mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 00:40:11 -05:00
ci: remove k-bench action
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
# K-Bench
## Continuous Benchmarking
The K-Bench action runs K-Bench benchmarks on Constellation clusters.
The benchmark suite records storage, network, and Kubernetes API benchmarks.
After testing, the action compares the results of the benchmarks to previous results of Constellation on the same cloud provider. That way, it is possible to evaluate performance progression throughout the development.
The data of previous benchmarks is stored in the private S3 artifact store.
In order to support encrypted storage, the action deploys the [Azure CSI](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation-azuredisk-csi-driver) and [GCP CSI](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation-gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver) drivers. It uses a [fork](https://github.com/edgelesssys/k-bench) of VMware's K-Bench. The fork deploys volumes that use the `encrypted-storage` storage class. Also, it has support to authenticate against GCP which is required to update the stored records for GKE.
### Displaying Performance Progression
The action creates a summary of the action and attaches it the workflow execution log.
The table compares the current benchmark results of Constellation on the selected cloud provider to the previous records (of Constellation on the cloud provider).
The hashes of the two commits that are the base for the comparison are prepended to the table.
Example table:
- Commit of current benchmark: 8eb0a6803bc431bcebc2f6766ab2c6376500e106
- Commit of previous benchmark: 8f733daaf5c5509f024745260220d89ef8e6e440
| Benchmark suite | Current | Previous | Ratio |
| pod_create (ms) | 135 | 198 | 0.682 ⬇️ |
| pod_list (ms) | 100 | 99 | 1.01 ⬆️ |
| pod_get (ms) | 98 | 98 | 1.0 ⬆️ |
| pod_update (ms) | 187 | 132 | 1.417 ⬆️ |
| pod_delete (ms) | 119 | 108 | 1.102 ⬆️ |
| svc_create (ms) | 156 | 149 | 1.047 ⬆️ |
| svc_list (ms) | 97 | 96 | 1.01 ⬆️ |
| svc_get (ms) | 97 | 96 | 1.01 ⬆️ |
| svc_update (ms) | 100 | 101 | 0.99 ⬇️ |
| svc_delete (ms) | 143 | 139 | 1.029 ⬆️ |
| depl_create (ms) | 201 | 218 | 0.922 ⬇️ |
| depl_list (ms) | 101 | 101 | 1.0 ⬆️ |
| depl_update (ms) | 111 | 110 | 1.009 ⬆️ |
| depl_scale (ms) | 391 | 391 | 1.0 ⬆️ |
| depl_delete (ms) | 401 | 402 | 0.998 ⬇️ |
| net_internode_snd (Mbit/s) | 953.0 | 964.0 | 1.01 ⬆️ |
| net_intranode_snd (Mbit/s) | 18500.0 | 18600.0 | 1.01 ⬆️ |
| fio_root_async_R70W30_R (MiB/s) | 0.45 | 0.45| 1.0 ⬆️ |
| fio_root_async_R70W30_W (MiB/s) | 0.20 | 0.20 | 1.0 ⬆️ |
| fio_root_async_R100W0_R (MiB/s) | 0.59 | 0.59 | 1.0 ⬆️ |
| fio_root_async_R0W100_W (MiB/s) | 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.0 ⬆️ |
### Drawing Performance Charts
The action also draws graphs as used in the [Constellation docs](https://docs.edgeless.systems/constellation/next/overview/performance). The graphs compare the performance of Constellation to the performance of managed Kubernetes clusters.
Graphs are created with every run of the benchmarking action. The action attaches them to the `benchmark` artifact of the workflow run.
## Updating Stored Records
### Managed Kubernetes
One must manually update the stored benchmark records of managed Kubernetes:
### AKS
Follow the [Azure documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/learn/quick-kubernetes-deploy-portal?tabs=azure-cli) to create an AKS cluster of desired benchmarking settings (region, instance types). If comparing against Constellation clusters with CVM instances, make sure to select the matching CVM instance type on Azure as well.
