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synced 2025-03-26 00:28:20 -04:00
helm: bump Cilium chart version (#2822)
* helm: bump Cilium chart version * helm: generate Cilium chart
This commit is contained in:
@ -451,6 +451,7 @@ go_library(
importpath = "github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/v2/internal/constellation/helm",
visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"],
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ apiVersion: v2
name: cilium
displayName: Cilium
home: https://cilium.io/
version: 1.15.0-pre.2
appVersion: 1.15.0-pre.2
version: 1.15.0-pre.3
appVersion: 1.15.0-pre.3
kubeVersion: ">= 1.16.0-0"
icon: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cilium/cilium@main/Documentation/images/logo-solo.svg
description: eBPF-based Networking, Security, and Observability
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# cilium
Cilium is open source software for providing and transparently securing
network connectivity and loadbalancing between application workloads such as
@ -71,14 +71,18 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| authentication.mutual.spire.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to be added to all top-level spire objects (resources under templates/spire) |
| authentication.mutual.spire.connectionTimeout | string | `"30s"` | SPIRE connection timeout |
| authentication.mutual.spire.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable SPIRE integration (beta) |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.affinity | object | `{}` | SPIRE agent affinity configuration |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.annotations | object | `{}` | SPIRE agent annotations |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.image | object | `{"digest":"sha256:8eef9857bf223181ecef10d9bbcd2f7838f3689e9bd2445bede35066a732e823","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"ghcr.io/spiffe/spire-agent","tag":"1.6.3","useDigest":true}` | SPIRE agent image |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.image | object | `{"digest":"sha256:d489bc8470d7a0f292e0e3576c3e7025253343dc798241bcfd9061828e2a6bef","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"ghcr.io/spiffe/spire-agent","tag":"1.8.4","useDigest":true}` | SPIRE agent image |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.labels | object | `{}` | SPIRE agent labels |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | SPIRE agent nodeSelector configuration ref: ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | Security context to be added to spire agent pods. SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.securityContext | object | `{}` | Security context to be added to spire agent containers. SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.serviceAccount | object | `{"create":true,"name":"spire-agent"}` | SPIRE agent service account |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.skipKubeletVerification | bool | `true` | SPIRE Workload Attestor kubelet verification. |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.tolerations | list | `[]` | SPIRE agent tolerations configuration ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/ |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.enabled | bool | `true` | Enable SPIRE installation. This will only take effect only if authentication.mutual.spire.enabled is true |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.initImage | object | `{"digest":"sha256:223ae047b1065bd069aac01ae3ac8088b3ca4a527827e283b85112f29385fb1b","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"docker.io/library/busybox","tag":"1.35.0","useDigest":true}` | init container image of SPIRE agent and server |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.initImage | object | `{"digest":"sha256:223ae047b1065bd069aac01ae3ac8088b3ca4a527827e283b85112f29385fb1b","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"docker.io/library/busybox","tag":"1.36.1","useDigest":true}` | init container image of SPIRE agent and server |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.namespace | string | `"cilium-spire"` | SPIRE namespace to install into |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.affinity | object | `{}` | SPIRE server affinity configuration |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.annotations | object | `{}` | SPIRE server annotations |
@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.dataStorage.enabled | bool | `true` | Enable SPIRE server data storage |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.dataStorage.size | string | `"1Gi"` | Size of the SPIRE server data storage |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.dataStorage.storageClass | string | `nil` | StorageClass of the SPIRE server data storage |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.image | object | `{"digest":"sha256:f4bc49fb0bd1d817a6c46204cc7ce943c73fb0a5496a78e0e4dc20c9a816ad7f","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"ghcr.io/spiffe/spire-server","tag":"1.6.3","useDigest":true}` | SPIRE server image |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.image | object | `{"digest":"sha256:bf79e0a921f8b8aa92602f7ea335616e72f7e91f939848e7ccc52d5bddfe96a1","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"ghcr.io/spiffe/spire-server","tag":"1.8.4","useDigest":true}` | SPIRE server image |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.initContainers | list | `[]` | SPIRE server init containers |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.labels | object | `{}` | SPIRE server labels |
| authentication.mutual.spire.install.server.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | SPIRE server nodeSelector configuration ref: ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector |
@ -112,11 +116,11 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| bgp.announce.loadbalancerIP | bool | `false` | Enable allocation and announcement of service LoadBalancer IPs |
| bgp.announce.podCIDR | bool | `false` | Enable announcement of node pod CIDR |
| bgp.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable BGP support inside Cilium; embeds a new ConfigMap for BGP inside cilium-agent and cilium-operator |
| bgpControlPlane | object | `{"enabled":false,"secretsNamespace":{"create":true,"name":"cilium-bgp-secrets"}}` | This feature set enables virtual BGP routers to be created via CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy CRDs. |
| bgpControlPlane | object | `{"enabled":false,"secretsNamespace":{"create":false,"name":"kube-system"}}` | This feature set enables virtual BGP routers to be created via CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy CRDs. |
| bgpControlPlane.enabled | bool | `false` | Enables the BGP control plane. |
| bgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace | object | `{"create":true,"name":"cilium-bgp-secrets"}` | SecretsNamespace is the namespace which BGP support will retrieve secrets from. |
| bgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace.create | bool | `true` | Create secrets namespace for BGP secrets. |
| bgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace.name | string | `"cilium-bgp-secrets"` | The name of the secret namespace to which Cilium agents are given read access |
| bgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace | object | `{"create":false,"name":"kube-system"}` | SecretsNamespace is the namespace which BGP support will retrieve secrets from. |
| bgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace.create | bool | `false` | Create secrets namespace for BGP secrets. |
| bgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace.name | string | `"kube-system"` | The name of the secret namespace to which Cilium agents are given read access |
| bpf.authMapMax | int | `524288` | Configure the maximum number of entries in auth map. |
| bpf.autoMount.enabled | bool | `true` | Enable automatic mount of BPF filesystem When `autoMount` is enabled, the BPF filesystem is mounted at `bpf.root` path on the underlying host and inside the cilium agent pod. If users disable `autoMount`, it's expected that users have mounted bpffs filesystem at the specified `bpf.root` volume, and then the volume will be mounted inside the cilium agent pod at the same path. |
| bpf.ctAnyMax | int | `262144` | Configure the maximum number of entries for the non-TCP connection tracking table. |
@ -155,7 +159,8 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| cluster.name | string | `"default"` | Name of the cluster. Only required for Cluster Mesh and mutual authentication with SPIRE. |
| clustermesh.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to be added to all top-level clustermesh objects (resources under templates/clustermesh-apiserver and templates/clustermesh-config) |
| clustermesh.apiserver.affinity | object | `{"podAntiAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"k8s-app":"clustermesh-apiserver"}},"topologyKey":"kubernetes.io/hostname"}]}}` | Affinity for clustermesh.apiserver |
| clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.image | object | `{"digest":"sha256:795d8660c48c439a7c3764c2330ed9222ab5db5bb524d8d0607cac76f7ba82a3","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/coreos/etcd","tag":"v3.5.4","useDigest":true}` | Clustermesh API server etcd image. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.init.extraArgs | list | `[]` | Additional arguments to `clustermesh-apiserver etcdinit`. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.init.extraEnv | list | `[]` | Additional environment variables to `clustermesh-apiserver etcdinit`. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.init.resources | object | `{}` | Specifies the resources for etcd init container in the apiserver |
| clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.lifecycle | object | `{}` | lifecycle setting for the etcd container |
| clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.resources | object | `{}` | Specifies the resources for etcd container in the apiserver |
@ -164,12 +169,11 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| clustermesh.apiserver.extraEnv | list | `[]` | Additional clustermesh-apiserver environment variables. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional clustermesh-apiserver volumeMounts. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.extraVolumes | list | `[]` | Additional clustermesh-apiserver volumes. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/clustermesh-apiserver","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.2","useDigest":false}` | Clustermesh API server image. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/clustermesh-apiserver","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.3","useDigest":false}` | Clustermesh API server image. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable KVStoreMesh. KVStoreMesh caches the information retrieved from the remote clusters in the local etcd instance. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.extraArgs | list | `[]` | Additional KVStoreMesh arguments. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.extraEnv | list | `[]` | Additional KVStoreMesh environment variables. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional KVStoreMesh volumeMounts. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/kvstoremesh","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.2","useDigest":false}` | KVStoreMesh image. |
| clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.lifecycle | object | `{}` | lifecycle setting for the KVStoreMesh container |
| clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.resources | object | `{}` | Resource requests and limits for the KVStoreMesh container |
| clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.securityContext | object | `{"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]}}` | KVStoreMesh Security context |
@ -228,6 +232,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| clustermesh.config.clusters | list | `[]` | List of clusters to be peered in the mesh. |
| clustermesh.config.domain | string | `"mesh.cilium.io"` | Default dns domain for the Clustermesh API servers This is used in the case cluster addresses are not provided and IPs are used. |
| clustermesh.config.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable the Clustermesh explicit configuration. |
| clustermesh.maxConnectedClusters | int | `255` | The maximum number of clusters to support in a ClusterMesh. This value cannot be changed on running clusters, and all clusters in a ClusterMesh must be configured with the same value. Values > 255 will decrease the maximum allocatable cluster-local identities. Supported values are 255 and 511. |
| clustermesh.useAPIServer | bool | `false` | Deploy clustermesh-apiserver for clustermesh |
| cni.binPath | string | `"/opt/cni/bin"` | Configure the path to the CNI binary directory on the host. |
| cni.chainingMode | string | `nil` | Configure chaining on top of other CNI plugins. Possible values: - none - aws-cni - flannel - generic-veth - portmap |
@ -240,6 +245,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| cni.hostConfDirMountPath | string | `"/host/etc/cni/net.d"` | Configure the path to where the CNI configuration directory is mounted inside the agent pod. |
| cni.install | bool | `true` | Install the CNI configuration and binary files into the filesystem. |
| cni.logFile | string | `"/var/run/cilium/cilium-cni.log"` | Configure the log file for CNI logging with retention policy of 7 days. Disable CNI file logging by setting this field to empty explicitly. |
| cni.resources | object | `{"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"10Mi"}}` | Specifies the resources for the cni initContainer |
| cni.uninstall | bool | `false` | Remove the CNI configuration and binary files on agent shutdown. Enable this if you're removing Cilium from the cluster. Disable this to prevent the CNI configuration file from being removed during agent upgrade, which can cause nodes to go unmanageable. |
| conntrackGCInterval | string | `"0s"` | Configure how frequently garbage collection should occur for the datapath connection tracking table. |
| conntrackGCMaxInterval | string | `""` | Configure the maximum frequency for the garbage collection of the connection tracking table. Only affects the automatic computation for the frequency and has no effect when 'conntrackGCInterval' is set. This can be set to more frequently clean up unused identities created from ToFQDN policies. |
@ -270,13 +276,11 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| egressGateway.installRoutes | bool | `false` | Deprecated without a replacement necessary. |
| egressGateway.reconciliationTriggerInterval | string | `"1s"` | Time between triggers of egress gateway state reconciliations |
| enableCiliumEndpointSlice | bool | `false` | Enable CiliumEndpointSlice feature. |
| enableCnpStatusUpdates | bool | `false` | Whether to enable CNP status updates. |
| enableCriticalPriorityClass | bool | `true` | Explicitly enable or disable priority class. .Capabilities.KubeVersion is unsettable in `helm template` calls, it depends on k8s libraries version that Helm was compiled against. This option allows to explicitly disable setting the priority class, which is useful for rendering charts for gke clusters in advance. |
| enableIPv4BIGTCP | bool | `false` | Enables IPv4 BIG TCP support which increases maximum IPv4 GSO/GRO limits for nodes and pods |
| enableIPv4Masquerade | bool | `true` | Enables masquerading of IPv4 traffic leaving the node from endpoints. |
| enableIPv6BIGTCP | bool | `false` | Enables IPv6 BIG TCP support which increases maximum IPv6 GSO/GRO limits for nodes and pods |
| enableIPv6Masquerade | bool | `true` | Enables masquerading of IPv6 traffic leaving the node from endpoints. |
| enableK8sEventHandover | bool | `false` | Configures the use of the KVStore to optimize Kubernetes event handling by mirroring it into the KVstore for reduced overhead in large clusters. |
| enableK8sTerminatingEndpoint | bool | `true` | Configure whether to enable auto detect of terminating state for endpoints in order to support graceful termination. |
| enableMasqueradeRouteSource | bool | `false` | Enables masquerading to the source of the route for traffic leaving the node from endpoints. |
| enableRuntimeDeviceDetection | bool | `false` | Enables experimental support for the detection of new and removed datapath devices. When devices change the eBPF datapath is reloaded and services updated. If "devices" is set then only those devices, or devices matching a wildcard will be considered. |
@ -328,7 +332,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| envoy.extraVolumes | list | `[]` | Additional envoy volumes. |
| envoy.healthPort | int | `9878` | TCP port for the health API. |
| envoy.idleTimeoutDurationSeconds | int | `60` | Set Envoy upstream HTTP idle connection timeout seconds. Does not apply to connections with pending requests. Default 60s |
| envoy.image | object | `{"digest":"sha256:2b590be37624547d638a578a3f31278d3be53a1a2649ba888a9f15771628521e","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy","tag":"v1.27.2-ab187719b71b513150f30209569695adf16ec869","useDigest":true}` | Envoy container image. |
| envoy.image | object | `{"digest":"sha256:80de27c1d16ab92923cc0cd1fff90f2e7047a9abf3906fda712268d9cbc5b950","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy","tag":"v1.27.2-f19708f3d0188fe39b7e024b4525b75a9eeee61f","useDigest":true}` | Envoy container image. |
| envoy.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | `10` | failure threshold of liveness probe |
| envoy.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `30` | interval between checks of the liveness probe |
| envoy.log.format | string | `"[%Y-%m-%d %T.%e][%t][%l][%n] [%g:%#] %v"` | The format string to use for laying out the log message metadata of Envoy. |
@ -412,6 +416,14 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| hostPort.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable hostPort service support. |
| hubble.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to be added to all top-level hubble objects (resources under templates/hubble) |
| hubble.enabled | bool | `true` | Enable Hubble (true by default). |
| hubble.export | object | `{"dynamic":{"config":{"configMapName":"cilium-flowlog-config","content":[{"excludeFilters":[],"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log","includeFilters":[],"name":"all"}],"createConfigMap":true},"enabled":false},"fileMaxBackups":5,"fileMaxSizeMb":10,"static":{"allowList":[],"denyList":[],"enabled":false,"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log"}}` | Hubble flows export. |
| hubble.export.dynamic | object | `{"config":{"configMapName":"cilium-flowlog-config","content":[{"excludeFilters":[],"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log","includeFilters":[],"name":"all"}],"createConfigMap":true},"enabled":false}` | - Dynamic exporters configuration. Dynamic exporters may be reconfigured without a need of agent restarts. |
| hubble.export.dynamic.config.configMapName | string | `"cilium-flowlog-config"` | -- Name of configmap with configuration that may be altered to reconfigure exporters within a running agents. |
| hubble.export.dynamic.config.content | list | `[{"excludeFilters":[],"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log","includeFilters":[],"name":"all"}]` | -- Exporters configuration in YAML format. |
| hubble.export.dynamic.config.createConfigMap | bool | `true` | -- True if helm installer should create config map. Switch to false if you want to self maintain the file content. |
| hubble.export.fileMaxBackups | int | `5` | - Defines max number of backup/rotated files. |
