"""An openssl build file based on a snippet found in the github issue: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_foreign_cc/issues/337 Note that the $(PERL) "make variable" (https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/be/make-variables.html) is populated by the perl toolchain provided by rules_perl. """ load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:defs.bzl", "configure_make", "configure_make_variant") # Read https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Compilation_and_Installation filegroup( name = "all_srcs", srcs = glob( include = ["**"], exclude = ["*.bazel"], ), ) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS = [ "no-comp", "no-idea", "no-weak-ssl-ciphers", "no-tests", ] LIB_NAME = "openssl" MAKE_TARGETS = [ "build_programs", "install_sw", ] config_setting( name = "msvc_compiler", flag_values = { "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:compiler": "msvc-cl", }, visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) alias( name = "openssl", actual = select({ ":msvc_compiler": "openssl_msvc", "//conditions:default": "openssl_default", }), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) configure_make_variant( name = "openssl_msvc", build_data = [ "@nasm//:nasm", ], configure_command = "Configure", configure_in_place = True, configure_options = CONFIGURE_OPTIONS + [ "VC-WIN64A", # Unset Microsoft Assembler (MASM) flags set by built-in MSVC toolchain, # as NASM is unsed to build OpenSSL rather than MASM "ASFLAGS=\" \"", ], configure_prefix = "$$PERL", env = { # The Zi flag must be set otherwise OpenSSL fails to build due to missing .pdb files "CFLAGS": "-Zi", "PATH": "$$(dirname $(execpath @nasm//:nasm))", "PERL": "$$EXT_BUILD_ROOT$$/$(PERL)", }, lib_name = LIB_NAME, lib_source = ":all_srcs", out_binaries = ["openssl.exe"], out_interface_libs = [ "libssl.lib", "libcrypto.lib", ], out_shared_libs = [ "libssl-1_1-x64.dll", "libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll", ], targets = MAKE_TARGETS, toolchain = "@rules_foreign_cc//toolchains:preinstalled_nmake_toolchain", toolchains = ["@rules_perl//:current_toolchain"], ) configure_make( name = "openssl_default", configure_command = "config", configure_in_place = True, configure_options = CONFIGURE_OPTIONS, env = select({ "@platforms//os:macos": { "AR": "", "PERL": "$$EXT_BUILD_ROOT$$/$(PERL)", }, "//conditions:default": { "PERL": "$$EXT_BUILD_ROOT$$/$(PERL)", }, }), lib_name = LIB_NAME, lib_source = ":all_srcs", out_binaries = ["openssl"], # Note that for Linux builds, libssl must come before libcrypto on the linker command-line. # As such, libssl must be listed before libcrypto out_shared_libs = select({ "@platforms//os:macos": [ "libssl.1.1.dylib", "libcrypto.1.1.dylib", ], "//conditions:default": [ "libssl.so.1.1", "libcrypto.so.1.1", ], }), targets = MAKE_TARGETS, toolchains = ["@rules_perl//:current_toolchain"], ) filegroup( name = "gen_dir", srcs = [":openssl"], output_group = "gen_dir", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], )