Once the cluster is ready, set up managing access via `kubectl` and take the benchmark:
# Setup
git clone https://github.com/edgelesssys/k-bench.git
cd k-bench && git checkout feat/constellation
# Remove the Constellation encrypted storage class
# Remember to revert this change before running K-Bench on Constellation!
yq 'del(.spec.storageClassName)' config/dp_fio/fio_pvc.yaml
yq 'del(.spec.storageClassName)' config/dp_netperf_internode/netperf_pvc.yml
yq 'del(.spec.storageClassName)' config/dp_network_internode/netperf_pvc.yaml
yq 'del(.spec.storageClassName)' config/dp_network_intranode/netperf_pvc.yml
# Run K-Bench
mkdir -p ./out
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
./run.sh -r "kbench-AKS" -t "default" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
./run.sh -r "kbench-AKS" -t "dp_fio" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
./run.sh -r "kbench-AKS" -t "dp_network_internode" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
./run.sh -r "kbench-AKS" -t "dp_network_intranode" -o "./out/"
# Benchmarks done, do processing.
mkdir -p "./out/AKS"
mv ./out/results_kbench-AKS_*m/* "./out/kbench-AKS/"
# Parse
git clone https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation.git
mkdir -p benchmarks
python constellation/.github/actions/e2e_kbench/evaluate/parse.py
# Upload result to S3
aws s3 cp benchmarks/AKS.json ${S3_PATH}/AKS.json
### GKE
Create a GKE cluster of desired benchmarking settings (region, instance types). If comparing against Constellation clusters with CVM instances, make sure to select the matching CVM instance type on GCP and enable **confidential** VMs as well.
Once the cluster is ready, set up managing access via `kubectl` and take the benchmark:
# Setup
git clone https://github.com/edgelesssys/k-bench.git
cd k-bench && git checkout feat/constellation
# Remove the Constellation encrypted storage class
# Remember to revert this change before running K-Bench on Constellation!
yq 'del(.spec.storageClassName)' config/dp_fio/fio_pvc.yaml
yq 'del(.spec.storageClassName)' config/dp_netperf_internode/netperf_pvc.yml
yq 'del(.spec.storageClassName)' config/dp_network_internode/netperf_pvc.yaml
yq 'del(.spec.storageClassName)' config/dp_network_intranode/netperf_pvc.yml
# Run K-Bench
mkdir -p ./out
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
./run.sh -r "kbench-GKE" -t "default" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
./run.sh -r "kbench-GKE" -t "dp_fio" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
./run.sh -r "kbench-GKE" -t "dp_network_internode" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
./run.sh -r "kbench-GKE" -t "dp_network_intranode" -o "./out/"
# Benchmarks done, do processing.
mkdir -p "./out/GKE"
mv ./out/results_kbench-GKE_*m/* "./out/kbench-GKE/"
# Parse
git clone https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation.git
mkdir -p benchmarks
python constellation/.github/actions/e2e_kbench/evaluate/parse.py
# Upload result to S3
aws s3 cp benchmarks/GKE.json ${S3_PATH}/GKE.json
### Constellation
The action updates the stored Constellation records for the selected cloud provider when running on the main branch.
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
name: k-bench
description: "Run K-Bench"
description: "Which cloud provider to use."
required: true
description: "The kubeconfig of the cluster to test."
required: true
using: "composite"
- name: Setup python
uses: actions/setup-python@d27e3f3d7c64b4bbf8e4abfb9b63b83e846e0435 # v4.5.0
python-version: "3.10"
- name: Install evaluation dependencies
shell: bash
run: pip install --require-hashes -r .github/actions/e2e_kbench/evaluate/requirements.txt
- name: Checkout patched K-Bench
uses: actions/checkout@ac593985615ec2ede58e132d2e21d2b1cbd6127c # v3.3.0
fetch-depth: 0
repository: "edgelesssys/k-bench"
ref: 836693d3136e5531b07f4ffd21cd6f4b47f7f2f1
path: k-bench
- name: Install patched K-Bench
working-directory: k-bench
shell: bash
run: |
go install github.com/kubernetes/kompose@c4137012e3d00051de45afacccf288e12b21d8e7
go install github.com/edgelesssys/k-bench/cmd/kbench@836693d3136e5531b07f4ffd21cd6f4b47f7f2f1
- name: Run K-Bench
shell: bash
working-directory: k-bench
KUBECONFIG: ${{ inputs.kubeconfig }}
run: |
mkdir -p ./out
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f ../.github/actions/e2e_kbench/encrypted_storage.yml
./run.sh -r "kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" -t "default" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f ../.github/actions/e2e_kbench/encrypted_storage.yml
./run.sh -r "kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" -t "dp_fio" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f ../.github/actions/e2e_kbench/encrypted_storage.yml
