2023-09-27 11:40:32 +02:00
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Copyright ( c ) Edgeless Systems GmbH
SPDX - License - Identifier : AGPL - 3.0 - only
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Package router implements the main interception logic of s3proxy .
It decides which packages to forward and which to intercept .
The routing logic in this file is taken from this blog post : https : //benhoyt.com/writings/go-routing/#regex-switch.
We should be able to replace this once this is part of the stdlib : https : //github.com/golang/go/issues/61410.
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If the router intercepts a PutObject request it will encrypt the body before forwarding it to the S3 API .
The stored object will have a tag that holds an encrypted data encryption key ( DEK ) .
That DEK is used to encrypt the object ' s body .
The DEK is generated randomly for each PutObject request .
The DEK is encrypted with a key encryption key ( KEK ) fetched from Constellation ' s keyservice .
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package router
import (
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const (
// Use a 32*8 = 256 bit key for AES-256.
kekSizeBytes = 32
kekID = "s3proxy-kek"
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var (
keyPattern = regexp . MustCompile ( "/(.+)" )
bucketAndKeyPattern = regexp . MustCompile ( "/([^/?]+)/(.+)" )
// Router implements the interception logic for the s3proxy.
type Router struct {
region string
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kek [ 32 ] byte
2023-10-09 15:18:12 +02:00
// forwardMultipartReqs controls whether we forward the following requests: CreateMultipartUpload, UploadPart, CompleteMultipartUpload, AbortMultipartUpload.
// s3proxy does not implement those yet.
// Setting forwardMultipartReqs to true will forward those requests to the S3 API, otherwise we block them (secure defaults).
forwardMultipartReqs bool
log * logger . Logger
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// New creates a new Router.
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func New ( region , endpoint string , forwardMultipartReqs bool , log * logger . Logger ) ( Router , error ) {
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kms := kms . New ( log , endpoint )
// Get the key encryption key that encrypts all DEKs.
kek , err := kms . GetDataKey ( context . Background ( ) , kekID , kekSizeBytes )
if err != nil {
return Router { } , fmt . Errorf ( "getting KEK: %w" , err )
kekArray , err := byteSliceToByteArray ( kek )
if err != nil {
return Router { } , fmt . Errorf ( "converting KEK to byte array: %w" , err )
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return Router { region : region , kek : kekArray , forwardMultipartReqs : forwardMultipartReqs , log : log } , nil
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// Serve implements the routing logic for the s3 proxy.
// It intercepts GetObject and PutObject requests, encrypting/decrypting their bodies if necessary.
// All other requests are forwarded to the S3 API.
// Ideally we could separate routing logic, request handling and s3 interactions.
// Currently routing logic and request handling are integrated.
func ( r Router ) Serve ( w http . ResponseWriter , req * http . Request ) {
client , err := s3 . NewClient ( r . region )
if err != nil {
http . Error ( w , err . Error ( ) , http . StatusInternalServerError )
var key string
var bucket string
var matchingPath bool
if containsBucket ( req . Host ) {
// BUCKET.s3.REGION.amazonaws.com
parts := strings . Split ( req . Host , "." )
bucket = parts [ 0 ]
matchingPath = match ( req . URL . Path , keyPattern , & key )
} else {
matchingPath = match ( req . URL . Path , bucketAndKeyPattern , & bucket , & key )
var h http . Handler
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switch {
// intercept GetObject.
case matchingPath && req . Method == "GET" && ! isUnwantedGetEndpoint ( req . URL . Query ( ) ) :
h = handleGetObject ( client , key , bucket , r . log )
// intercept PutObject.
