-`attestation` (Attributes) Attestation comprises the measurements and SEV-SNP specific parameters. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--attestation))
-`csp` (String) The Cloud Service Provider (CSP) the cluster should run on.
-`image_reference` (String) Constellation OS image reference to use in the CSP specific reference format. Use the [`constellation_image`](../data-sources/image.md) data source to find the correct image reference for your CSP.
-`image_version` (String) Constellation OS image version to use in the CSP specific reference format. Use the [`constellation_image`](../data-sources/image.md) data source to find the correct image version for your CSP.
-`init_secret` (String) Secret used for initialization of the cluster.
-`master_secret` (String) Hex-encoded 32-byte master secret for the cluster.
-`master_secret_salt` (String) Hex-encoded 32-byte master secret salt for the cluster.
-`measurement_salt` (String) Hex-encoded 32-byte measurement salt for the cluster.
-`name` (String) Name used in the cluster's named resources / cluster name.
-`network_config` (Attributes) Configuration for the cluster's network. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--network_config))
-`out_of_cluster_endpoint` (String) The endpoint of the cluster. Typically, this is the public IP of a loadbalancer.
-`azure` (Attributes) Azure-specific configuration. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--azure))
-`constellation_microservice_version` (String) The version of Constellation's microservices used within the cluster. When not set, the provider default version is used.
-`extra_api_server_cert_sans` (List of String) List of additional Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for the API server certificate.
-`gcp` (Attributes) GCP-specific configuration. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--gcp))
-`in_cluster_endpoint` (String) The endpoint of the cluster. When not set, the out-of-cluster endpoint is used.
-`kubernetes_version` (String) The Kubernetes version to use for the cluster. When not set, version v1.27.8 is used. The supported versions are [v1.26.11 v1.27.8 v1.28.4].