./run.sh -r "kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" -t "dp_network_internode" -o "./out/"
kubectl delete namespace kbench-pod-namespace --wait=true || true
kubectl create namespace kbench-pod-namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f ../.github/actions/e2e_kbench/encrypted_storage.yml
./run.sh -r "kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}" -t "dp_network_intranode" -o "./out/"
- name: Merge K-Bench results
shell: bash
working-directory: k-bench
run: |
mkdir -p "./out/kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}"
mv ./out/results_kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}_*m/* "./out/kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}/"
ls -l "./out/kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}"
cat ./out/kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}/*/kbench.log
- name: Upload original benchmark results
if: (!env.ACT)
uses: actions/upload-artifact@0b7f8abb1508181956e8e162db84b466c27e18ce # v3.1.2
path: "k-bench/out/kbench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}"
name: "k-bench-constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}"
- name: Assume AWS role to retrieve and update benchmarks in S3
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@67fbcbb121271f7775d2e7715933280b06314838 # tag=v1.7.0
role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::795746500882:role/GithubActionUpdateBenchmarks
aws-region: us-east-2
- name: Set S3 artifact store
shell: bash
ARTIFACT_BUCKET_CONSTELLATION: "edgeless-artifact-store/constellation"
- name: Get previous benchmark records from S3
shell: bash
KBENCH_RESULTS: ${{ github.workspace }}/k-bench/out/
CSP: ${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}
run: |
mkdir -p benchmarks
aws s3 cp --recursive ${S3_PATH} benchmarks --no-progress
mv benchmarks/constellation-${CSP}.json benchmarks/constellation-${CSP}-previous.json
- name: Parse K-Bench results, create diagrams and post the progression summary
shell: bash
# Original K-Bench result directory
KBENCH_RESULTS: k-bench/out/
# Working directory containing the previous results as JSON and to contain the graphs
BDIR: benchmarks
# Paths to benchmark results as JSON of the previous run and the current run
PREV_BENCH: benchmarks/constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}-previous.json
CURR_BENCH: benchmarks/constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}.json
CSP: ${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}
run: |
python .github/actions/e2e_kbench/evaluate/parse.py
python .github/actions/e2e_kbench/evaluate/graph.py
python .github/actions/e2e_kbench/evaluate/compare.py >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- name: Upload benchmark results and graphs to action run
if: (!env.ACT)
uses: actions/upload-artifact@0b7f8abb1508181956e8e162db84b466c27e18ce # v3.1.2
path: |
benchmarks/constellation-${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}.json
name: "benchmarks"
- name: Update benchmark records in S3
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
shell: bash
CSP: ${{ inputs.cloudProvider }}
run: |
aws s3 cp benchmarks/constellation-${CSP}.json ${S3_PATH}/constellation-${CSP}.json
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: fio-block-pvc
namespace: kbench-pod-namespace
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: netperfserver-pvc
namespace: kbench-pod-namespace
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: netperfclient-pvc
namespace: kbench-pod-namespace
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
"""Compare the current benchmark data against the previous."""
import os
import json
from typing import Tuple
# Progress indicator icons
PROGRESS = ['⬇️', '⬆️']
# List of benchmarks for which higher numbers are better
# Lookup for test suite -> unit
'net_internode_snd': 'Mbit/s',
'net_intranode_snd': 'Mbit/s',
'fio_root_async_R70W30_R': 'MiB/s',
'fio_root_async_R70W30_W': 'MiB/s',
'fio_root_async_R100W0_R': 'MiB/s',
'fio_root_async_R0W100_W': 'MiB/s',
# API units are ms, so this is shorter than cluttering the dictionary:
def is_bigger_better(bench_suite: str) -> bool:
return bench_suite in BIGGER_BETTER
def get_paths() -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Read the benchmark data paths.
Expects ENV vars (required):
- PREV_BENCH=/path/to/previous.json
- CURR_BENCH=/path/to/current.json
Raises TypeError if at least one of them is missing.
Returns: a tuple of (prev_bench_path, curr_bench_path).
path_prev = os.environ.get('PREV_BENCH', None)
path_curr = os.environ.get('CURR_BENCH', None)
if not path_prev or not path_curr:
raise TypeError(
'Both ENV variables PREV_BENCH and CURR_BENCH are required.')
return path_prev, path_curr
def main() -> None:
"""Compare the current benchmark data against the previous.