case matchingPath && req . Method == "PUT" && ! isUnwantedPutEndpoint ( req . Header , req . URL . Query ( ) ) :
h = handlePutObject ( client , key , bucket , r . log )
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case ! r . forwardMultipartReqs && matchingPath && isUploadPart ( req . Method , req . URL . Query ( ) ) :
h = handleUploadPart ( r . log )
case ! r . forwardMultipartReqs && matchingPath && isCreateMultipartUpload ( req . Method , req . URL . Query ( ) ) :
h = handleCreateMultipartUpload ( r . log )
case ! r . forwardMultipartReqs && matchingPath && isCompleteMultipartUpload ( req . Method , req . URL . Query ( ) ) :
h = handleCompleteMultipartUpload ( r . log )
case ! r . forwardMultipartReqs && matchingPath && isAbortMultipartUpload ( req . Method , req . URL . Query ( ) ) :
h = handleAbortMultipartUpload ( r . log )
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// Forward all other requests.
default :
h = handleForwards ( r . log )
h . ServeHTTP ( w , req )
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func isAbortMultipartUpload ( method string , query url . Values ) bool {
_ , uploadID := query [ "uploadId" ]
return method == "DELETE" && uploadID
func isCompleteMultipartUpload ( method string , query url . Values ) bool {
_ , multipart := query [ "uploadId" ]
return method == "POST" && multipart
func isCreateMultipartUpload ( method string , query url . Values ) bool {
_ , multipart := query [ "uploads" ]
return method == "POST" && multipart
func isUploadPart ( method string , query url . Values ) bool {
_ , partNumber := query [ "partNumber" ]
_ , uploadID := query [ "uploadId" ]
return method == "PUT" && partNumber && uploadID
2023-09-27 11:40:32 +02:00
// ContentSHA256MismatchError is a helper struct to create an XML formatted error message.
// s3 clients might try to parse error messages, so we need to serve correctly formatted messages.
type ContentSHA256MismatchError struct {
XMLName xml . Name ` xml:"Error" `
Code string ` xml:"Code" `
Message string ` xml:"Message" `
ClientComputedContentSHA256 string ` xml:"ClientComputedContentSHA256" `
S3ComputedContentSHA256 string ` xml:"S3ComputedContentSHA256" `
// NewContentSHA256MismatchError creates a new ContentSHA256MismatchError.
func NewContentSHA256MismatchError ( clientComputedContentSHA256 , s3ComputedContentSHA256 string ) ContentSHA256MismatchError {
return ContentSHA256MismatchError {
Code : "XAmzContentSHA256Mismatch" ,
Message : "The provided 'x-amz-content-sha256' header does not match what was computed." ,
ClientComputedContentSHA256 : clientComputedContentSHA256 ,
S3ComputedContentSHA256 : s3ComputedContentSHA256 ,
2023-10-02 09:00:38 +02:00
// byteSliceToByteArray casts a byte slice to a byte array of length 32.
// It does a length check to prevent the cast from panic'ing.
func byteSliceToByteArray ( input [ ] byte ) ( [ 32 ] byte , error ) {
if len ( input ) != 32 {
return [ 32 ] byte { } , fmt . Errorf ( "input length mismatch, got: %d" , len ( input ) )
return ( [ 32 ] byte ) ( input ) , nil
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// containsBucket is a helper to recognizes cases where the bucket name is sent as part of the host.
// In other cases the bucket name is sent as part of the path.
func containsBucket ( host string ) bool {
parts := strings . Split ( host , "." )
return len ( parts ) > 4
// isUnwantedGetEndpoint returns true if the request is any of these requests: GetObjectAcl, GetObjectAttributes, GetObjectLegalHold, GetObjectRetention, GetObjectTagging, GetObjectTorrent, ListParts.
// These requests are all structured similarly: they all have a query param that is not present in GetObject.
// Otherwise those endpoints are similar to GetObject.
func isUnwantedGetEndpoint ( query url . Values ) bool {
_ , acl := query [ "acl" ]
_ , attributes := query [ "attributes" ]
_ , legalHold := query [ "legal-hold" ]
_ , retention := query [ "retention" ]
_ , tagging := query [ "tagging" ]
_ , torrent := query [ "torrent" ]
_ , uploadID := query [ "uploadId" ]
return acl || attributes || legalHold || retention || tagging || torrent || uploadID
// isUnwantedPutEndpoint returns true if the request is any of these requests: UploadPart, PutObjectTagging.
