2. [Update titles and labels for all PRs relevant for this release](/dev-docs/workflows/pull-request.md) to aid in the [changelog generation](/.github/release.yml).
1. Create a temporary working branch to prepare the release. This branch should be based on main if preparing a minor release or be based on the existing release branch if it is a patch release.
* Check PRs with label [needs-backport](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+label%3A%22needs+backport%22) to find candidates that should be included in a patch release.
4. Check the s3proxy PR in the [helm chart repository](https://github.com/edgelesssys/helm/pull/) and approve it if things (esp. the version) look correct. Correct example for reference: <https://github.com/edgelesssys/helm/pull/19/files>
5. while in editing mode for the release, clear the textbox, select the last patch release for the current release branch and click "Generate release notes".
6. look over the autogenerated draft release. When fixing the changelog, prioritize updating the PR title/labels/description and regenerating the changelog over fixing things in the final changelog. The changelog should be primarily aimed at users. Rule of thumb: first part of the sentence should describe what changed for the user, second part can describe what has been changed to achieve this.
4. upgrade the dogfooding cluster. Note that `upgrade check --update-config` will not yet show the new image. But you can manually set it in the config:
5. Check the s3proxy PR in the [helm chart repository](https://github.com/edgelesssys/helm/pull/) and approve it if things (esp. the version) look correct. Correct example for reference: <https://github.com/edgelesssys/helm/pull/19/files>
6. while in editing mode for the release, clear the textbox, select the last minor release and click "Generate release notes".
7. look over the autogenerated draft release. When fixing the changelog, prioritize updating the PR title/labels/description and regenerating the changelog over fixing things in the final changelog. The changelog should be primarily aimed at users. Rule of thumb: first part of the sentence should describe what changed for the user, second part can describe what has been changed to achieve this.
3. Write an email to STACKIT to inform them of the new release. For this, you require the name and UUID of the release image. You can find the email address in our internal [wiki](https://github.com/edgelesssys/wiki/blob/master/documentation/constellation/stackit.md):
5. Move open issues and PRs from this release's closed milestone to next milestone
6. Reset `UpgradeRequiresIAMMigration` in [`iamupgrade.go`](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/blob/a88a731576184e3c5ee8527741c4a0cdaa4e9b24/cli/internal/cloudcmd/iamupgrade.go#L23).
No manual steps should be necessary anymore but in case you encounter issues, create a ticket to fix it. These are instructions to do some cleanup steps manually:
1. Navigate to [Images](https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/images?tab=images&project=constellation-images) tab of the "constellation-images" project
2. Search for release version "constellation-v1.3.0" and select the AMIs for both variants ("constellation-v1.3.0-aws-sev-snp" and "constellation-v1.3.0-aws-nitro-tpm")
3. On the "Actions" button (top right) select "Deregister AMI"
4. Either follow the link on the deletion confirmation leading you to the [Snapshots](https://eu-central-1.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=eu-central-1#Snapshots) panel or navigate there yourself
5. Search for a snapshot by the same name "constellation-v1.3.0" and select it
6. On the "Actions" button (top right) select "Delete snapshot"