Create a markdown table showing the benchmark progressions.
Print the result to stdout.
path_prev, path_curr = get_paths()
with open(path_prev) as f_prev:
bench_prev = json.load(f_prev)
with open(path_curr) as f_curr:
bench_curr = json.load(f_curr)
except OSError as e:
raise ValueError('Failed reading benchmark file: {e}'.format(e=e))
name = bench_curr['subject']
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
'Current benchmark record file does not contain subject.')
prev_name = bench_prev['subject']
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
'Previous benchmark record file does not contain subject.')
if name != prev_name:
raise ValueError(
'Cloud providers of previous and current benchmark data do not match.')
if 'kbench' not in bench_prev.keys() or 'kbench' not in bench_curr.keys():
raise ValueError('Benchmarks do not both contain K-Bench records.')
md_lines = [
'# {name}'.format(name=name),
'- Commit of current benchmark: {ch}'.format(ch=bench_curr['commit']),
'- Commit of previous benchmark: {ch}'.format(ch=bench_prev['commit']),
'| Benchmark suite | Current | Previous | Ratio |',
for subtest, _ in bench_prev['kbench'].items():
if subtest not in bench_curr['kbench']:
raise ValueError(
'Benchmark record from previous benchmark not in current.')
val_prev = bench_prev['kbench'][subtest]
val_curr = bench_curr['kbench'][subtest]
# get unit string or use default API unit string
unit = UNIT_STR.get(subtest, API_UNIT_STR)
if val_curr == 0 or val_prev == 0:
ratio = 'N/A'
if is_bigger_better(bench_suite=subtest):
ratio_num = val_prev / val_curr
ratio_num = val_curr / val_prev
ratio_num = round(ratio_num, 3)
emoji = PROGRESS[int(ratio_num >= 1)]
ratio = '{ratio} {emoji}'.format(ratio=ratio_num, emoji=emoji)
line = '| {test} ({unit}) | {val_curr} | {val_prev} | {ratio} |'.format(
test=subtest, unit=unit, val_curr=val_curr, val_prev=val_prev, ratio=ratio,
md_lines += ['', '</details>']
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
"""Evaluator for the K-Bench default test."""
import os
import re
from typing import Dict
pod_latencies = {
'pod_create': 'create pod latency:',
'pod_list': 'list pod latency:',
'pod_get': 'get pod latency:',
'pod_update': 'update pod latency:',
'pod_delete': 'delete pod latency:',
deployment_latencies = {
'depl_create': 'create deployment latency:',
'depl_list': 'list deployment latency:',
'depl_update': 'update deployment latency:',
'depl_scale': 'scale deployment latency:',
'depl_delete': 'delete deployment latency:',
service_latencies = {
'svc_create': 'create service latency:',
'svc_list': 'list service latency:',
'svc_get': 'get service latency:',
'svc_update': 'update service latency:',
'svc_delete': 'delete service latency:',
def evaluate(tests: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]:
"""Read the results of the default tests.
Return a result dictionary.
result = {}
for t in tests:
row = {}
# read the default result file
kbench = []
with open(os.path.join(tests[t], 'default', 'kbench.log'), 'r') as f:
kbench = f.readlines()
if not kbench:
raise Exception("Empty kbench.log")
subtests = [pod_latencies, service_latencies, deployment_latencies]
for latency_dict in subtests:
# Get the API Call Latencies (median)
for key in latency_dict:
line = get_line_containing_needle(
lines=kbench, needle=latency_dict[key])
median = get_median_from_line(line=line)
# round API latency to full ms granularity
row[key] = round(float(median))
result[t] = row
return result
def get_median_from_line(line):
"""Extract the value (median) from the line."""
return re.search(r'\s(\d+\.\d+)(.+)', line).group(1)
def get_line_containing_needle(lines, needle):
"""Find matching line from list of lines."""
matches = list(filter(lambda l: needle in l, lines))
if len(matches) > 1:
raise Exception(
"'{needle}' matched multiple times..".format(needle=needle))
return matches[0]
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
"""Parse the fio logs.
Extracts the bandwidth for I/O,
from various fio benchmarks.
