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package pubapi
import (
func TestActivateAsCoordinator(t *testing.T) {
someErr := errors.New("failed")
coordinatorPubKey := []byte{6, 7, 8}
testNode1 := &stubNode{publicIP: "", pubKey: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
testNode2 := &stubNode{publicIP: "", pubKey: []byte{2, 3, 4}}
testNode3 := &stubNode{publicIP: "", pubKey: []byte{3, 4, 5}}
expectedNode1 := peer.Peer{PublicEndpoint: "", VPNIP: "", VPNPubKey: []byte{1, 2, 3}, Role: role.Node}
expectedNode2 := peer.Peer{PublicEndpoint: "", VPNIP: "", VPNPubKey: []byte{2, 3, 4}, Role: role.Node}
expectedNode3 := peer.Peer{PublicEndpoint: "", VPNIP: "", VPNPubKey: []byte{3, 4, 5}, Role: role.Node}
expectedCoord := peer.Peer{PublicEndpoint: "", VPNIP: "", VPNPubKey: coordinatorPubKey, Role: role.Coordinator}
testCases := map[string]struct {
nodes []*stubNode
state state.State
switchToPersistentStoreErr error
expectErr bool
expectedPeers []peer.Peer
expectedState state.State
"0 nodes": {
state: state.AcceptingInit,
expectedPeers: []peer.Peer{expectedCoord},
expectedState: state.ActivatingNodes,
"1 node": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1},
state: state.AcceptingInit,
expectedPeers: []peer.Peer{expectedCoord, expectedNode1},
expectedState: state.ActivatingNodes,
"2 nodes": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1, testNode2},
state: state.AcceptingInit,
expectedPeers: []peer.Peer{expectedCoord, expectedNode1, expectedNode2},
expectedState: state.ActivatingNodes,
"3 nodes": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1, testNode2, testNode3},
state: state.AcceptingInit,
expectedPeers: []peer.Peer{expectedCoord, expectedNode1, expectedNode2, expectedNode3},
expectedState: state.ActivatingNodes,
"already activated": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1},
state: state.ActivatingNodes,
expectErr: true,
expectedState: state.ActivatingNodes,
"wrong peer kind": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1},
state: state.IsNode,
expectErr: true,
expectedState: state.IsNode,
"node activation error": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1, {activateErr: someErr}, testNode3},
state: state.AcceptingInit,
expectErr: true,
expectedState: state.Failed,
"node join error": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1, {joinErr: someErr}, testNode3},
state: state.AcceptingInit,
expectErr: true,
expectedState: state.Failed,
"SwitchToPersistentStore error": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1},
state: state.AcceptingInit,
switchToPersistentStoreErr: someErr,
expectErr: true,
expectedState: state.Failed,
for name, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
require := require.New(t)
adminPubKey := []byte{7, 8, 9}
autoscalingNodeGroups := []string{"ang1", "ang2"}
keyEncryptionKeyID := "constellation"
core := &fakeCore{
state: tc.state,
vpnPubKey: coordinatorPubKey,
switchToPersistentStoreErr: tc.switchToPersistentStoreErr,
kubeconfig: []byte("kubeconfig"),
ownerID: []byte("ownerID"),
clusterID: []byte("clusterID"),
dialer := testdialer.NewBufconnDialer()
getPublicIPAddr := func() (string, error) {
return "", nil
api := New(zaptest.NewLogger(t), core, dialer, stubVPNAPIServer{}, fakeValidator{}, getPublicIPAddr)
// spawn nodes
var nodePublicEndpoints []string
for _, n := range tc.nodes {
publicEndpoint := net.JoinHostPort(n.publicIP, endpointAVPNPort)
nodePublicEndpoints = append(nodePublicEndpoints, publicEndpoint)
server := n.newServer()
go server.Serve(dialer.GetListener(publicEndpoint))
defer server.GracefulStop()
stream := &stubActivateAsCoordinatorServer{}
err := api.ActivateAsCoordinator(&pubproto.ActivateAsCoordinatorRequest{
AdminVpnPubKey: adminPubKey,
NodePublicEndpoints: nodePublicEndpoints,
AutoscalingNodeGroups: autoscalingNodeGroups,
MasterSecret: []byte("Constellation"),
KeyEncryptionKeyId: keyEncryptionKeyID,
UseExistingKek: false,
KmsUri: kms.ClusterKMSURI,
StorageUri: kms.NoStoreURI,
}, stream)
assert.Equal(tc.expectedState, core.state)
if tc.expectErr {
// Coordinator streams logs and admin conf
require.Len(stream.sent, len(tc.nodes)+1)
for i := 0; i < len(tc.nodes); i++ {
adminConfig := stream.sent[len(tc.nodes)].GetAdminConfig()
assert.Equal("", adminConfig.AdminVpnIp)
assert.Equal(coordinatorPubKey, adminConfig.CoordinatorVpnPubKey)
assert.Equal(core.kubeconfig, adminConfig.Kubeconfig)
assert.Equal(core.ownerID, adminConfig.OwnerId)
assert.Equal(core.clusterID, adminConfig.ClusterId)
// Core is updated
assert.Equal(adminPubKey, core.adminPubKey)
assert.Equal(core.GetCoordinatorVPNIP(), core.vpnIP)
assert.Equal(tc.expectedPeers, core.peers)
assert.Equal(autoscalingNodeGroups, core.autoscalingNodeGroups)
assert.Equal(keyEncryptionKeyID, core.kekID)
func TestActivateAdditionalNodes(t *testing.T) {
someErr := errors.New("failed")
testNode1 := &stubNode{publicIP: "", pubKey: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