| hubble.export.fileMaxSizeMb | int | `10` | - Defines max file size of output file before it gets rotated. |
| hubble.export.static | object | `{"allowList":[],"denyList":[],"enabled":false,"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log"}` | - Static exporter configuration. Static exporter is bound to agent lifecycle. |
| hubble.listenAddress | string | `":4244"` | An additional address for Hubble to listen to. Set this field ":4244" if you are enabling Hubble Relay, as it assumes that Hubble is listening on port 4244. |
| hubble.metrics | object | `{"dashboards":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"label":"grafana_dashboard","labelValue":"1","namespace":null},"enableOpenMetrics":false,"enabled":null,"port":9965,"serviceAnnotations":{},"serviceMonitor":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"10s","jobLabel":"","labels":{},"metricRelabelings":null,"relabelings":[{"replacement":"${1}","sourceLabels":["__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name"],"targetLabel":"node"}]}}` | Hubble metrics configuration. See https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/observability/metrics/#hubble-metrics for more comprehensive documentation about Hubble metrics. |
| hubble.metrics.dashboards | object | `{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"label":"grafana_dashboard","labelValue":"1","namespace":null}` | Grafana dashboards for hubble grafana can import dashboards based on the label and value ref: https://github.com/grafana/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/grafana#sidecar-for-dashboards |
@ -429,10 +441,11 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| hubble.peerService.clusterDomain | string | `"cluster.local"` | The cluster domain to use to query the Hubble Peer service. It should be the local cluster. |
| hubble.peerService.targetPort | int | `4244` | Target Port for the Peer service, must match the hubble.listenAddress' port. |
| hubble.preferIpv6 | bool | `false` | Whether Hubble should prefer to announce IPv6 or IPv4 addresses if both are available. |
| hubble.redact | object | `{"enabled":false,"http":{"headers":{"allow":[],"deny":[]},"urlQuery":false},"kafka":{"apiKey":false}}` | Enables redacting sensitive information present in Layer 7 flows. |
| hubble.redact | object | `{"enabled":false,"http":{"headers":{"allow":[],"deny":[]},"urlQuery":false,"userInfo":true},"kafka":{"apiKey":false}}` | Enables redacting sensitive information present in Layer 7 flows. |
| hubble.redact.http.headers.allow | list | `[]` | List of HTTP headers to allow: headers not matching will be redacted. Note: `allow` and `deny` lists cannot be used both at the same time, only one can be present. Example: redact: enabled: true http: headers: allow: - traceparent - tracestate - Cache-Control You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.http.headers.allow="traceparent,tracestate,Cache-Control" |
| hubble.redact.http.headers.deny | list | `[]` | List of HTTP headers to deny: matching headers will be redacted. Note: `allow` and `deny` lists cannot be used both at the same time, only one can be present. Example: redact: enabled: true http: headers: deny: - Authorization - Proxy-Authorization You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.http.headers.deny="Authorization,Proxy-Authorization" |
| hubble.redact.http.urlQuery | bool | `false` | Enables redacting URL query (GET) parameters. Example: redact: enabled: true http: urlQuery: true You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.http.urlQuery="true" |
| hubble.redact.http.userInfo | bool | `true` | Enables redacting user info, e.g., password when basic auth is used. Example: redact: enabled: true http: userInfo: true You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.http.userInfo="true" |
| hubble.redact.kafka.apiKey | bool | `false` | Enables redacting Kafka's API key. Example: redact: enabled: true kafka: apiKey: true You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.kafka.apiKey="true" |
| hubble.relay.affinity | object | `{"podAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"k8s-app":"cilium"}},"topologyKey":"kubernetes.io/hostname"}]}}` | Affinity for hubble-replay |
| hubble.relay.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to be added to all top-level hubble-relay objects (resources under templates/hubble-relay) |
@ -441,7 +454,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| hubble.relay.extraEnv | list | `[]` | Additional hubble-relay environment variables. |
| hubble.relay.gops.enabled | bool | `true` | Enable gops for hubble-relay |
| hubble.relay.gops.port | int | `9893` | Configure gops listen port for hubble-relay |
| hubble.relay.image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/hubble-relay","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.2","useDigest":false}` | Hubble-relay container image. |
| hubble.relay.image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/hubble-relay","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.3","useDigest":false}` | Hubble-relay container image. |
| hubble.relay.listenHost | string | `""` | Host to listen to. Specify an empty string to bind to all the interfaces. |
| hubble.relay.listenPort | string | `"4245"` | Port to listen to. |
| hubble.relay.nodeSelector | object | `{"kubernetes.io/os":"linux"}` | Node labels for pod assignment ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector |
@ -536,7 +549,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| hubble.ui.updateStrategy | object | `{"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable":1},"type":"RollingUpdate"}` | hubble-ui update strategy. |
| identityAllocationMode | string | `"crd"` | Method to use for identity allocation (`crd` or `kvstore`). |
| identityChangeGracePeriod | string | `"5s"` | Time to wait before using new identity on endpoint identity change. |
| image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/cilium","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.2","useDigest":false}` | Agent container image. |
| image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/cilium","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.3","useDigest":false}` | Agent container image. |
| imagePullSecrets | string | `nil` | Configure image pull secrets for pulling container images |
| ingressController.default | bool | `false` | Set cilium ingress controller to be the default ingress controller This will let cilium ingress controller route entries without ingress class set |
| ingressController.defaultSecretName | string | `nil` | Default secret name for ingresses without .spec.tls[].secretName set. |
@ -544,7 +557,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| ingressController.enableProxyProtocol | bool | `false` | Enable proxy protocol for all Ingress listeners. Note that _only_ Proxy protocol traffic will be accepted once this is enabled. |
| ingressController.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable cilium ingress controller This will automatically set enable-envoy-config as well. |
| ingressController.enforceHttps | bool | `true` | Enforce https for host having matching TLS host in Ingress. Incoming traffic to http listener will return 308 http error code with respective location in header. |
| ingressController.ingressLBAnnotationPrefixes | list | `["service.beta.kubernetes.io","service.kubernetes.io","cloud.google.com"]` | IngressLBAnnotations are the annotation prefixes, which are used to filter annotations to propagate from Ingress to the Load Balancer service |
| ingressController.ingressLBAnnotationPrefixes | list | `["service.beta.kubernetes.io","service.kubernetes.io","cloud.google.com"]` | IngressLBAnnotations are the annotation and label prefixes, which are used to filter annotations and/or labels to propagate from Ingress to the Load Balancer service |
| ingressController.loadbalancerMode | string | `"dedicated"` | Default ingress load balancer mode Supported values: shared, dedicated For granular control, use the following annotations on the ingress resource ingress.cilium.io/loadbalancer-mode: shared|dedicated, |
| ingressController.secretsNamespace | object | `{"create":true,"name":"cilium-secrets","sync":true}` | SecretsNamespace is the namespace in which envoy SDS will retrieve TLS secrets from. |
| ingressController.secretsNamespace.create | bool | `true` | Create secrets namespace for Ingress. |
@ -576,9 +589,9 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| ipv6.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable IPv6 support. |
| ipv6NativeRoutingCIDR | string | `""` | Allows to explicitly specify the IPv6 CIDR for native routing. When specified, Cilium assumes networking for this CIDR is preconfigured and hands traffic destined for that range to the Linux network stack without applying any SNAT. Generally speaking, specifying a native routing CIDR implies that Cilium can depend on the underlying networking stack to route packets to their destination. To offer a concrete example, if Cilium is configured to use direct routing and the Kubernetes CIDR is included in the native routing CIDR, the user must configure the routes to reach pods, either manually or by setting the auto-direct-node-routes flag. |
| k8s | object | `{}` | Configure Kubernetes specific configuration |
| k8sClientRateLimit | object | `{"burst":10,"qps":5}` | Configure the client side rate limit for the agent and operator If the amount of requests to the Kubernetes API server exceeds the configured rate limit, the agent and operator will start to throttle requests by delaying them until there is budget or the request times out. |
| k8sClientRateLimit.burst | int | `10` | The burst request rate in requests per second. The rate limiter will allow short bursts with a higher rate. |
| k8sClientRateLimit.qps | int | `5` | The sustained request rate in requests per second. |