Example log file (extracting read and write bandwidth):
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
READ: bw=5311KiB/s (5438kB/s), 5311KiB/s-5311KiB/s (5438kB/s-5438kB/s), io=311MiB (327MB), run=60058-60058msec
WRITE: bw=2289KiB/s (2343kB/s), 2289KiB/s-2289KiB/s (2343kB/s-2343kB/s), io=134MiB (141MB), run=60058-60058msec
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
# get different mixes of read/write IO as subtests
subtests = {
'fio_root_async_R70W30': 'fio_async_randR70W30.out',
'fio_root_async_R100W0': 'fio_async_randR100W0.out',
'fio_root_async_R0W100': 'fio_async_randR0W100.out',
def evaluate(tests: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]:
"""Read the results of the fio tests.
Return a result dictionary.
result = {}
for t in tests:
base_path = os.path.join(tests[t], 'dp_fio')
row = {}
for subtest in subtests:
log_path = next(Path(base_path).rglob(subtests[subtest]))
except StopIteration:
raise Exception(
"Error: No iperfclient.out found for network test {subtest} in {base_path}".format(
subtest=subtest, base_path=base_path)
with open(log_path) as f:
fio = f.readlines()
if not fio:
raise Exception(
"Empty fio log {subtest}?".format(subtest=subtest))
for line in fio:
if "READ" in line:
speed = get_io_bw_from_line(line)
row[subtest + '_R'] = speed
elif "WRITE" in line:
speed = get_io_bw_from_line(line)
row[subtest + '_W'] = speed
result[t] = row
return result
# Dictionary for conversion to MiB
units = {
'KiB': 1/1024,
'MiB': 1,
'GiB': 1024,
def get_io_bw_from_line(line) -> float:
"""Get the IO bandwidth from line and convert to MiB/s.
Return the IO bandwidth in MiB/s
# READ: bw=32.5MiB/s (34.1MB/s), 32.5MiB/s-32.5MiB/s (34.1MB/s-34.1MB/s), io=1954MiB (2048MB), run=60022-60022msec
match = re.search(r'bw=(\d+\.?\d+)(MiB|KiB|GiB)', line)
if not match:
raise Exception("Could not extract bw from fio line.")
num = float(match.group(1))
# return in MiB/s with 2 decimal digits
num = num * units[match.group(2)]
num = round(num, 2)
return num
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
"""Parse the iperf logs.
Extracts the bandwidth for sending and receiving,
from intranode and internode network benchmarks.
Example log file (extract the bitrate for sending and receiving):
s1: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
s1: [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr
s1: [ 5] 0.00-90.00 sec 11.0 GBytes 1.05 Gbits/sec 509 sender
s1: [ 5] 0.00-90.05 sec 11.1 GBytes 1.05 Gbits/sec receiver
s1: iperf Done.
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
subtests = {
'net_internode': 'dp_network_internode',
'net_intranode': 'dp_network_intranode',
def evaluate(tests: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]:
"""Read the results of the network tests.
Return a result dictionary.
result = {}
for t in tests:
row = {}
for subtest in subtests:
base_path = os.path.join(tests[t], subtests[subtest])
log_path = next(Path(base_path).rglob('iperfclient.out'))
except StopIteration:
raise Exception(
"Error: No iperfclient.out found for network test {subtest} in {base_path}".format(
subtest=subtest, base_path=base_path)
with open(log_path) as f:
iperfclient = f.readlines()
if not iperfclient:
raise Exception("Empty iperfclient?")
for line in iperfclient:
if "sender" in line:
speed = get_speed_from_line(line)
row[subtest + '_snd'] = speed
elif "receiver" in line:
speed = get_speed_from_line(line)
row[subtest + '_rcv'] = speed
result[t] = row
return result
# Dictionary for conversion to Mbit
units = {
'bits': 1e-6,
'Mbits': 1,
'Gbits': 1000,
def get_speed_from_line(line) -> float:
"""Extract the network throughput from the line.
Returns the throughput as Mbit/s.
match = re.search(
r'(\d+\.?\d+)\s(bits|Mbits|Gbits)\/sec[\s\d]+(sender|receiver)$', line)
if not match:
raise Exception("Could not extract speed from iperf line.")
num = float(match.group(1))
# return in Mbit/s with 2 decimal digits
num = num * units[match.group(2)]
num = round(num, 2)
return float(num)
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
"""Generate graphs comparing K-Bench benchmarks across cloud providers and Constellation."""
