name: e2e meta test description: "This test does the infrastructure management and runs the e2e test of your choice." inputs: workerNodesCount: description: "Number of worker nodes to spawn." default: "2" controlNodesCount: description: "Number of control-plane nodes to spawn." default: "3" cloudProvider: description: "Which cloud provider to use." required: true attestationVariant: description: "Which attestation variant to use." required: true machineType: description: "VM machine type. Make sure it matches selected cloud provider!" osImage: description: "OS image to run." required: true isDebugImage: description: "Is OS img a debug img?" required: true cliVersion: description: "Version of a released CLI to download, e.g. 'v2.3.0', leave empty to build it." kubernetesVersion: description: "Kubernetes version to create the cluster from." refStream: description: "RefStream of the image" regionZone: description: "Region or zone to use for resource creation" required: false gcpProject: description: "The GCP project to deploy Constellation in." required: true gcpIAMCreateServiceAccount: description: "Service account with permissions to create IAM configuration on GCP." required: true gcpClusterCreateServiceAccount: description: "Service account with permissions to create a Constellation cluster on GCP." required: true awsOpenSearchDomain: description: "AWS OpenSearch Endpoint Domain to upload the benchmark results." awsOpenSearchUsers: description: "AWS OpenSearch User to upload the benchmark results." awsOpenSearchPwd: description: "AWS OpenSearch Password to upload the benchmark results." azureClusterCreateCredentials: description: "Azure credentials authorized to create a Constellation cluster." required: true azureIAMCreateCredentials: description: "Azure credentials authorized to create an IAM configuration." required: true test: description: "The test to run. Can currently be one of [sonobuoy full, sonobuoy quick, autoscaling, lb, perf-bench, verify, recover, malicious join, nop, upgrade]." required: true sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd: description: "The sonobuoy test suite to run." buildBuddyApiKey: description: "BuildBuddy API key for caching Bazel artifacts" registry: description: "Container registry to use" required: true githubToken: description: "GitHub authorization token" required: true cosignPassword: description: "The password for the cosign private key. Used for uploading to the config API" cosignPrivateKey: description: "The cosign private key. Used for uploading to the config API" fetchMeasurements: description: "Update measurements via the 'constellation config fetch-measurements' command." default: "false" azureSNPEnforcementPolicy: description: "Enable security policy for the cluster." internalLoadBalancer: description: "Enable internal load balancer for the cluster." clusterCreation: description: "How to create infrastructure for the e2e test. One of [cli,, terraform]." default: "cli" s3AccessKey: description: "Access key for s3proxy" s3SecretKey: description: "Secret key for s3proxy" marketplaceImageVersion: description: "Marketplace OS image version. Used instead of osImage." required: false force: description: "Set the force-flag on apply to ignore version mismatches." required: false encryptionSecret: description: "The secret to use for decrypting the artifact." required: true outputs: kubeconfig: description: "The kubeconfig for the cluster." value: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} namePrefix: description: "The name prefix of the cloud resources used in the e2e test." value: ${{ steps.create-prefix.outputs.prefix }} runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Check input if: (!contains(fromJson('["sonobuoy full", "sonobuoy quick", "autoscaling", "perf-bench", "verify", "lb", "recover", "malicious join", "s3proxy", "nop", "upgrade"]'), inputs.test)) shell: bash run: | echo "::error::Invalid input for test field: ${{ inputs.test }}" exit 1 # Perf-bench's network benchmarks require at least two distinct worker nodes. - name: Validate perf-bench inputs if: inputs.test == 'perf-bench' shell: bash run: | if [[ "${{ inputs.workerNodesCount }}" -lt 2 ]]; then echo "::error::Test Perf-Bench requires at least 2 worker nodes." exit 1 fi - name: Validate verify input if: inputs.test == 'verify' shell: bash run: | if [[ "${{ inputs.cosignPassword }}" == '' || "${{ inputs.cosignPrivateKey }}" == '' ]]; then echo "::error::e2e test verify requires cosignPassword and cosignPrivateKey to be set." exit 1 fi - name: Determine build target id: determine-build-target shell: bash run: | echo "hostOS=$(go env GOOS)" | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "hostArch=$(go env GOARCH)" | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Setup bazel uses: ./.github/actions/setup_bazel_nix with: useCache: ${{ inputs.buildBuddyApiKey != '' }} buildBuddyApiKey: ${{ inputs.buildBuddyApiKey }} - name: Log in to the Container registry uses: ./.github/actions/container_registry_login with: registry: ${{ inputs.registry }} username: ${{ }} password: ${{ inputs.githubToken }} - name: Build CLI if: inputs.cliVersion == '' uses: ./.github/actions/build_cli with: targetOS: ${{ steps.determine-build-target.outputs.hostOS }} targetArch: ${{ steps.determine-build-target.outputs.hostArch }} enterpriseCLI: true outputPath: "build/constellation" push: ${{ inputs.cliVersion == '' }} - name: Download CLI if: inputs.cliVersion != '' shell: bash run: | curl -fsSL -o constellation${{ inputs.cliVersion }}/constellation-linux-amd64 chmod u+x constellation echo "$(pwd)" >> $GITHUB_PATH export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)" constellation version - name: Build Terraform provider binary if: inputs.clusterCreation == 'terraform' && inputs.cliVersion == '' uses: ./.github/actions/build_tf_provider with: targetOS: ${{ steps.determine-build-target.outputs.hostOS }} targetArch: ${{ steps.determine-build-target.outputs.hostArch }} outputPath: "build/terraform-provider-constellation" - name: Move Terraform provider binary if: inputs.clusterCreation == 'terraform' && inputs.cliVersion == '' shell: bash run: | bazel build //bazel/settings:tag repository_root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) out_rel=$(bazel cquery --output=files //bazel/settings:tag) build_version=$(cat "$(realpath "${repository_root}/${out_rel}")") terraform_provider_dir="${HOME}/.terraform.d/plugins/${build_version#v}/${{ steps.determine-build-target.outputs.hostOS }}_${{ steps.determine-build-target.outputs.hostArch }}/" mkdir -p "${terraform_provider_dir}" mv build/terraform-provider-constellation "${terraform_provider_dir}/terraform-provider-constellation_${build_version}" - name: Build the bootstrapper id: build-bootstrapper if: inputs.isDebugImage == 'true' uses: ./.github/actions/build_bootstrapper - name: Build the upgrade-agent id: build-upgrade-agent if: inputs.isDebugImage == 'true' uses: ./.github/actions/build_upgrade_agent - name: Build cdbg id: build-cdbg if: inputs.isDebugImage == 'true' uses: ./.github/actions/build_cdbg with: targetOS: ${{ steps.determine-build-target.outputs.hostOS }} targetArch: ${{ steps.determine-build-target.outputs.hostArch }} - name: Login to GCP (IAM service account) if: inputs.cloudProvider == 'gcp' uses: ./.github/actions/login_gcp with: service_account: ${{ inputs.gcpIAMCreateServiceAccount }} - name: Login to AWS (IAM role) if: inputs.cloudProvider == 'aws' uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@e3dd6a429d7300a6a4c196c26e071d42e0343502 # v4.0.2 with: role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::795746500882:role/GithubActionsE2EIAM aws-region: eu-central-1 # extend token expiry to 6 hours to ensure constellation can terminate role-duration-seconds: 21600 - name: Login to Azure (IAM service principal) if: inputs.cloudProvider == 'azure' uses: ./.github/actions/login_azure with: azure_credentials: ${{ inputs.azureIAMCreateCredentials }} - name: Create prefix id: create-prefix shell: bash run: | uuid=$(uuidgen | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]") uuid=${uuid%%-*} echo "uuid=${uuid}" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "prefix=e2e-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}-${uuid}" | tee -a $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Pick a random Azure region id: pick-az-region uses: ./.github/actions/pick_azure_region with: attestationVariant: ${{ inputs.attestationVariant }} - name: Create IAM configuration id: constellation-iam-create uses: ./.github/actions/constellation_iam_create with: cloudProvider: ${{ inputs.cloudProvider }} attestationVariant: ${{ inputs.attestationVariant }} namePrefix: ${{ steps.create-prefix.outputs.prefix }} awsZone: ${{ inputs.regionZone || 'us-east-2c' }} azureRegion: ${{ inputs.regionZone || steps.pick-az-region.outputs.region }} gcpProjectID: ${{ inputs.gcpProject }} gcpZone: ${{ inputs.regionZone || 'europe-west3-b' }} kubernetesVersion: ${{ inputs.kubernetesVersion }} additionalTags: "workflow=${{ github.run_id }}" - name: Login to GCP (Cluster service account) if: inputs.cloudProvider == 'gcp' uses: ./.github/actions/login_gcp with: service_account: ${{ inputs.gcpClusterCreateServiceAccount }} - name: Login to AWS (Cluster role) if: inputs.cloudProvider == 'aws' uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@e3dd6a429d7300a6a4c196c26e071d42e0343502 # v4.0.2 with: role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::795746500882:role/GithubActionsE2ECluster aws-region: eu-central-1 # extend token expiry to 6 hours to ensure constellation can terminate role-duration-seconds: 21600 - name: Login to Azure (Cluster service principal) if: inputs.cloudProvider == 'azure' uses: ./.github/actions/login_azure with: azure_credentials: ${{ inputs.azureClusterCreateCredentials }} - name: Create cluster id: constellation-create uses: ./.github/actions/constellation_create with: cloudProvider: ${{ inputs.cloudProvider }} attestationVariant: ${{ inputs.attestationVariant }} workerNodesCount: ${{ inputs.workerNodesCount }} controlNodesCount: ${{ inputs.controlNodesCount }} machineType: ${{ inputs.machineType }} osImage: ${{ inputs.osImage }} isDebugImage: ${{ inputs.isDebugImage }} artifactNameSuffix: ${{ steps.create-prefix.outputs.prefix }} fetchMeasurements: ${{ inputs.fetchMeasurements }} cliVersion: ${{ inputs.cliVersion }} azureSNPEnforcementPolicy: ${{ inputs.azureSNPEnforcementPolicy }} azureIAMCreateCredentials: ${{ inputs.azureIAMCreateCredentials }} azureClusterCreateCredentials: ${{ inputs.azureClusterCreateCredentials }} kubernetesVersion: ${{ inputs.kubernetesVersion }} refStream: ${{ inputs.refStream }} internalLoadBalancer: ${{ inputs.internalLoadBalancer }} test: ${{ inputs.test }} clusterCreation: ${{ inputs.clusterCreation }} marketplaceImageVersion: ${{ inputs.marketplaceImageVersion }} force: ${{ inputs.force }} encryptionSecret: ${{ inputs.encryptionSecret }} - name: Deploy log- and metrics-collection (Kubernetes) id: deploy-logcollection if: inputs.isDebugImage == 'false' uses: ./.github/actions/deploy_logcollection with: kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} opensearchUser: ${{ inputs.awsOpenSearchUsers }} opensearchPwd: ${{ inputs.awsOpenSearchPwd }} test: ${{ inputs.test }} provider: ${{ inputs.cloudProvider }} attestationVariant: ${{ inputs.attestationVariant }} isDebugImage: ${{ inputs.isDebugImage }} kubernetesVersion: ${{ inputs.kubernetesVersion }} refStream: ${{ inputs.refStream }} clusterCreation: ${{ inputs.clusterCreation }} # # Test payloads # - name: Nop test payload if: (inputs.test == 'nop') || (inputs.test == 'upgrade') shell: bash run: | echo "::warning::This test has a nop payload. It doesn't run any tests." echo "Sleeping for 30 seconds to allow logs to propagate to the log collection service." sleep 30 - name: Run sonobuoy quick test if: inputs.test == 'sonobuoy quick' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_sonobuoy with: sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd: "--mode quick" kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} artifactNameSuffix: ${{ steps.create-prefix.outputs.prefix }} encryptionSecret: ${{ inputs.encryptionSecret }} - name: Run sonobuoy full test if: inputs.test == 'sonobuoy full' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_sonobuoy with: # TODO(3u13r): Remove E2E_SKIP once AB#2174 is resolved sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd: '--plugin e2e --plugin-env e2e.E2E_FOCUS="\[Conformance\]" --plugin-env e2e.E2E_SKIP="for service with type clusterIP|HostPort validates that there is no conflict between pods with same hostPort but different hostIP and protocol|Services should serve endpoints on same port and different protocols" --plugin --plugin' kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} artifactNameSuffix: ${{ steps.create-prefix.outputs.prefix }} encryptionSecret: ${{ inputs.encryptionSecret }} - name: Run autoscaling test if: inputs.test == 'autoscaling' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_autoscaling with: kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} - name: Run lb test if: inputs.test == 'lb' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_lb with: kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} - name: Run Performance Benchmark if: inputs.test == 'perf-bench' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_benchmark with: cloudProvider: ${{ inputs.cloudProvider }} attestationVariant: ${{ inputs.attestationVariant }} kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} awsOpenSearchDomain: ${{ inputs.awsOpenSearchDomain }} awsOpenSearchUsers: ${{ inputs.awsOpenSearchUsers }} awsOpenSearchPwd: ${{ inputs.awsOpenSearchPwd }} encryptionSecret: ${{ inputs.encryptionSecret }} artifactNameSuffix: ${{ steps.create-prefix.outputs.prefix }} - name: Run constellation verify test if: inputs.test == 'verify' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_verify with: attestationVariant: ${{ inputs.attestationVariant }} osImage: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.osImageUsed }} kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} cosignPassword: ${{ inputs.cosignPassword }} cosignPrivateKey: ${{ inputs.cosignPrivateKey }} - name: Run recover test if: inputs.test == 'recover' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_recover with: controlNodesCount: ${{ inputs.controlNodesCount }} kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} - name: Run malicious join test if: inputs.test == 'malicious join' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_malicious_join with: cloudProvider: ${{ inputs.cloudProvider }} attestationVariant: ${{ inputs.attestationVariant }} kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} githubToken: ${{ inputs.githubToken }} - name: Run s3proxy e2e test if: inputs.test == 's3proxy' uses: ./.github/actions/e2e_s3proxy with: kubeconfig: ${{ steps.constellation-create.outputs.kubeconfig }} s3AccessKey: ${{ inputs.s3AccessKey }} s3SecretKey: ${{ inputs.s3SecretKey }} buildBuddyApiKey: ${{ inputs.buildBuddyApiKey }} githubToken: ${{ inputs.githubToken }}