| k8sClientRateLimit | object | `{"burst":null,"qps":null}` | Configure the client side rate limit for the agent and operator If the amount of requests to the Kubernetes API server exceeds the configured rate limit, the agent and operator will start to throttle requests by delaying them until there is budget or the request times out. |
| k8sClientRateLimit.burst | int | 10 for k8s up to 1.26. 20 for k8s version 1.27+ | The burst request rate in requests per second. The rate limiter will allow short bursts with a higher rate. |
| k8sClientRateLimit.qps | int | 5 for k8s up to 1.26. 10 for k8s version 1.27+ | The sustained request rate in requests per second. |
| k8sNetworkPolicy.enabled | bool | `true` | Enable support for K8s NetworkPolicy |
| k8sServiceHost | string | `""` | Kubernetes service host |
| k8sServicePort | string | `""` | Kubernetes service port |
@ -596,7 +609,8 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| l7Proxy | bool | `true` | Enable Layer 7 network policy. |
| livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | `10` | failure threshold of liveness probe |
| livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `30` | interval between checks of the liveness probe |
| loadBalancer | object | `{"l7":{"algorithm":"round_robin","backend":"disabled","ports":[]}}` | Configure service load balancing |
| loadBalancer | object | `{"acceleration":"disabled","l7":{"algorithm":"round_robin","backend":"disabled","ports":[]}}` | Configure service load balancing |
| loadBalancer.acceleration | string | `"disabled"` | acceleration is the option to accelerate service handling via XDP Applicable values can be: disabled (do not use XDP), native (XDP BPF program is run directly out of the networking driver's early receive path), or best-effort (use native mode XDP acceleration on devices that support it). |
| loadBalancer.l7 | object | `{"algorithm":"round_robin","backend":"disabled","ports":[]}` | L7 LoadBalancer |
| loadBalancer.l7.algorithm | string | `"round_robin"` | Default LB algorithm The default LB algorithm to be used for services, which can be overridden by the service annotation (e.g. service.cilium.io/lb-l7-algorithm) Applicable values: round_robin, least_request, random |
| loadBalancer.l7.backend | string | `"disabled"` | Enable L7 service load balancing via envoy proxy. The request to a k8s service, which has specific annotation e.g. service.cilium.io/lb-l7, will be forwarded to the local backend proxy to be load balanced to the service endpoints. Please refer to docs for supported annotations for more configuration. Applicable values: - envoy: Enable L7 load balancing via envoy proxy. This will automatically set enable-envoy-config as well. - disabled: Disable L7 load balancing by way of service annotation. |
@ -647,7 +661,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| operator.extraVolumes | list | `[]` | Additional cilium-operator volumes. |
| operator.identityGCInterval | string | `"15m0s"` | Interval for identity garbage collection. |
| operator.identityHeartbeatTimeout | string | `"30m0s"` | Timeout for identity heartbeats. |
| operator.image | object | `{"alibabacloudDigest":"","awsDigest":"","azureDigest":"","genericDigest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/operator","suffix":"","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.2","useDigest":false}` | cilium-operator image. |
| operator.image | object | `{"alibabacloudDigest":"","awsDigest":"","azureDigest":"","genericDigest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/operator","suffix":"","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.3","useDigest":false}` | cilium-operator image. |
| operator.nodeGCInterval | string | `"5m0s"` | Interval for cilium node garbage collection. |
| operator.nodeSelector | object | `{"kubernetes.io/os":"linux"}` | Node labels for cilium-operator pod assignment ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector |
| operator.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to be added to cilium-operator pods |
@ -697,7 +711,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| preflight.extraEnv | list | `[]` | Additional preflight environment variables. |
| preflight.extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional preflight volumeMounts. |
| preflight.extraVolumes | list | `[]` | Additional preflight volumes. |
| preflight.image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/cilium","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.2","useDigest":false}` | Cilium pre-flight image. |
| preflight.image | object | `{"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"quay.io/cilium/cilium","tag":"v1.15.0-pre.3","useDigest":false}` | Cilium pre-flight image. |
| preflight.nodeSelector | object | `{"kubernetes.io/os":"linux"}` | Node labels for preflight pod assignment ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector |
| preflight.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to be added to preflight pods |
| preflight.podDisruptionBudget.enabled | bool | `false` | enable PodDisruptionBudget ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/disruptions/ |
@ -749,6 +763,7 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| serviceAccounts.clustermeshcertgen | object | `{"annotations":{},"automount":true,"create":true,"name":"clustermesh-apiserver-generate-certs"}` | Clustermeshcertgen is used if clustermesh.apiserver.tls.auto.method=cronJob |
| serviceAccounts.hubblecertgen | object | `{"annotations":{},"automount":true,"create":true,"name":"hubble-generate-certs"}` | Hubblecertgen is used if hubble.tls.auto.method=cronJob |
| serviceAccounts.nodeinit.enabled | bool | `false` | Enabled is temporary until https://github.com/cilium/cilium-cli/issues/1396 is implemented. Cilium CLI doesn't create the SAs for node-init, thus the workaround. Helm is not affected by this issue. Name and automount can be configured, if enabled is set to true. Otherwise, they are ignored. Enabled can be removed once the issue is fixed. Cilium-nodeinit DS must also be fixed. |
| serviceNoBackendResponse | string | `"reject"` | Configure what the response should be to traffic for a service without backends. "reject" only works on kernels >= 5.10, on lower kernels we fallback to "drop". Possible values: - reject (default) - drop |
| sleepAfterInit | bool | `false` | Do not run Cilium agent when running with clean mode. Useful to completely uninstall Cilium as it will stop Cilium from starting and create artifacts in the node. |
| socketLB | object | `{"enabled":false}` | Configure socket LB |
| socketLB.enabled | bool | `false` | Enable socket LB |
@ -769,7 +784,6 @@ contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
| tls.caBundle.useSecret | bool | `false` | Use a Secret instead of a ConfigMap. |
| tls.secretsBackend | string | `"local"` | This configures how the Cilium agent loads the secrets used TLS-aware CiliumNetworkPolicies (namely the secrets referenced by terminatingTLS and originatingTLS). Possible values: - local - k8s |
| tolerations | list | `[{"operator":"Exists"}]` | Node tolerations for agent scheduling to nodes with taints ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/ |
| tunnel | string | `"vxlan"` | Configure the encapsulation configuration for communication between nodes. Deprecated in favor of tunnelProtocol and routingMode. To be removed in 1.15. Possible values: - disabled - vxlan - geneve |
| tunnelPort | int | Port 8472 for VXLAN, Port 6081 for Geneve | Configure VXLAN and Geneve tunnel port. |
| tunnelProtocol | string | `"vxlan"` | Tunneling protocol to use in tunneling mode and for ad-hoc tunnels. Possible values: - "" - vxlan - geneve |
| updateStrategy | object | `{"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable":2},"type":"RollingUpdate"}` | Cilium agent update strategy |
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"prefix": "/metrics"
"route": {
"cluster": "envoy-admin",
"cluster": "/envoy-admin",
"prefix_rewrite": "/stats/prometheus"
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
"prefix": "/healthz"
"route": {
"cluster": "envoy-admin",
"cluster": "/envoy-admin",
"prefix_rewrite": "/ready"
@ -245,11 +245,11 @@
"name": "envoy-admin",
"name": "/envoy-admin",
"type": "STATIC",
"connectTimeout": "{{ .Values.envoy.connectTimeoutSeconds }}s",
"loadAssignment": {
"clusterName": "envoy-admin",
"clusterName": "/envoy-admin",
"endpoints": [
"lbEndpoints": [
@ -301,6 +301,14 @@
"resourceApiVersion": "V3"
"bootstrapExtensions": [
"name": "envoy.bootstrap.internal_listener",
"typed_config": {
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.bootstrap.internal_listener.v3.InternalListener"
"layeredRuntime": {
"layers": [
@ -3226,7 +3226,7 @@
"timezone": "",
"title": "Hubble",
"title": "Hubble Metrics and Monitoring",
"uid": "5HftnJAWz",
"version": 24
@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ spec:
failureThreshold: {{ .Values.startupProbe.failureThreshold }}
periodSeconds: {{ .Values.startupProbe.periodSeconds }}
successThreshold: 1
initialDelaySeconds: 5
{{- end }}
{{- if or .Values.keepDeprecatedProbes $defaultKeepDeprecatedProbes }}
@ -375,6 +376,11 @@ spec:
mountPropagation: {{ .mountPropagation }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.hubble.export.dynamic.enabled }}
- name: hubble-flowlog-config
mountPath: /flowlog-config
readOnly: true
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.extraVolumeMounts }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
@ -688,10 +694,10 @@ spec:
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
- "/install-plugin.sh"
{{- with .Values.cni.resources }}
cpu: 100m
memory: 10Mi
{{- toYaml . | trim | nindent 10 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.securityContext.privileged }}
privileged: true
@ -929,6 +935,12 @@ spec:
path: client-ca.crt
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.hubble.export.dynamic.enabled }}
- name: hubble-flowlog-config
name: {{ .Values.hubble.export.dynamic.config.configMapName }}
