sudo apt install -y bash coreutils cryptsetup-bin grep libguestfs-tools make parted pv qemu-system qemu-utils sed tar util-linux wget
2. Log in to GCP and Azure
gcloud auth login
az login
3. [Log in to the package registry](
4. Ensure read and write access to `/dev/kvm` (and repeat after every reboot)
sudo chmod 666 /dev/kvm
## Configuration
Create a configuration file in `image/` to override any of the variables found at the top of the [Makefile](Makefile).
-`BOOTSTRAPPER_BINARY`: path to a bootstrapper binary. Can be substituted with a path to a `debugd` binary if a debug image should be built. The binary has to be built before!
-`GCP_IMAGE_NAME`: Image name for the GCP image. Set to include a timestamp when using the build pipeline. Can be set to a custom value if you want to upload a custom image for testing on GCP.
-`AZURE_IMAGE_NAME`: Image name for the Azure image. Can be set to a custom value if you want to upload a custom image for testing on Azure.