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
'Constellation on Azure',
'Constellation on GCP',
BAR_COLORS = ['#90FF99', '#929292', '#8B04DD', '#000000']
# Rotate bar labels by X degrees
# Some lookup dictionaries for x axis
api_suffix = 'ms'
pod_key2header = {
'pod_create': 'Pod Create',
'pod_list': 'Pod List',
'pod_get': 'Pod Get',
'pod_update': 'Pod Update',
'pod_delete': 'Pod Delete',
svc_key2header = {
'svc_create': 'Service Create',
'svc_list': 'Service List',
'svc_update': 'Service Update',
'svc_delete': 'Service Delete',
'svc_get': 'Service Get',
depl_key2header = {
'depl_create': 'Deployment Create',
'depl_list': 'Deployment List',
'depl_update': 'Deployment Update',
'depl_scale': 'Deployment Scale',
'depl_delete': 'Deployment Delete',
fio_suffix = 'MiB/s'
fio_key2header = {
'fio_root_async_R70W30_R': 'async_R70W30 mix,\n seq. reads',
'fio_root_async_R70W30_W': 'async_R70W30 mix,\n seq. writes',
'fio_root_async_R100W0_R': 'async_R100W0 mix,\n seq. reads',
'fio_root_async_R0W100_W': 'async_R0W100 mix,\n seq. writes',
net_suffix = 'Mbit/s'
net_key2header = {
'net_internode_snd': 'iperf internode \n send ({net_suffix})'.format(net_suffix=net_suffix),
'net_intranode_snd': 'iperf intranode \n send ({net_suffix})'.format(net_suffix=net_suffix),
def configure() -> str:
"""Read the benchmark data paths.
Expects ENV vars (required):
- BDIR=benchmarks
Raises TypeError if at least one of them is missing.
Returns: out_dir
out_dir = os.environ.get('BDIR', None)
if not out_dir:
raise TypeError(
'ENV variables BDIR is required.')
return out_dir
def bar_chart(data, headers, title='', suffix='', val_label=True, y_log=False):
"""Draws a bar chart with multiple bars per data point.
data (dict[str, list]): Benchmark data dictionary: subject -> lists of value points
headers (list): List of headers (x-axis).
title (str, optional): The title for the chart. Defaults to "".
suffix (str, optional): The suffix for values e.g. "MiB/s". Defaults to "".
val_label (bool, optional): Put a label of the value over the bar chart. Defaults to True.
y_log (bool, optional): Set the y-axis to a logarithmic scale. Defaults to False.
fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure): The pyplot figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
# Number of bars per group
n_bars = len(data)
# The width of a single bar
bar_width = 0.8 / n_bars
# List containing handles for the drawn bars, used for the legend
bars = []
# Iterate over all data
for i, values in enumerate(data.values()):
# The offset in x direction of that bar
x_offset = (i - n_bars / 2) * bar_width + bar_width / 2
# Draw a bar for every value of that type
for x, y in enumerate(values):
bar = ax.bar(x + x_offset, y, width=bar_width * 0.9,
color=BAR_COLORS[i % len(BAR_COLORS)], edgecolor='black')
if val_label:
ax.bar_label(bar, padding=1,
fmt='%g {suffix}'.format(suffix=suffix))
# Add a handle to the last drawn bar, which we'll need for the legend
# Draw legend
ax.legend(bars, LEGEND_NAMES)
if y_log:
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=LABEL_FONTSIZE,
plt.title('{title} ({suffix})'.format(title=title, suffix=suffix))
return fig
def main():
"""Read the files and create diagrams."""