optional: true
{{- end }}
{{- range .Values.extraHostPathMounts }}
- name: {{ .name }}
@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ kind: ServiceAccount
name: {{ .Values.serviceAccounts.cilium.name | quote }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
{{- if .Values.serviceAccounts.cilium.annotations }}
{{- toYaml .Values.serviceAccounts.cilium.annotations | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if or .Values.serviceAccounts.cilium.annotations .Values.annotations }}
{{- with .Values.annotations }}
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{{- if and (.Values.agent) (not .Values.preflight.enabled) }}
{{- /* Default values with backwards compatibility */ -}}
{{- $defaultEnableCnpStatusUpdates := "true" -}}
{{- $defaultBpfMapDynamicSizeRatio := 0.0 -}}
{{- $defaultBpfMasquerade := "false" -}}
{{- $defaultBpfClockProbe := "false" -}}
@ -13,10 +12,11 @@
{{- $fragmentTracking := "true" -}}
{{- $defaultKubeProxyReplacement := "false" -}}
{{- $azureUsePrimaryAddress := "true" -}}
{{- $defaultK8sClientQPS := 5 -}}
{{- $defaultK8sClientBurst := 10 -}}
{{- /* Default values when 1.8 was initially deployed */ -}}
{{- if semverCompare ">=1.8" (default "1.8" .Values.upgradeCompatibility) -}}
{{- $defaultEnableCnpStatusUpdates = "false" -}}
{{- $defaultBpfMapDynamicSizeRatio = 0.0025 -}}
{{- $defaultBpfMasquerade = "true" -}}
{{- $defaultBpfClockProbe = "true" -}}
@ -76,6 +76,11 @@
{{- else if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.cni.chainingTarget)) -}}
{{- $cniChainingMode = "generic-veth" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if semverCompare ">=1.27-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version -}}
{{- $defaultK8sClientQPS = 10 -}}
{{- $defaultK8sClientBurst = 20 -}}
{{- end -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
@ -451,19 +456,9 @@ data:
{{- else if .Values.routingMode }}
routing-mode: {{ .Values.routingMode | quote }}
{{- else }}
{{- if eq .Values.tunnel "disabled" }}
routing-mode: "native"
{{- else if eq .Values.tunnel "vxlan" }}
routing-mode: "tunnel"
tunnel-protocol: "vxlan"
{{- else if eq .Values.tunnel "geneve" }}
routing-mode: "tunnel"
tunnel-protocol: "geneve"
{{- else }}
# Default case
routing-mode: "tunnel"
tunnel-protocol: "vxlan"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.tunnelProtocol }}
@ -474,6 +469,10 @@ data:
tunnel-port: {{ .Values.tunnelPort | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.serviceNoBackendResponse }}
service-no-backend-response: "{{ .Values.serviceNoBackendResponse }}"
{{- end}}
{{- if .Values.MTU }}
mtu: {{ .Values.MTU | quote }}
{{- end }}
@ -819,6 +818,9 @@ data:
{{- if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.cni.chainingTarget)) }}
cni-chaining-target: {{ .Values.cni.chainingTarget | quote }}
{{- end}}
{{- if (not (kindIs "invalid" .Values.cni.externalRouting)) }}
cni-external-routing: {{ .Values.cni.externalRouting | quote }}
{{- end}}
{{- if .Values.kubeConfigPath }}
k8s-kubeconfig-path: {{ .Values.kubeConfigPath | quote }}
{{- end }}
@ -883,6 +885,8 @@ data:
{{- if .Values.hubble.redact.http }}
# Enables redaction of the http URL query part in flows
hubble-redact-http-urlquery: {{ .Values.hubble.redact.http.urlQuery | quote }}
# Enables redaction of the http user info in flows
hubble-redact-http-userinfo: {{ .Values.hubble.redact.http.userInfo | quote }}
{{- if .Values.hubble.redact.http.headers }}
{{- if .Values.hubble.redact.http.headers.allow }}
# Redact all http headers that do not match this list
@ -904,6 +908,19 @@ data:
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.hubble.export }}
hubble-export-file-max-size-mb: {{ .Values.hubble.export.fileMaxSizeMb | quote }}
hubble-export-file-max-backups: {{ .Values.hubble.export.fileMaxBackups | quote }}
{{- if .Values.hubble.export.static.enabled }}
hubble-export-file-path: {{ .Values.hubble.export.static.filePath | quote }}
hubble-export-fieldmask: {{ .Values.hubble.export.static.fieldMask | join " " | quote }}
hubble-export-allowlist: {{ .Values.hubble.export.static.allowList | join "," | quote }}
hubble-export-denylist: {{ .Values.hubble.export.static.denyList | join "," | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.hubble.export.dynamic.enabled }}
hubble-flowlogs-config-path: /flowlog-config/flowlogs.yaml
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if hasKey .Values.hubble "listenAddress" }}
# An additional address for Hubble server to listen to (e.g. ":4244").
hubble-listen-address: {{ .Values.hubble.listenAddress | quote }}
@ -983,13 +1000,6 @@ data:
api-rate-limit: {{ .Values.apiRateLimit | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.enableCnpStatusUpdates }}
disable-cnp-status-updates: "false"
{{- else if (eq $defaultEnableCnpStatusUpdates "false") }}
disable-cnp-status-updates: "true"
cnp-node-status-gc-interval: "0s"
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.egressGateway.enabled }}
enable-ipv4-egress-gateway: "true"
{{- end }}
@ -1019,10 +1029,6 @@ data:
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.enableK8sEventHandover }}
enable-k8s-event-handover: "true"
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.crdWaitTimeout }}
crd-wait-timeout: {{ include "validateDuration" .Values.crdWaitTimeout | quote }}
{{- end }}
@ -1121,10 +1127,8 @@ data:
annotate-k8s-node: "true"
{{- end }}
{{- if hasKey .Values "k8sClientRateLimit" }}
k8s-client-qps: {{ .Values.k8sClientRateLimit.qps | quote }}
k8s-client-burst: {{ .Values.k8sClientRateLimit.burst | quote }}
{{- end }}
k8s-client-qps: {{ .Values.k8sClientRateLimit.qps | default $defaultK8sClientQPS | quote}}
k8s-client-burst: {{ .Values.k8sClientRateLimit.burst | default $defaultK8sClientBurst | quote }}
{{- if and .Values.operator.setNodeTaints (not .Values.operator.removeNodeTaints) -}}
{{ fail "Cannot have operator.setNodeTaintsMaxNodes and not operator.removeNodeTaints = false" }}
@ -1212,6 +1216,10 @@ data:
envoy-log: {{ .Values.envoy.log.path | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if hasKey .Values.clustermesh "maxConnectedClusters" }}
max-connected-clusters: {{ .Values.clustermesh.maxConnectedClusters | quote }}
{{- end }}
# Extra config allows adding arbitrary properties to the cilium config.
# By putting it at the end of the ConfigMap, it's also possible to override existing properties.
{{- if .Values.extraConfig }}
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ spec:
failureThreshold: {{ .Values.envoy.startupProbe.failureThreshold }}
periodSeconds: {{ .Values.envoy.startupProbe.periodSeconds }}
successThreshold: 1
initialDelaySeconds: 5
{{- end }}
@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ metadata:
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
{{- if or (not .Values.envoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled) .Values.envoy.annotations }}
{{- if not .Values.envoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled }}
prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
prometheus.io/port: {{ .Values.proxy.prometheus.port | default .Values.envoy.prometheus.port | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.envoy.annotations }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if not .Values.envoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled }}
prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
prometheus.io/port: {{ .Values.proxy.prometheus.port | default .Values.envoy.prometheus.port | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.envoy.annotations }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
k8s-app: cilium-envoy
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{{- if and .Values.hubble.export.dynamic.enabled .Values.hubble.export.dynamic.config.createConfigMap }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ .Values.hubble.export.dynamic.config.configMapName }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
flowlogs.yaml: |
{{ .Values.hubble.export.dynamic.config.content | toYaml | indent 4 }}
{{- end }}
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ metadata:
{{- with $.Values.operator.dashboards.annotations }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.operator.annotations }}
{{- with $.Values.operator.annotations }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
@ -48,41 +48,37 @@ spec:
{{- end }}
- name: etcd-init
image: {{ include "cilium.image" .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.image | quote }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.image.pullPolicy }}
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
image: {{ include "cilium.image" .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.image | quote }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.image.pullPolicy }}
- /usr/bin/clustermesh-apiserver
- |
rm -rf /var/run/etcd/*;
/usr/local/bin/etcd --data-dir=/var/run/etcd --name=clustermesh-apiserver --listen-client-urls= --advertise-client-urls= --initial-cluster-token=clustermesh-apiserver --initial-cluster-state=new --auto-compaction-retention=1 &
# The following key needs to be created before that the cilium agents
# have the possibility of connecting to etcd.
etcdctl put cilium/.has-cluster-config true
etcdctl user add root --no-password;
etcdctl user grant-role root root;
etcdctl user add admin-{{ .Values.cluster.name }} --no-password;
etcdctl user grant-role admin-{{ .Values.cluster.name }} root;
etcdctl user add externalworkload --no-password;
etcdctl role add externalworkload;
etcdctl role grant-permission externalworkload --from-key read '';
etcdctl role grant-permission externalworkload readwrite --prefix cilium/state/noderegister/v1/;
etcdctl role grant-permission externalworkload readwrite --prefix cilium/.initlock/;
etcdctl user grant-role externalworkload externalworkload;
etcdctl user add remote --no-password;
etcdctl role add remote;
etcdctl role grant-permission remote --from-key read '';
etcdctl user grant-role remote remote;
etcdctl auth enable;
