info, err := fetchUpgradeInfo(context.Background(), cfg.GetProvider(), image) require.NoError(err) log.Printf("Setting image version: %s\n", info.shortPath) cfg.Image = info.shortPath cfg.UpdateMeasurements(info.measurements) defaultConfig := config.Default() var kubernetesVersion semver.Semver if kubernetes == "" { kubernetesVersion, err = semver.New(defaultConfig.KubernetesVersion) require.NoError(err) } else { kubernetesVersion, err = semver.New(kubernetes) require.NoError(err) } var microserviceVersion string if microservices == "" { microserviceVersion = defaultConfig.MicroserviceVersion } else { microserviceVersion = microservices } log.Printf("Setting K8s version: %s\n", kubernetesVersion.String()) cfg.KubernetesVersion = kubernetesVersion.String() log.Printf("Setting microservice version: %s\n", microserviceVersion) cfg.MicroserviceVersion = microserviceVersion err = fileHandler.WriteYAML(constants.ConfigFilename, cfg, file.OptOverwrite) require.NoError(err) return versionContainer{image: info.wantImage, kubernetes: kubernetesVersion, microservices: microserviceVersion} } func testMicroservicesEventuallyHaveVersion(t *testing.T, wantMicroserviceVersion string, timeout time.Duration) { require.Eventually(t, func() bool { version, err := servicesVersion(t) if err != nil { log.Printf("Unable to fetch microservice version: %v\n", err) return false } if version != wantMicroserviceVersion { log.Printf("Microservices still at version %v, want %v\n", version, wantMicroserviceVersion) return false } return true }, timeout, time.Minute) } func testNodesEventuallyHaveVersion(t *testing.T, k *kubernetes.Clientset, targetVersions versionContainer, totalNodeCount int, timeout time.Duration) { require.Eventually(t, func() bool { nodes, err := k.CoreV1().Nodes().List(context.Background(), metaV1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return false } require.False(t, len(nodes.Items) < totalNodeCount, "expected at least %v nodes, got %v", totalNodeCount, len(nodes.Items)) allUpdated := true log.Printf("Node status (%v):", time.Now()) for _, node := range nodes.Items { for key, value := range node.Annotations { if key == "constellation.edgeless.systems/node-image" { log.Printf("\t%s: Image %s\n", node.Name, value) if value != targetVersions.image { allUpdated = false } } } kubeletVersion := node.Status.NodeInfo.KubeletVersion if kubeletVersion != targetVersions.kubernetes.String() { log.Printf("\t%s: K8s (Kubelet) %s, want %s\n", node.Name, kubeletVersion, targetVersions.kubernetes.String()) allUpdated = false } kubeProxyVersion := node.Status.NodeInfo.KubeProxyVersion if kubeProxyVersion != targetVersions.kubernetes.String() { log.Printf("\t%s: K8s (Proxy) %s, want %s\n", node.Name, kubeProxyVersion, targetVersions.kubernetes.String()) allUpdated = false } } return allUpdated }, timeout, time.Minute) } // testPodsEventuallyReady checks that: // 1) all pods are running. // 2) all pods have good status conditions. func testPodsEventuallyReady(t *testing.T, k *kubernetes.Clientset, namespace string) { require.Eventually(t, func() bool { pods, err := k.CoreV1().Pods(namespace).List(context.Background(), metaV1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return false } for _, pod := range pods.Items { if pod.Status.Phase != coreV1.PodRunning { log.Printf("Pod %s is not running, but %s\n", pod.Name, pod.Status.Phase) return false } for _, condition := range pod.Status.Conditions { switch condition.Type { case coreV1.ContainersReady, coreV1.PodInitialized, coreV1.PodReady, coreV1.PodScheduled: if condition.Status != coreV1.ConditionTrue { log.Printf("Pod %s's status %s is false\n", pod.Name, coreV1.ContainersReady) return false } } } } return true }, time.Minute*30, time.Minute) } // testNodesEventuallyAvailable checks that: // 1) all nodes only have good status conditions. // 2) the expected number of nodes have joined the cluster. func testNodesEventuallyAvailable(t *testing.T, k *kubernetes.Clientset, wantControlNodeCount, wantWorkerNodeCount int) { require.Eventually(t, func() bool { nodes, err := k.CoreV1().Nodes().List(context.Background(), metaV1.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return false } var controlNodeCount, workerNodeCount int for _, node := range nodes.Items { if _, ok := node.Labels["node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"]; ok { controlNodeCount++ } else { workerNodeCount++ } for _, condition := range node.Status.Conditions { switch condition.Type { case coreV1.NodeReady: if condition.Status != coreV1.ConditionTrue { fmt.Printf("Status %s for node %s is %s\n", condition.Type, node.Name, condition.Status) return false } case coreV1.NodeMemoryPressure, coreV1.NodeDiskPressure, coreV1.NodePIDPressure, coreV1.NodeNetworkUnavailable: if condition.Status != coreV1.ConditionFalse { fmt.Printf("Status %s for node %s is %s\n", condition.Type, node.Name, condition.Status) return false } } } } if controlNodeCount != wantControlNodeCount { log.Printf("Want %d control nodes but got %d\n", wantControlNodeCount, controlNodeCount) return false } if workerNodeCount != wantWorkerNodeCount { log.Printf("Want %d worker nodes but got %d\n", wantWorkerNodeCount, workerNodeCount) return false } return true }, time.Minute*30, time.Minute) } type versionContainer struct { image string kubernetes semver.Semver microservices string }