Recovery events are rare, because Constellation is built for high availability and automatically and securely replaces failed nodes. When a node is replaced, Constellation's control plane first verifies the new node before it sends the node the cryptographic keys required to decrypt its [stateful disk](../architecture/
The `constellation recover` command connects to a node, establishes a secure connection using [attested TLS](../architecture/, and provides that node with the key to decrypt its stateful disk and continue booting.
This process has to be repeated until enough nodes are back running for establishing a [member quorum for etcd]( and the Kubernetes state can be recovered.
## Identify unhealthy clusters
The first step to recovery is identifying when a cluster becomes unhealthy.
In the Azure cloud portal find the cluster's resource group `<cluster-name>-<suffix>`
Inside the resource group check that the control plane *Virtual machine scale set*`constellation-scale-set-controlplanes-<suffix>` has enough members in a *Running* state.
Open the scale set details page, on the left go to `Settings -> Instances` and check the *Status* field.
Second, check the boot logs of these *Instances*.
In the scale set's *Instances* view, open the details page of the desired instance.
Check the serial console output of that instance.
On the left open the *"Support + troubleshooting" -> "Serial console"* page:
In the serial console output search for `Waiting for decryption key`.
Similar output to the following means your node was restarted and needs to decrypt the [state disk](../architecture/
{"level":"INFO","ts":"2022-09-08T09:56:43Z","logger":"rejoinClient","caller":"rejoinclient/client.go:77","msg":"Received list with JoinService endpoints","endpoints":["",""]}
This means that you have to recover the node manually. For this, you need its IP address, which can be obtained from the *Overview* page under *Private IP address*.
{"level":"INFO","ts":"2022-09-08T10:21:53Z","logger":"rejoinClient","caller":"rejoinclient/client.go:77","msg":"Received list with JoinService endpoints","endpoints":["",""]}
This means that you have to recover the node manually. For this, you need its IP address, which can be obtained from the *"VM Instance" -> "network interfaces"* page under *"Primary internal IP address."*
For example, assume you have 5 control-plane nodes in your cluster and 4 of them have been rebooted due to a maintenance downtime in the cloud environment.
You have to run through the following process for 2 of these nodes and recover them manually to recover the quorum.
From there, your cluster will auto heal the remaining 2 control-plane nodes and the rest of your cluster.
Recovering a node requires the following parameters:
{"level":"INFO","ts":"2022-09-08T10:26:59Z","logger":"recoveryServer","caller":"recoveryserver/server.go:125","msg":"Received state disk key and measurement secret, shutting down server"}
{"level":"INFO","ts":"2022-09-08T10:26:59Z","logger":"recoveryServer.gRPC","caller":"zap/server_interceptors.go:61","msg":"finished streaming call with code OK","grpc.start_time":"2022-09-08T10:26:59Z","system":"grpc","span.kind":"server","grpc.service":"recoverproto.API","grpc.method":"Recover","peer.address":"","grpc.code":"OK","grpc.time_ms":15.701}