> :warning: These images are not safe to use in production environments. :warning:
As described in [debugd](/debugd/README.md), it is possible to use a CoreOS image targeted at dev environments. This image allows to upload any [bootstrapper](/bootstrapper/README.md) using [cdbg](/debugd/cdbg).
To enable the upload, an additional **unsecured** port (4000) is opened which accepts any binary to be run on target machine. **Make sure that this machine is not exposed to the internet.**
It is also recommended to use golangci-lint (and [gofumpt](https://github.com/mvdan/gofumpt) as formatter) in your IDE, by adding the recommended VS Code Settings or by [configuring it yourself](https://golangci-lint.run/usage/integrations/#editor-integration)
You can find an introduction in the [Go workspace tutorial](https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/workspaces).
If you have changed dependencies within a module and have run `go mod tidy`, you can use `go work sync` to sync versions of the same dependency of the different modules.