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# Release Checklist
This checklist will prepare `v1.3.0` from `v1.2.0`. Adjust your version numbers accordingly.
1. Merge ready PRs
2022-09-09 08:04:34 +02:00
2. Create docs release (new major or minor release)
cd docs
npm run docusaurus docs:version 1.3
# push upstream via PR
3. On the [CoreOS config repo](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation-fedora-coreos-config), create two new branches `release/v1.3`, `stream/v1.3` (new minor version) or use the existing ones (new patch version).
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
The release branch contains the squashed changeset and is branched from main while the stream branch contains the rebased changesets on top of the latest upstream changes.
[Consult this guide on rebasing forks (INTERNAL)](https://github.com/edgelesssys/wiki/blob/master/documentation/rebasing_forks.md#managing-release-branches) for guidance.
2022-09-09 08:04:34 +02:00
4. Create a new branch `release/v1.3` (new minor version) or use the existing one (new patch version)
5. On this branch, prepare the following things:
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
1. (new patch version) `cherry-pick` (only) the required commits from `main`
2. Use [Build micro-service manual](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/actions/workflows/build-micro-service-manual.yml) and run the pipeline once for each micro-service with the following parameters:
* branch: `release/v1.3`
* Container image tag: `v1.3.0`
* Version of the image to build: `1.3.0`
# Alternative from CLI
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
gh workflow run build-micro-service-manual.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F microService=access-manager -F imageTag=v1.3.0 -F version=1.3.0
gh workflow run build-micro-service-manual.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F microService=join-service -F imageTag=v1.3.0 -F version=1.3.0
gh workflow run build-micro-service-manual.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F microService=kmsserver -F imageTag=v1.3.0 -F version=1.3.0
gh workflow run build-micro-service-manual.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F microService=verification-service -F imageTag=v1.3.0 -F version=1.3.0
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
3. Use [Build operator manual](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/actions/workflows/build-operator-manual.yml) and run the pipeline once with the following parameters:
* branch: `release/v1.3`
2022-08-19 15:29:19 +02:00
* Container image tag: `v1.3.0`
# Alternative from CLI
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
gh workflow run build-operator-manual.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F imageTag=v1.3.0
4. Review and update changelog with all changes since last release. [GitHub's diff view](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/compare/v2.0.0...main) helps a lot!
5. Update project version in [CMakeLists.txt](/CMakeLists.txt) to `1.3.0` (without v).
6. Update versions [versions.go](../../internal/versions/versions.go#L33-L39) to `v1.3.0` and **push your changes**.
7. Create a [production coreOS image](/.github/workflows/build-coreos.yml)
2022-09-12 17:06:11 +02:00
gh workflow run build-coreos.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F debug=false -F coreOSConfigBranch=release/v1.3 -F imageVersion=v1.3.0
8. Update [default images in config](/internal/config/images_enterprise.go)
9. Run manual E2E tests using [Linux](/.github/workflows/e2e-test-manual.yml) and [macOS](/.github/workflows/e2e-test-manual-macos.yml) to confirm functionality and stability.
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
gh workflow run e2e-test-manual.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F workerNodesCount=2 -F controlNodesCount=1 -F autoscale=false -F cloudProvider=azure -F machineType=Standard_DC4as_v5 -F sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd="--mode quick" -F kubernetesVersion=1.23 -F coreosImage=/CommunityGalleries/ConstellationCVM-b3782fa0-0df7-4f2f-963e-fc7fc42663df/Images/constellation/Versions/1.3.0 -F isDebugImage=false
gh workflow run e2e-test-manual-macos.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F workerNodesCount=2 -F controlNodesCount=1 -F autoscale=false -F cloudProvider=azure -F machineType=Standard_DC4as_v5 -F sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd="--mode quick" -F kubernetesVersion=1.23 -F coreosImage=/CommunityGalleries/ConstellationCVM-b3782fa0-0df7-4f2f-963e-fc7fc42663df/Images/constellation/Versions/1.3.0 -F isDebugImage=false
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
gh workflow run e2e-test-manual.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F workerNodesCount=2 -F controlNodesCount=1 -F autoscale=false -F cloudProvider=gcp -F machineType=n2d-standard-4 -F sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd="--mode quick" -F kubernetesVersion=1.23 -F coreosImage=projects/constellation-images/global/images/constellation-v1-3-0 -F isDebugImage=false
gh workflow run e2e-test-manual-macos.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F workerNodesCount=2 -F controlNodesCount=1 -F autoscale=false -F cloudProvider=gcp -F machineType=n2d-standard-4 -F sonobuoyTestSuiteCmd="--mode quick" -F kubernetesVersion=1.23 -F coreosImage=projects/constellation-images/global/images/constellation-v1-3-0 -F isDebugImage=false
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
10. [Generate measurements](/.github/workflows/generate-measurements.yml) for the images on each CSP.
gh workflow run generate-measurements.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F cloudProvider=azure -F coreosImage=/CommunityGalleries/ConstellationCVM-b3782fa0-0df7-4f2f-963e-fc7fc42663df/Images/constellation/Versions/1.3.0 -F isDebugImage=false
gh workflow run generate-measurements.yml --ref release/v1.3 -F cloudProvider=gcp -F coreosImage=projects/constellation-images/global/images/constellation-v1-3-0 -F isDebugImage=false
11. Create a new tag on this release branch
2022-09-01 14:19:57 +02:00
* `git tag v1.3.0`
* Run [Release CLI](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/actions/workflows/release-cli.yml) action on the tag
gh workflow run release-cli.yml --ref v1.3.0
* The previous step will create a draft release. Check build output for link to draft release. Review & approve.
2022-09-13 18:21:33 +02:00
6. Folow [export flow (INTERNAL)](https://github.com/edgelesssys/wiki/blob/master/documentation/constellation/customer-onboarding.md#manual-export-and-import) to make image available in S3 for trusted lanuch users.
2022-09-09 08:04:34 +02:00
7. To bring updated version numbers and other changes (if any) to main, create a new branch `feat/release` from `release/v1.3`, rebase it onto main, and create a PR to main