- etcdinit
{{- if .Values.debug.enabled }}
- --debug
{{- end }}
# These need to match the equivalent arguments to etcd in the main container.
- --etcd-cluster-name=clustermesh-apiserver
- --etcd-initial-cluster-token=clustermesh-apiserver
- --etcd-data-dir=/var/run/etcd
{{- with .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.init.extraArgs }}
{{- toYaml . | trim | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
value: "3"
# The Cilium cluster name (specified via the `CILIUM_CLUSTER_NAME` environment variable) and the etcd cluster
# name (specified via the `--etcd-cluster-name` argument) are very different concepts. The Cilium cluster name
# is the name of the overall Cilium cluster, and is used to set the admin account username. The etcd cluster
# name is a concept that's only relevant for etcd itself. The etcd cluster name must be the same for both this
# command and the actual invocation of etcd in the main containers of this Pod, but it's otherwise not
# relevant to Cilium.
fieldPath: status.podIP
name: cilium-config
key: cluster-name
{{- with .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.init.extraEnv }}
{{- toYaml . | trim | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
- name: etcd-data-dir
mountPath: /var/run/etcd
@ -93,10 +89,11 @@ spec:
{{- end }}
- name: etcd
image: {{ include "cilium.image" .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.image | quote }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.etcd.image.pullPolicy }}
# The clustermesh-apiserver container image includes an etcd binary.
image: {{ include "cilium.image" .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.image | quote }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.image.pullPolicy }}
- /usr/local/bin/etcd
- /usr/bin/etcd
- --data-dir=/var/run/etcd
- --name=clustermesh-apiserver
@ -155,6 +152,7 @@ spec:
- /usr/bin/clustermesh-apiserver
- clustermesh
{{- if .Values.debug.enabled }}
- --debug
{{- end }}
@ -162,6 +160,9 @@ spec:
- --cluster-id=$(CLUSTER_ID)
- --kvstore-opt
- etcd.config=/var/lib/cilium/etcd-config.yaml
{{- if hasKey .Values.clustermesh "maxConnectedClusters" }}
- --max-connected-clusters={{ .Values.clustermesh.maxConnectedClusters }}
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.tls.authMode "legacy" }}
- --cluster-users-enabled
- --cluster-users-config-path=/var/lib/cilium/etcd-config/users.yaml
@ -233,11 +234,12 @@ spec:
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.enabled }}
- name: kvstoremesh
image: {{ include "cilium.image" .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.image | quote }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.image.pullPolicy }}
image: {{ include "cilium.image" .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.image | quote }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.image.pullPolicy }}
- /usr/bin/kvstoremesh
- /usr/bin/clustermesh-apiserver
- kvstoremesh
{{- if .Values.debug.enabled }}
- --debug
{{- end }}
@ -247,6 +249,9 @@ spec:
- --kvstore-opt=etcd.qps=100
- --kvstore-opt=etcd.maxInflight=10
- --clustermesh-config=/var/lib/cilium/clustermesh
{{- if hasKey .Values.clustermesh "maxConnectedClusters" }}
- --max-connected-clusters={{ .Values.clustermesh.maxConnectedClusters }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.metrics.kvstoremesh.enabled }}
- --prometheus-serve-addr=:{{ .Values.clustermesh.apiserver.metrics.kvstoremesh.port }}
- --controller-group-metrics=all
@ -71,11 +71,26 @@ spec:
protocol: TCP
{{- end }}
port: grpc
{{- include "hubble-relay.probe" . | nindent 12 }}
{{- if semverCompare "<1.20-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version }}
# Starting from Kubernetes 1.20, we are using startupProbe instead
# of this field.
initialDelaySeconds: 5
{{- end }}
port: grpc
{{- include "hubble-relay.probe" . | nindent 12 }}
{{- if semverCompare "<1.20-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version }}
# Starting from Kubernetes 1.20, we are using startupProbe instead
# of this field.
initialDelaySeconds: 60
{{- end }}
{{- if semverCompare ">=1.20-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version }}
# give the relay one minute to start up
{{- include "hubble-relay.probe" . | nindent 12 }}
failureThreshold: 20
periodSeconds: 3
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.hubble.relay.extraEnv }}
{{- toYaml . | trim | nindent 12 }}
@ -164,3 +179,17 @@ spec:
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "hubble-relay.probe" }}
{{- /* This distinction can be removed once we drop support for k8s 1.23 */}}
{{- if semverCompare ">=1.24-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version -}}
port: 4222
{{- else }}
- grpc_health_probe
- -addr=localhost:4222
{{- end }}
timeoutSeconds: 3
{{- end }}
@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ spec:
hostNetwork: true
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
serviceAccountName: {{ .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.serviceAccount.name }}
{{- with .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.podSecurityContext }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
- name: init
image: {{ include "cilium.image" .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.initImage | quote }}
@ -53,6 +57,10 @@ spec:
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
args: ["-config", "/run/spire/config/agent.conf"]
{{- with .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.securityContext }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
- name: spire-config
mountPath: /run/spire/config
@ -83,6 +91,14 @@ spec:
port: 4251
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 5
{{- with .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.affinity }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.nodeSelector }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.authentication.mutual.spire.install.agent.tolerations }}
{{- toYaml . | trim | nindent 8 }}
@ -96,3 +96,8 @@
{{ fail "External workloads support cannot be enabled in combination with .Values.disableEndpointCRD=true" }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/*validate ClusterMesh */}}
{{- if and (ne (int .Values.clustermesh.maxConnectedClusters) 255) (ne (int .Values.clustermesh.maxConnectedClusters) 511) }}
{{- fail "max-connected-clusters must be set to 255 or 511" }}
{{- end }}
@ -47,11 +47,13 @@ k8sServicePort: ""
# rate limit, the agent and operator will start to throttle requests by delaying
# them until there is budget or the request times out.
# -- The sustained request rate in requests per second.
qps: 5
# -- The burst request rate in requests per second.
# -- (int) The sustained request rate in requests per second.
# @default -- 5 for k8s up to 1.26. 10 for k8s version 1.27+
# -- (int) The burst request rate in requests per second.
# The rate limiter will allow short bursts with a higher rate.
burst: 10
# @default -- 10 for k8s up to 1.26. 20 for k8s version 1.27+
# -- Name of the cluster. Only required for Cluster Mesh and mutual authentication with SPIRE.
@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ rollOutCiliumPods: false
override: ~
repository: "quay.io/cilium/cilium"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.2"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.3"
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
# cilium-digest
digest: ""
@ -412,9 +414,9 @@ bgpControlPlane:
# -- SecretsNamespace is the namespace which BGP support will retrieve secrets from.
# -- Create secrets namespace for BGP secrets.
create: true
create: false
# -- The name of the secret namespace to which Cilium agents are given read access
name: cilium-bgp-secrets
name: kube-system
# -- Enable path MTU discovery to send ICMP fragmentation-needed replies to
@ -596,6 +598,12 @@ cni:
# inside the agent pod.
hostConfDirMountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d
# -- Specifies the resources for the cni initContainer
cpu: 100m
memory: 10Mi
# -- (string) Configure how frequently garbage collection should occur for the datapath
# connection tracking table.
# @default -- `"0s"`
@ -673,13 +681,6 @@ enableRuntimeDeviceDetection: false
# -- Limit iptables-based egress masquerading to interface selector.
# egressMasqueradeInterfaces: ""
# -- Whether to enable CNP status updates.
enableCnpStatusUpdates: false
# -- Configures the use of the KVStore to optimize Kubernetes event handling by
# mirroring it into the KVstore for reduced overhead in large clusters.
enableK8sEventHandover: false
# -- Enable setting identity mark for local traffic.
# enableIdentityMark: true
@ -724,8 +725,7 @@ ingressController:
# -- Enable proxy protocol for all Ingress listeners. Note that _only_ Proxy protocol traffic will be accepted once this is enabled.
enableProxyProtocol: false
# -- IngressLBAnnotations are the annotation prefixes, which are used to filter annotations to propagate
# from Ingress to the Load Balancer service
# -- IngressLBAnnotations are the annotation and label prefixes, which are used to filter annotations and/or labels to propagate from Ingress to the Load Balancer service
ingressLBAnnotationPrefixes: ['service.beta.kubernetes.io', 'service.kubernetes.io', 'cloud.google.com']
# -- Default secret namespace for ingresses without .spec.tls[].secretName set.
@ -1086,6 +1086,19 @@ hubble:
# --set hubble.redact.enabled="true"
# --set hubble.redact.http.urlQuery="true"
urlQuery: false
# -- Enables redacting user info, e.g., password when basic auth is used.
# Example:
# redact:
# enabled: true
# http:
# userInfo: true
# You can specify the options from the helm CLI:
# --set hubble.redact.enabled="true"
# --set hubble.redact.http.userInfo="true"
userInfo: true
# -- List of HTTP headers to allow: headers not matching will be redacted. Note: `allow` and `deny` lists cannot be used both at the same time, only one can be present.