// These requests are all structured similarly: they all have a query param that is not present in PutObject.
// Otherwise those endpoints are similar to PutObject.
func isUnwantedPutEndpoint ( header http . Header , query url . Values ) bool {
if header . Get ( "x-amz-copy-source" ) != "" {
return true
_ , partNumber := query [ "partNumber" ]
_ , uploadID := query [ "uploadId" ]
_ , tagging := query [ "tagging" ]
_ , legalHold := query [ "legal-hold" ]
_ , objectLock := query [ "object-lock" ]
_ , retention := query [ "retention" ]
_ , publicAccessBlock := query [ "publicAccessBlock" ]
_ , acl := query [ "acl" ]
return partNumber || uploadID || tagging || legalHold || objectLock || retention || publicAccessBlock || acl
func sha256sum ( data [ ] byte ) string {
digest := sha256 . Sum256 ( data )
return fmt . Sprintf ( "%x" , digest )
// getMetadataHeaders parses user-defined metadata headers from a
// http.Header object. Users can define custom headers by taking
// HEADERNAME and prefixing it with "x-amz-meta-".
func getMetadataHeaders ( header http . Header ) map [ string ] string {
result := map [ string ] string { }
for key := range header {
key = strings . ToLower ( key )
if strings . HasPrefix ( key , "x-amz-meta-" ) {
name := strings . TrimPrefix ( key , "x-amz-meta-" )
result [ name ] = strings . Join ( header . Values ( key ) , "," )
return result
func parseRetentionTime ( raw string ) ( time . Time , error ) {
if raw == "" {
return time . Time { } , nil
return time . Parse ( time . RFC3339 , raw )
// repackage implements all modifications we need to do to an incoming request that we want to forward to the s3 API.
func repackage ( r * http . Request ) http . Request {
req := r . Clone ( r . Context ( ) )
// HTTP clients are not supposed to set this field, however when we receive a request it is set.
// So, we unset it.
req . RequestURI = ""
req . URL . Host = r . Host
// We always want to use HTTPS when talking to S3.
req . URL . Scheme = "https"
return * req
// validateContentMD5 checks if the content-md5 header matches the body.
func validateContentMD5 ( contentMD5 string , body [ ] byte ) error {
if contentMD5 == "" {
return nil
expected , err := base64 . StdEncoding . DecodeString ( contentMD5 )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "decoding base64: %w" , err )
if len ( expected ) != 16 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "content-md5 must be 16 bytes long, got %d bytes" , len ( expected ) )
actual := md5 . Sum ( body )
if ! bytes . Equal ( actual [ : ] , expected ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "content-md5 mismatch, header is %x, body is %x" , expected , actual )
return nil
// match reports whether path matches pattern, and if it matches,
// assigns any capture groups to the *string or *int vars.
func match ( path string , pattern * regexp . Regexp , vars ... * string ) bool {
matches := pattern . FindStringSubmatch ( path )
if len ( matches ) <= 0 {
return false
for i , match := range matches [ 1 : ] {
// assign the value of 'match' to the i-th argument.
* vars [ i ] = match
return true
// allowMethod takes a HandlerFunc and wraps it in a handler that only
// responds if the request method is the given method, otherwise it
// responds with HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed.
func allowMethod ( h http . HandlerFunc , method string ) http . HandlerFunc {
return func ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
if method != r . Method {
w . Header ( ) . Set ( "Allow" , method )
http . Error ( w , "405 method not allowed" , http . StatusMethodNotAllowed )
h ( w , r )
// get takes a HandlerFunc and wraps it to only allow the GET method.
func get ( h http . HandlerFunc ) http . HandlerFunc {
return allowMethod ( h , "GET" )
// put takes a HandlerFunc and wraps it to only allow the POST method.
func put ( h http . HandlerFunc ) http . HandlerFunc {
return allowMethod ( h , "PUT" )