out_dir = configure()
combined_results = defaultdict(dict)
for test in SUBJECTS:
# Read the previous results
read_path = os.path.join(
out_dir, '{subject}.json'.format(subject=test))
with open(read_path, 'r') as res_file:
except OSError as e:
raise ValueError(
'Failed reading {subject} benchmark records: {e}'.format(subject=test, e=e))
# Combine the evaluation of the Kubernetes API benchmarks
for i, api in enumerate([pod_key2header, svc_key2header, depl_key2header]):
api_data = {}
for s in SUBJECTS:
points = combined_results[s]['kbench']
subject_data = [points[h] for h in api]
api_data[s] = subject_data
hdrs = list(api.values())
bar_chart(data=api_data, headers=hdrs,
title='API Latency', suffix=api_suffix, y_log=True)
save_name = os.path.join(out_dir, 'api_{i}_perf.png'.format(i=i))
plt.savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight')
# Network chart
net_data = {}
for s in SUBJECTS:
points = combined_results[s]['kbench']
subject_data = [points[h] for h in net_key2header]
net_data[s] = subject_data
hdrs = list(net_key2header.values())
bar_chart(data=net_data, headers=hdrs,
title='Network Throughput', suffix=net_suffix, y_log=True)
save_name = os.path.join(out_dir, 'net_perf.png')
plt.savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight')
# fio chart
fio_data = {}
for s in SUBJECTS:
points = combined_results[s]['kbench']
subject_data = [points[h] for h in fio_key2header]
fio_data[s] = subject_data
hdrs = list(fio_key2header.values())
bar_chart(data=fio_data, headers=hdrs,
title='Storage Throughput', suffix=fio_suffix, y_log=True)
save_name = os.path.join(out_dir, 'storage_perf.png')
plt.savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
"""Parse logs of K-Bench tests and generate performance graphs."""
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from evaluators import default, fio, network
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
BAR_COLOR = '#90FF99' # Mint Green
# Rotate bar labels by X degrees
# Some lookup dictionaries for x axis
api_suffix = 'ms'
pod_key2header = {
'pod_create': 'Pod Create',
'pod_list': 'Pod List',
'pod_get': 'Pod Get',
'pod_update': 'Pod Update',
'pod_delete': 'Pod Delete',
svc_key2header = {
'svc_create': 'Service Create',
'svc_list': 'Service List',
'svc_update': 'Service Update',
'svc_delete': 'Service Delete',
'svc_get': 'Service Get',
depl_key2header = {
'depl_create': 'Deployment Create',
'depl_list': 'Deployment List',
'depl_update': 'Deployment Update',
'depl_scale': 'Deployment Scale',
'depl_delete': 'Deployment Delete',
fio_suffix = 'MiB/s'
fio_key2header = {
'fio_root_async_R70W30_R': 'async_R70W30 mix,\n seq. reads',
'fio_root_async_R70W30_W': 'async_R70W30 mix,\n seq. writes',
'fio_root_async_R100W0_R': 'async_R100W0 mix,\n seq. reads',
'fio_root_async_R0W100_W': 'async_R0W100 mix,\n seq. writes',
net_suffix = 'Mbit/s'
net_key2header = {
'net_internode_snd': f'iperf internode \n send ({net_suffix})',
'net_intranode_snd': f'iperf intranode \n send ({net_suffix})',
def configure() -> dict:
"""Set the config.
Raises BaseException if base_path or CSP missing.
Returns a config dict with the BASE_PATH to the tests
and the cloud service provider CSP.
base_path = os.getenv('KBENCH_RESULTS', None)
if not base_path or not os.path.isdir(base_path):
raise Exception("Environment variable 'KBENCH_RESULTS' \
needs to point to the K-Bench results root folder")
csp = os.getenv('CSP', None)
if not csp:
raise Exception("Environment variable 'CSP' \
needs to name the cloud service provider.")
return {'BASE_PATH': base_path, 'CSP': csp}
def bar_chart(data, headers, title='', suffix='', val_label=True, y_log=False):
"""Generate a bar chart from data.
data (list): List of value points.
headers (list): List of headers (x-axis).
title (str, optional): The title for the chart. Defaults to "".
suffix (str, optional): The suffix for values e.g. "MiB/s". Defaults to "".
val_label (bool, optional): Put a label of the value over the bar chart. Defaults to True.
y_log (bool, optional): Set the y-axis to a logarithmic scale. Defaults to False.
fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure): The pyplot figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
if y_log:
bars = ax.bar(headers, data, color=BAR_COLOR, edgecolor='black')
if val_label:
ax.bar_label(bars, fmt='%g {suffix}'.format(suffix=suffix))
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=LABEL_FONTSIZE, rotation=LABEL_ROTATE_BY)
plt.title(f'{title} ({suffix})')
return fig
def main() -> None:
"""Read, parse and evaluate the K-Bench tests.