# Example:
@ -1212,7 +1225,7 @@ hubble:
override: ~
repository: "quay.io/cilium/hubble-relay"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.2"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.3"
# hubble-relay-digest
digest: ""
useDigest: false
@ -1597,6 +1610,55 @@ hubble:
# hosts:
# - chart-example.local
# -- Hubble flows export.
# --- Defines max file size of output file before it gets rotated.
fileMaxSizeMb: 10
# --- Defines max number of backup/rotated files.
fileMaxBackups: 5
# --- Static exporter configuration.
# Static exporter is bound to agent lifecycle.
enabled: false
filePath: /var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log
fieldMask: []
# - time
# - source
# - destination
# - verdict
allowList: []
# - '{"verdict":["DROPPED","ERROR"]}'
denyList: []
# - '{"source_pod":["kube-system/"]}'
# - '{"destination_pod":["kube-system/"]}'
# --- Dynamic exporters configuration.
# Dynamic exporters may be reconfigured without a need of agent restarts.
enabled: false
# ---- Name of configmap with configuration that may be altered to reconfigure exporters within a running agents.
configMapName: cilium-flowlog-config
# ---- True if helm installer should create config map.
# Switch to false if you want to self maintain the file content.
createConfigMap: true
# ---- Exporters configuration in YAML format.
- name: all
fieldMask: []
includeFilters: []
excludeFilters: []
filePath: "/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log"
#- name: "test002"
# filePath: "/var/log/network/flow-log/pa/test002.log"
# fieldMask: ["source.namespace", "source.pod_name", "destination.namespace", "destination.pod_name", "verdict"]
# includeFilters:
# - source_pod: ["default/"]
# event_type:
# - type: 1
# - destination_pod: ["frontend/nginx-975996d4c-7hhgt"]
# excludeFilters: []
# end: "2023-10-09T23:59:59-07:00"
# -- Method to use for identity allocation (`crd` or `kvstore`).
identityAllocationMode: "crd"
@ -1829,8 +1891,11 @@ loadBalancer:
# mode: snat
# -- acceleration is the option to accelerate service handling via XDP
# e.g. native, disabled
# acceleration: disabled
# Applicable values can be: disabled (do not use XDP), native (XDP BPF
# program is run directly out of the networking driver's early receive
# path), or best-effort (use native mode XDP acceleration on devices
# that support it).
acceleration: disabled
# -- dsrDispatch configures whether IP option or IPIP encapsulation is
# used to pass a service IP and port to remote backend
@ -1994,9 +2059,9 @@ envoy:
override: ~
repository: "quay.io/cilium/cilium-envoy"
tag: "v1.27.2-ab187719b71b513150f30209569695adf16ec869"
tag: "v1.27.2-f19708f3d0188fe39b7e024b4525b75a9eeee61f"
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
digest: "sha256:2b590be37624547d638a578a3f31278d3be53a1a2649ba888a9f15771628521e"
digest: "sha256:80de27c1d16ab92923cc0cd1fff90f2e7047a9abf3906fda712268d9cbc5b950"
useDigest: true
# -- Additional containers added to the cilium Envoy DaemonSet.
@ -2242,15 +2307,6 @@ tls:
# ...
# -- Configure the encapsulation configuration for communication between nodes.
# Deprecated in favor of tunnelProtocol and routingMode. To be removed in 1.15.
# Possible values:
# - disabled
# - vxlan
# - geneve
# @default -- `"vxlan"`
tunnel: ""
# -- Tunneling protocol to use in tunneling mode and for ad-hoc tunnels.
# Possible values:
# - ""
@ -2271,6 +2327,13 @@ routingMode: ""
# @default -- Port 8472 for VXLAN, Port 6081 for Geneve
tunnelPort: 0
# -- Configure what the response should be to traffic for a service without backends.
# "reject" only works on kernels >= 5.10, on lower kernels we fallback to "drop".
# Possible values:
# - reject (default)
# - drop
serviceNoBackendResponse: reject
# -- Configure the underlying network MTU to overwrite auto-detected MTU.
MTU: 0
@ -2397,7 +2460,7 @@ operator:
override: ~
repository: "quay.io/cilium/operator"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.2"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.3"
# operator-generic-digest
genericDigest: ""
# operator-azure-digest
@ -2692,7 +2755,7 @@ preflight:
override: ~
repository: "quay.io/cilium/cilium"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.2"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.3"
# cilium-digest
digest: ""
useDigest: false
@ -2809,6 +2872,12 @@ enableCriticalPriorityClass: true
# -- Deploy clustermesh-apiserver for clustermesh
useAPIServer: false
# -- The maximum number of clusters to support in a ClusterMesh. This value
# cannot be changed on running clusters, and all clusters in a ClusterMesh
# must be configured with the same value. Values > 255 will decrease the
# maximum allocatable cluster-local identities.
# Supported values are 255 and 511.
maxConnectedClusters: 255
# -- Annotations to be added to all top-level clustermesh objects (resources under templates/clustermesh-apiserver and templates/clustermesh-config)
annotations: {}
@ -2848,21 +2917,16 @@ clustermesh:
override: ~
repository: "quay.io/cilium/clustermesh-apiserver"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.2"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.3"
# clustermesh-apiserver-digest
digest: ""
useDigest: false
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
# -- Clustermesh API server etcd image.
override: ~
repository: "quay.io/coreos/etcd"
tag: "v3.5.4"
digest: "sha256:795d8660c48c439a7c3764c2330ed9222ab5db5bb524d8d0607cac76f7ba82a3"
useDigest: true
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
# The etcd binary is included in the clustermesh API server image, so the same image from above is reused.
# Independent override isn't supported, because clustermesh-apiserver is tested against the etcd version it is
# built with.
# -- Specifies the resources for etcd container in the apiserver
resources: {}
@ -2889,21 +2953,17 @@ clustermesh:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 100Mi
# -- Additional arguments to `clustermesh-apiserver etcdinit`.
extraArgs: []
# -- Additional environment variables to `clustermesh-apiserver etcdinit`.
extraEnv: []
# -- Enable KVStoreMesh. KVStoreMesh caches the information retrieved
# from the remote clusters in the local etcd instance.
enabled: false
# -- KVStoreMesh image.
override: ~
repository: "quay.io/cilium/kvstoremesh"
tag: "v1.15.0-pre.2"
# kvstoremesh-digest
digest: ""
useDigest: false
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
# -- Additional KVStoreMesh arguments.
extraArgs: []
@ -3293,7 +3353,7 @@ authentication:
override: ~
repository: "docker.io/library/busybox"
tag: "1.35.0"
tag: "1.36.1"
digest: "sha256:223ae047b1065bd069aac01ae3ac8088b3ca4a527827e283b85112f29385fb1b"
useDigest: true
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
@ -3303,8 +3363,8 @@ authentication:
override: ~
repository: "ghcr.io/spiffe/spire-agent"
tag: "1.6.3"
digest: "sha256:8eef9857bf223181ecef10d9bbcd2f7838f3689e9bd2445bede35066a732e823"
tag: "1.8.4"
digest: "sha256:d489bc8470d7a0f292e0e3576c3e7025253343dc798241bcfd9061828e2a6bef"
useDigest: true
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
# -- SPIRE agent service account
@ -3320,13 +3380,26 @@ authentication:
# -- SPIRE agent tolerations configuration
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/
tolerations: []
# -- SPIRE agent affinity configuration
affinity: {}
# -- SPIRE agent nodeSelector configuration
# ref: ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
nodeSelector: {}
# -- Security context to be added to spire agent pods.
# SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
podSecurityContext: {}
# -- Security context to be added to spire agent containers.
# SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container
securityContext: {}
# -- SPIRE server image
override: ~
repository: "ghcr.io/spiffe/spire-server"
tag: "1.6.3"
digest: "sha256:f4bc49fb0bd1d817a6c46204cc7ce943c73fb0a5496a78e0e4dc20c9a816ad7f"
tag: "1.8.4"
digest: "sha256:bf79e0a921f8b8aa92602f7ea335616e72f7e91f939848e7ccc52d5bddfe96a1"
useDigest: true
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
# -- SPIRE server service account
@ -44,11 +44,13 @@ k8sServicePort: ""
# rate limit, the agent and operator will start to throttle requests by delaying
# them until there is budget or the request times out.
# -- The sustained request rate in requests per second.
qps: 5
# -- The burst request rate in requests per second.
# -- (int) The sustained request rate in requests per second.
# @default -- 5 for k8s up to 1.26. 10 for k8s version 1.27+
# -- (int) The burst request rate in requests per second.
# The rate limiter will allow short bursts with a higher rate.
burst: 10
# @default -- 10 for k8s up to 1.26. 20 for k8s version 1.27+
# -- Name of the cluster. Only required for Cluster Mesh and mutual authentication with SPIRE.
@ -409,9 +411,9 @@ bgpControlPlane:
