245 lines
7.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Try to upload a file to S3 and then delete it using the configapi cli.
# Check the file exists after uploading it.
# Check the file does not exist after deleting it.
###### script header ######
lib=$(realpath @@BASE_LIB@@) || exit 1
stat "${lib}" >> /dev/null || exit 1
# shellcheck source=../../../../../bazel/sh/lib.bash
if ! source "${lib}"; then
echo "Error: could not find import"
exit 1
configapi_cli=$(realpath @@CONFIGAPI_CLI@@)
stat "${configapi_cli}" >> /dev/null
configapi_cli="${configapi_cli} --testing"
###### script body ######
readonly attestationVariant
readonly region="eu-west-1"
readonly bucket="resource-api-testing"
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
readonly tmpdir
registerExitHandler "rm -rf ${tmpdir}"
# empty the bucket version state
${configapi_cli} delete recursive "${attestationVariant}" --region "${region}" --bucket "${bucket}"
readonly current_report_path="${tmpdir}/attestationReportCurrent.json"
readonly report_path="${tmpdir}/attestationReport.json"
readonly older_report_path="${tmpdir}/attestationReportOld.json"
if [[ ${attestationVariant} == *-tdx ]]; then
cat << EOF > "${current_report_path}"
"header": {
"qe_svn": "AAA=",
"pce_svn": "AAA=",
"qe_vendor_id": "KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKg=="
"td_quote_body": {
"xfam": "AAAAAAAAAAA="
# the high version numbers ensure that it's newer than the current latest value
cat << EOF > "${report_path}"
"header": {
"qe_svn": "//8=",
"pce_svn": "//8=",
"qe_vendor_id": "KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKg=="
"td_quote_body": {
"tee_tcb_svn": "/////////////////////w==",
"xfam": "AQIDBAUGBwg="
# has an older version
cat << EOF > "${older_report_path}"
"header": {
"qe_svn": "//8=",
"pce_svn": "/v8=",
"qe_vendor_id": "KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKg=="
"td_quote_body": {
"tee_tcb_svn": "/////////////////////g==",
"xfam": "AQIDBAUGBwg="
elif [[ ${attestationVariant} == *-sev-snp ]]; then
cat << EOF > "${current_report_path}"
"snp_report": {
"reported_tcb": {
"bootloader": 1,
"tee": 1,
"snp": 1,
"microcode": 1
"committed_tcb": {
"bootloader": 1,
"tee": 1,
"snp": 1,
"microcode": 1
"launch_tcb": {
"bootloader": 1,
"tee": 1,
"snp": 1,
"microcode": 1
# the high version numbers ensure that it's newer than the current latest value
cat << EOF > "${report_path}"
"snp_report": {
"reported_tcb": {
"bootloader": 255,
"tee": 255,
"snp": 255,
"microcode": 255
"committed_tcb": {
"bootloader": 255,
"tee": 255,
"snp": 255,
"microcode": 255
"launch_tcb": {
"bootloader": 255,
"tee": 255,
"snp": 255,
"microcode": 255
# has an older version
cat << EOF > "${older_report_path}"
"snp_report": {
"reported_tcb": {
"bootloader": 255,
"tee": 255,
"snp": 255,
"microcode": 254
"committed_tcb": {
"bootloader": 255,
"tee": 255,
"snp": 255,
"microcode": 254
"launch_tcb": {
"bootloader": 255,
"tee": 255,
"snp": 255,
"microcode": 254
echo "Unknown attestation variant: ${attestationVariant}"
exit 1
# upload a fake latest version for the fetcher
${configapi_cli} upload "${attestationVariant}" attestation-report "${current_report_path}" --force --upload-date "2000-01-01-01-01" --region "${region}" --bucket "${bucket}"
# report 3 versions with different dates to fill the reporter cache
readonly date_oldest="2023-02-01-03-04"
${configapi_cli} upload "${attestationVariant}" attestation-report "${older_report_path}" --upload-date "${date_oldest}" --region "${region}" --bucket "${bucket}" --cache-window-size 3
readonly date_older="2023-02-02-03-04"
${configapi_cli} upload "${attestationVariant}" attestation-report "${older_report_path}" --upload-date "${date_older}" --region "${region}" --bucket "${bucket}" --cache-window-size 3