Generate a human-readable table and diagrams.
config = configure()
benchmark_path = os.path.join(
"kbench-constellation-" + config['CSP'],
if not os.path.exists(benchmark_path):
raise Exception(f'Path to benchmarks {benchmark_path} does not exist.')
tests = {f"constellation-{config['CSP']}": benchmark_path}
# Execute tests
default_results = default.eval(tests=tests)
network_results = network.eval(tests=tests)
fio_results = fio.eval(tests=tests)
combined_results = defaultdict(dict)
for test in tests:
# Write the compact results.
with open('kbench_results.json', 'w') as w:
json.dump(combined_results, fp=w, sort_keys=False, indent=2)
# Generate graphs.
subject = list(combined_results.keys())[0]
data = combined_results[subject]
# Combine the evaluation of the Kubernetes API benchmarks
for i, api in enumerate([pod_key2header, svc_key2header, depl_key2header]):
api_data = [data[h] for h in api]
hdrs = api.values()
bar_chart(data=api_data, headers=hdrs, title="API Latency", suffix=api_suffix)
plt.savefig(f'api_{i}_perf.png', bbox_inches="tight")
# Network chart
net_data = [data[h] for h in net_key2header]
hdrs = net_key2header.values()
bar_chart(data=net_data, headers=hdrs, title="Network Throughput", suffix=net_suffix)
plt.savefig('net_perf.png', bbox_inches="tight")
# fio chart
fio_data = [data[h] for h in fio_key2header]
hdrs = fio_key2header.values()
bar_chart(data=fio_data, headers=hdrs, title="Storage Throughput", suffix=fio_suffix)
plt.savefig('storage_perf.png', bbox_inches="tight")
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
"""Parse logs of K-Bench tests and generate performance graphs."""
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Tuple
from evaluators import default, fio, network
def configure() -> Tuple[str, str, str, str | None, str]:
"""Read the benchmark data paths.
Expects ENV vars (required):
- KBENCH_RESULTS=/path/to/k-bench/out
- CSP=azure
- BDIR=benchmarks
- EXT_NAME=AKS # Overrides "constellation-$CSP" naming to parse results from managed Kubernetes
- GITHUB_SHA=ffac5... # Set by GitHub actions, stored in the result JSON.
Raises TypeError if at least one of them is missing.
Returns: a tuple of (base_path, csp, out_dir, ext_provider_name).
base_path = os.environ.get('KBENCH_RESULTS', None)
csp = os.environ.get('CSP', None)
out_dir = os.environ.get('BDIR', None)
if not base_path or not csp or not out_dir:
raise TypeError(
'ENV variables KBENCH_RESULTS, CSP, BDIR are required.')
ext_provider_name = os.environ.get('EXT_NAME', None)
commit_hash = os.environ.get('GITHUB_SHA', 'N/A')
return base_path, csp, out_dir, ext_provider_name, commit_hash
def main() -> None:
"""Read and parse the K-Bench tests.
Write results of the current environment to a JSON file.
base_path, csp, out_dir, ext_provider_name, commit_hash = configure()
if ext_provider_name is None:
# Constellation benchmark.
ext_provider_name = 'constellation-{csp}'.format(csp=csp)
# Expect the results in directory:
benchmark_path = os.path.join(
tests = {ext_provider_name: benchmark_path}
out_file_name = '{nm}.json'.format(nm=ext_provider_name)
if not os.path.exists(benchmark_path):
raise ValueError(
'Benchmarks do not exist at {path}.'.format(path=benchmark_path))
# Parse subtest
default_results = default.evaluate(tests=tests)
network_results = network.evaluate(tests=tests)
fio_results = fio.evaluate(tests=tests)
combined_results = {'commit': commit_hash,
'subject': ext_provider_name, 'kbench': {}}
for test in tests:
# Write the compact results.
save_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_file_name)
with open(save_path, 'w') as w:
json.dump(combined_results, fp=w, sort_keys=False, indent=2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
contourpy==1.0.7 \
cycler==0.11.0 \
fonttools==4.38.0 \
kiwisolver==1.4.4 \
matplotlib==3.6.2 \
numpy==1.23.5 \
packaging==23.0 \
Pillow==9.4.0 \
pyparsing==3.0.9 \
python-dateutil==2.8.2 \
six==1.16.0 \
Reference in New Issue
Block a user