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# First steps with Constellation
The following steps guide you through the process of creating a cluster and deploying a sample app. This example assumes that you have successfully [installed and set up Constellation](install.md),
and have access to a cloud subscription.
If you don't have a cloud subscription, check out [MiniConstellation](first-steps-local.md), which lets you set up a local Constellation cluster using virtualization.
## Create a cluster
1. Create the configuration file for your selected cloud provider.
<tabs groupId="csp">
<tabItem value="azure" label="Azure">
constellation config generate azure
<tabItem value="gcp" label="GCP">
constellation config generate gcp
<tabItem value="aws" label="AWS">
constellation config generate aws
This creates the file `constellation-conf.yaml` in your current working directory.
2. Fill in your cloud provider specific information.
First you need to create an [IAM configuration](../workflows/config.md#creating-an-iam-configuration). The easiest way to do this is the following CLI command:
<tabs groupId="csp">
<tabItem value="azure" label="Azure">
constellation iam create azure --region=westus --resourceGroup=constellTest --servicePrincipal=spTest
This command creates IAM configuration on the Azure region `westus` creating a new resource group `constellTest` and a new service principal `spTest`.
Note that CVMs are currently only supported in a few regions, check [Azure's products available by region](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/global-infrastructure/services/?products=virtual-machines®ions=all). These are:
* `westus`
* `eastus`
* `northeurope`
* `westeurope`
<tabItem value="gcp" label="GCP">
constellation iam create gcp --projectID=yourproject-12345 --zone=europe-west2-a --serviceAccountID=constell-test
This command creates IAM configuration in the GCP project `yourproject-12345` on the GCP zone `europe-west2-a` creating a new service account `constell-test`.
Note that only regions offering CVMs of the `N2D` series are supported. You can find a [list of all regions in Google's documentation](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones#available), which you can filter by machine type `N2D`.
<tabItem value="aws" label="AWS">
constellation iam create aws --zone=eu-central-1a --prefix=constellTest
This command creates IAM configuration for the AWS zone `eu-central-1a` using the prefix `constellTest` for all named resources being created.
Constellation OS images are currently replicated to the following regions:
* `eu-central-1`
* `us-east-2`
* `ap-south-1`
If you require the OS image to be available in another region, [let us know](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=feature_request.md&title=Support+new+AWS+image+region:+xx-xxxx-x).
You can find a list of all [regions in AWS's documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html#concepts-available-regions).
Now, fill the output values of the command into the corresponding fields of the `constellation-conf.yaml` file.
To learn how to delete your IAM configuration and to get more detailed information on the IAM process and the VM types supported by Constellation, see the [Configuration workflow](../workflows/config.md).
In case you don't have access to CVMs on Azure, you may use less secure [trusted launch VMs](../workflows/trusted-launch.md) instead. For this, set **confidentialVM** to `false` in the configuration file.
3. Create the cluster with one control-plane node and two worker nodes. `constellation create` uses options set in `constellation-conf.yaml`.
On Azure, you may need to wait 15+ minutes at this point for role assignments to propagate.
constellation create --control-plane-nodes 1 --worker-nodes 2 -y
This should give the following output:
$ constellation create ...
Your Constellation cluster was created successfully.
4. Initialize the cluster
constellation init
This should give the following output:
$ constellation init
Your Constellation master secret was successfully written to ./constellation-mastersecret.json
Initializing cluster ...
Your Constellation cluster was successfully initialized.
Constellation cluster identifier g6iMP5wRU1b7mpOz2WEISlIYSfdAhB0oNaOg6XEwKFY=
Kubernetes configuration constellation-admin.conf
You can now connect to your cluster by executing:
export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/constellation-admin.conf"
The cluster's identifier will be different in your output.
Keep `constellation-mastersecret.json` somewhere safe.
This will allow you to [recover your cluster](../workflows/recovery.md) in case of a disaster.
Depending on your CSP and region, `constellation init` may take 10+ minutes to complete.
5. Configure kubectl
export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/constellation-admin.conf"
## Deploy a sample application
1. Deploy the [emojivoto app](https://github.com/BuoyantIO/emojivoto)
kubectl apply -k github.com/BuoyantIO/emojivoto/kustomize/deployment
2. Expose the frontend service locally
kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=60s -n emojivoto --all deployments
kubectl -n emojivoto port-forward svc/web-svc 8080:80 &
curl http://localhost:8080
kill %1
## Terminate your cluster
constellation terminate
This should give the following output:
$ constellation terminate
You are about to terminate a Constellation cluster.
All of its associated resources will be DESTROYED.
This action is irreversible and ALL DATA WILL BE LOST.
Do you want to continue? [y/n]:
Confirm with `y` to terminate the cluster:
Terminating ...
Your Constellation cluster was terminated successfully.
Optionally, you can also [delete your IAM resources](../workflows/config.md#deleting-an-iam-configuration).