# -- SecretsNamespace is the namespace which BGP support will retrieve secrets from.
# -- Create secrets namespace for BGP secrets.
create: true
create: false
# -- The name of the secret namespace to which Cilium agents are given read access
name: cilium-bgp-secrets
name: kube-system
# -- Enable path MTU discovery to send ICMP fragmentation-needed replies to
@ -593,6 +595,12 @@ cni:
# inside the agent pod.
hostConfDirMountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d
# -- Specifies the resources for the cni initContainer
cpu: 100m
memory: 10Mi
# -- (string) Configure how frequently garbage collection should occur for the datapath
# connection tracking table.
# @default -- `"0s"`
@ -670,13 +678,6 @@ enableRuntimeDeviceDetection: false
# -- Limit iptables-based egress masquerading to interface selector.
# egressMasqueradeInterfaces: ""
# -- Whether to enable CNP status updates.
enableCnpStatusUpdates: false
# -- Configures the use of the KVStore to optimize Kubernetes event handling by
# mirroring it into the KVstore for reduced overhead in large clusters.
enableK8sEventHandover: false
# -- Enable setting identity mark for local traffic.
# enableIdentityMark: true
@ -721,8 +722,7 @@ ingressController:
# -- Enable proxy protocol for all Ingress listeners. Note that _only_ Proxy protocol traffic will be accepted once this is enabled.
enableProxyProtocol: false
# -- IngressLBAnnotations are the annotation prefixes, which are used to filter annotations to propagate
# from Ingress to the Load Balancer service
# -- IngressLBAnnotations are the annotation and label prefixes, which are used to filter annotations and/or labels to propagate from Ingress to the Load Balancer service
ingressLBAnnotationPrefixes: ['service.beta.kubernetes.io', 'service.kubernetes.io', 'cloud.google.com']
# -- Default secret namespace for ingresses without .spec.tls[].secretName set.
@ -1079,6 +1079,19 @@ hubble:
# --set hubble.redact.enabled="true"
# --set hubble.redact.http.urlQuery="true"
urlQuery: false
# -- Enables redacting user info, e.g., password when basic auth is used.
# Example:
# redact:
# enabled: true
# http:
# userInfo: true
# You can specify the options from the helm CLI:
# --set hubble.redact.enabled="true"
# --set hubble.redact.http.userInfo="true"
userInfo: true
# -- List of HTTP headers to allow: headers not matching will be redacted. Note: `allow` and `deny` lists cannot be used both at the same time, only one can be present.
# Example:
@ -1590,6 +1603,55 @@ hubble:
# hosts:
# - chart-example.local
# -- Hubble flows export.
# --- Defines max file size of output file before it gets rotated.
fileMaxSizeMb: 10
# --- Defines max number of backup/rotated files.
fileMaxBackups: 5
# --- Static exporter configuration.
# Static exporter is bound to agent lifecycle.
enabled: false
filePath: /var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log
fieldMask: []
# - time
# - source
# - destination
# - verdict
allowList: []
# - '{"verdict":["DROPPED","ERROR"]}'
denyList: []
# - '{"source_pod":["kube-system/"]}'
# - '{"destination_pod":["kube-system/"]}'
# --- Dynamic exporters configuration.
# Dynamic exporters may be reconfigured without a need of agent restarts.
enabled: false
# ---- Name of configmap with configuration that may be altered to reconfigure exporters within a running agents.
configMapName: cilium-flowlog-config
# ---- True if helm installer should create config map.
# Switch to false if you want to self maintain the file content.
createConfigMap: true
# ---- Exporters configuration in YAML format.
- name: all
fieldMask: []
includeFilters: []
excludeFilters: []
filePath: "/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log"
#- name: "test002"
# filePath: "/var/log/network/flow-log/pa/test002.log"
# fieldMask: ["source.namespace", "source.pod_name", "destination.namespace", "destination.pod_name", "verdict"]
# includeFilters:
# - source_pod: ["default/"]
# event_type:
# - type: 1
# - destination_pod: ["frontend/nginx-975996d4c-7hhgt"]
# excludeFilters: []
# end: "2023-10-09T23:59:59-07:00"
# -- Method to use for identity allocation (`crd` or `kvstore`).
identityAllocationMode: "crd"
@ -1822,8 +1884,11 @@ loadBalancer:
# mode: snat
# -- acceleration is the option to accelerate service handling via XDP
# e.g. native, disabled
# acceleration: disabled
# Applicable values can be: disabled (do not use XDP), native (XDP BPF
# program is run directly out of the networking driver's early receive
# path), or best-effort (use native mode XDP acceleration on devices
# that support it).
acceleration: disabled
# -- dsrDispatch configures whether IP option or IPIP encapsulation is
# used to pass a service IP and port to remote backend
@ -2235,15 +2300,6 @@ tls:
# ...
# -- Configure the encapsulation configuration for communication between nodes.
# Deprecated in favor of tunnelProtocol and routingMode. To be removed in 1.15.
# Possible values:
# - disabled
# - vxlan
# - geneve
# @default -- `"vxlan"`
tunnel: ""
# -- Tunneling protocol to use in tunneling mode and for ad-hoc tunnels.
# Possible values:
# - ""
@ -2264,6 +2320,13 @@ routingMode: ""
# @default -- Port 8472 for VXLAN, Port 6081 for Geneve
tunnelPort: 0
# -- Configure what the response should be to traffic for a service without backends.
# "reject" only works on kernels >= 5.10, on lower kernels we fallback to "drop".
# Possible values:
# - reject (default)
# - drop
serviceNoBackendResponse: reject
# -- Configure the underlying network MTU to overwrite auto-detected MTU.
MTU: 0
@ -2802,6 +2865,12 @@ enableCriticalPriorityClass: true
# -- Deploy clustermesh-apiserver for clustermesh
useAPIServer: false
# -- The maximum number of clusters to support in a ClusterMesh. This value
# cannot be changed on running clusters, and all clusters in a ClusterMesh
# must be configured with the same value. Values > 255 will decrease the
# maximum allocatable cluster-local identities.
# Supported values are 255 and 511.
maxConnectedClusters: 255
# -- Annotations to be added to all top-level clustermesh objects (resources under templates/clustermesh-apiserver and templates/clustermesh-config)
annotations: {}
@ -2848,14 +2917,9 @@ clustermesh:
pullPolicy: "${PULL_POLICY}"
# -- Clustermesh API server etcd image.
override: ~
repository: "${ETCD_REPO}"
tag: "${ETCD_VERSION}"
digest: "${ETCD_DIGEST}"
useDigest: true
pullPolicy: "${PULL_POLICY}"
# The etcd binary is included in the clustermesh API server image, so the same image from above is reused.
# Independent override isn't supported, because clustermesh-apiserver is tested against the etcd version it is
# built with.
# -- Specifies the resources for etcd container in the apiserver
resources: {}
@ -2882,21 +2946,17 @@ clustermesh:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 100Mi
# -- Additional arguments to `clustermesh-apiserver etcdinit`.
extraArgs: []
# -- Additional environment variables to `clustermesh-apiserver etcdinit`.
extraEnv: []
# -- Enable KVStoreMesh. KVStoreMesh caches the information retrieved
# from the remote clusters in the local etcd instance.
enabled: false
# -- KVStoreMesh image.
override: ~
repository: "${KVSTOREMESH_REPO}"
# kvstoremesh-digest
useDigest: ${USE_DIGESTS}
pullPolicy: "${PULL_POLICY}"
# -- Additional KVStoreMesh arguments.
extraArgs: []
@ -3313,6 +3373,19 @@ authentication:
# -- SPIRE agent tolerations configuration
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/
tolerations: []
# -- SPIRE agent affinity configuration
affinity: {}
# -- SPIRE agent nodeSelector configuration
# ref: ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
nodeSelector: {}
# -- Security context to be added to spire agent pods.
# SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod
podSecurityContext: {}
# -- Security context to be added to spire agent containers.
# SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container
securityContext: {}
# -- SPIRE server image
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ git clone \
--no-checkout \
--sparse \
--depth 1 \
-b 1.15.0-pre.2 \
-b 1.15.0-pre.3 \
cd cilium
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ func TestHelmApply(t *testing.T) {
if tc.clusterCertManagerVersion != nil {
certManagerVersion = *tc.clusterCertManagerVersion
helmListVersion(lister, "cilium", "v1.15.0-pre.2")
helmListVersion(lister, "cilium", "v1.15.0-pre.3")
helmListVersion(lister, "cert-manager", certManagerVersion)
helmListVersion(lister, "constellation-services", tc.clusterMicroServiceVersion)
helmListVersion(lister, "constellation-operators", tc.clusterMicroServiceVersion)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user