testNode2 := &stubNode{publicIP: "", pubKey: []byte{2, 3, 4}}
testNode3 := &stubNode{publicIP: "", pubKey: []byte{3, 4, 5}}
expectedNode1 := peer.Peer{PublicEndpoint: "", VPNIP: "", VPNPubKey: []byte{1, 2, 3}, Role: role.Node}
expectedNode2 := peer.Peer{PublicEndpoint: "", VPNIP: "", VPNPubKey: []byte{2, 3, 4}, Role: role.Node}
expectedNode3 := peer.Peer{PublicEndpoint: "", VPNIP: "", VPNPubKey: []byte{3, 4, 5}, Role: role.Node}
testCases := map[string]struct {
nodes []*stubNode
state state.State
expectErr bool
expectedPeers []peer.Peer
"0 nodes": {
state: state.ActivatingNodes,
"1 node": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1},
state: state.ActivatingNodes,
expectedPeers: []peer.Peer{expectedNode1},
"2 nodes": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1, testNode2},
state: state.ActivatingNodes,
expectedPeers: []peer.Peer{expectedNode1, expectedNode2},
"3 nodes": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1, testNode2, testNode3},
state: state.ActivatingNodes,
expectedPeers: []peer.Peer{expectedNode1, expectedNode2, expectedNode3},
"uninitialized": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1},
expectErr: true,
"wrong peer kind": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1},
state: state.IsNode,
expectErr: true,
"node activation error": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1, {activateErr: someErr}, testNode3},
state: state.ActivatingNodes,
expectErr: true,
"node join error": {
nodes: []*stubNode{testNode1, {joinErr: someErr}, testNode3},
state: state.ActivatingNodes,
expectErr: true,
for name, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
require := require.New(t)
core := &fakeCore{state: tc.state}
dialer := testdialer.NewBufconnDialer()
getPublicIPAddr := func() (string, error) {
return "", nil
api := New(zaptest.NewLogger(t), core, dialer, nil, fakeValidator{}, getPublicIPAddr)
// spawn nodes
var nodePublicEndpoints []string
for _, n := range tc.nodes {
publicEndpoint := net.JoinHostPort(n.publicIP, endpointAVPNPort)
nodePublicEndpoints = append(nodePublicEndpoints, publicEndpoint)
server := n.newServer()
go server.Serve(dialer.GetListener(publicEndpoint))
defer server.GracefulStop()
stream := &stubActivateAdditionalNodesServer{}
err := api.ActivateAdditionalNodes(&pubproto.ActivateAdditionalNodesRequest{NodePublicEndpoints: nodePublicEndpoints}, stream)
if tc.expectErr {
// Coordinator streams logs
require.Len(stream.sent, len(tc.nodes)+1)
for _, s := range stream.sent {
// Core is updated
assert.Equal(tc.expectedPeers, core.peers)
func TestMakeCoordinatorPeer(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
require := require.New(t)
getPublicIPAddr := func() (string, error) {
return "", nil
vpnPubKey := []byte{2, 3, 4}
core := &fakeCore{vpnPubKey: vpnPubKey}
api := New(zaptest.NewLogger(t), core, nil, nil, nil, getPublicIPAddr)
expected := peer.Peer{
PublicEndpoint: "",
VPNIP: core.GetCoordinatorVPNIP(),
VPNPubKey: vpnPubKey,
Role: role.Coordinator,
actual, err := api.makeCoordinatorPeer()
assert.Equal(expected, actual)
type stubNode struct {
publicIP string
pubKey []byte
activateErr error
joinErr error
func (n *stubNode) ActivateAsNode(ctx context.Context, in *pubproto.ActivateAsNodeRequest) (*pubproto.ActivateAsNodeResponse, error) {
return &pubproto.ActivateAsNodeResponse{NodeVpnPubKey: n.pubKey}, n.activateErr
func (*stubNode) TriggerNodeUpdate(ctx context.Context, in *pubproto.TriggerNodeUpdateRequest) (*pubproto.TriggerNodeUpdateResponse, error) {
return &pubproto.TriggerNodeUpdateResponse{}, nil
func (n *stubNode) JoinCluster(ctx context.Context, in *pubproto.JoinClusterRequest) (*pubproto.JoinClusterResponse, error) {
return &pubproto.JoinClusterResponse{}, n.joinErr
func (n *stubNode) newServer() *grpc.Server {
tlsConfig, err := atls.CreateAttestationServerTLSConfig(fakeIssuer{})
if err != nil {
server := grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(credentials.NewTLS(tlsConfig)))
pubproto.RegisterAPIServer(server, n)
return server
type stubVPNAPIServer struct{}
func (stubVPNAPIServer) Listen(endpoint string) error {
return nil
func (stubVPNAPIServer) Serve() error {
return nil
func (stubVPNAPIServer) Close() {
type fakeIssuer struct {
func (fakeIssuer) Issue(userData []byte, nonce []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return userData, nil
type fakeValidator struct {
func (fakeValidator) Validate(attdoc []byte, nonce []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return attdoc, nil
type stubActivateAsCoordinatorServer struct {
sent []*pubproto.ActivateAsCoordinatorResponse
func (s *stubActivateAsCoordinatorServer) Send(req *pubproto.ActivateAsCoordinatorResponse) error {
s.sent = append(s.sent, req)
return nil
type stubActivateAdditionalNodesServer struct {
sent []*pubproto.ActivateAdditionalNodesResponse
func (s *stubActivateAdditionalNodesServer) Send(req *pubproto.ActivateAdditionalNodesResponse) error {
s.sent = append(s.sent, req)
return nil