readonly date="2023-02-03-03-04"
${configapi_cli} upload "${attestationVariant}" attestation-report "${report_path}" --upload-date "${date}" --region "${region}" --bucket "${bucket}" --cache-window-size 3
# expect that $date_oldest is served as latest version
2023-11-14 13:25:52 +01:00
if ! curl -fsSL "${baseurl}/${date_oldest}.json" > version.json; then
2023-11-14 13:25:52 +01:00
echo "Checking for uploaded version file ${basepath}/${date_oldest}.json: request returned ${?}"
exit 1
if [[ ${attestationVariant} == *-tdx ]]; then
# check that version values are equal to expected
if ! cmp -s <(echo -n '{"qeSVN":65535,"pceSVN":65534,"teeTCBSVN":[255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,254],"qeVendorID":[42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42],"xfam":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]}') version.json; then
echo "The version content:"
cat version.json
echo " is not equal to the expected version content:"
echo '{"qeSVN":65535,"pceSVN":65534,"teeTCBSVN":[255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,254],"qeVendorID":[42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42,42],"xfam":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]}'
exit 1
elif [[ ${attestationVariant} == *-sev-snp ]]; then
# check that version values are equal to expected
if ! cmp -s <(echo -n '{"bootloader":255,"tee":255,"snp":255,"microcode":254}') version.json; then
echo "The version content:"
cat version.json
echo " is not equal to the expected version content:"
echo '{"bootloader":255,"tee":255,"snp":255,"microcode":254}'
exit 1
if ! curl -fsSL "${baseurl}/${date_oldest}.json.sig" > /dev/null; then
2023-11-14 13:25:52 +01:00
echo "Checking for uploaded version signature file ${basepath}/${date_oldest}.json.sig: request returned ${?}"
exit 1
# check list endpoint
2023-11-14 13:25:52 +01:00
if ! curl -fsSL "${baseurl}"/list > list.json; then
echo "Checking for uploaded list file ${basepath}/list: request returned ${?}"
exit 1
# check that version values are equal to expected
if ! cmp -s <(echo -n '["2023-02-01-03-04.json","2000-01-01-01-01.json"]') list.json; then
echo "The list content:"
cat list.json
echo " is not equal to the expected version content:"
echo '["2023-02-01-03-04.json","2000-01-01-01-01.json"]'
exit 1
# check that the other versions are not uploaded
http_code=$(curl -sSL -w '%{http_code}\n' -o /dev/null "${baseurl}/${date_older}.json")
if [[ ${http_code} -ne 404 ]]; then
2023-11-14 13:25:52 +01:00
echo "Expected HTTP code 404 for: ${basepath}/${date_older}.json, but got ${http_code}"
exit 1
http_code=$(curl -sSL -w '%{http_code}\n' -o /dev/null "${baseurl}/${date}.json.sig")
if [[ ${http_code} -ne 404 ]]; then
2023-11-14 13:25:52 +01:00
echo "Expected HTTP code 404 for: ${basepath}/${date}.json, but got ${http_code}"
exit 1
${configapi_cli} delete "${attestationVariant}" attestation-report "${date_oldest}" --region "${region}" --bucket "${bucket}"
# Omit -f to check for 404. We want to check that a file was deleted, therefore we expect the query to fail.
http_code=$(curl -sSL -w '%{http_code}\n' -o /dev/null "${baseurl}/${date_oldest}.json")
if [[ ${http_code} -ne 404 ]]; then
2023-11-14 13:25:52 +01:00
echo "Expected HTTP code 404 for: ${basepath}/${date_oldest}.json, but got ${http_code}"
exit 1
# Omit -f to check for 404. We want to check that a file was deleted, therefore we expect the query to fail.
http_code=$(curl -sSL -w '%{http_code}\n' -o /dev/null "${baseurl}/${date_oldest}.json.sig")
if [[ ${http_code} -ne 404 ]]; then
2023-11-14 13:25:52 +01:00
echo "Expected HTTP code 404 for: ${basepath}/${date_oldest}.json, but got ${http_code}"
exit 1