If you don't have a cloud subscription, you can also set up a [local Constellation cluster using virtualization](../getting-started/first-steps-local.md) for testing.
For details on the flags, consult the command help via `constellation create -h`.
*create* stores your cluster's state in a [`constellation-terraform`](../architecture/orchestration.md#cluster-creation-process) directory in your workspace.
Terraform allows for an easier GitOps integration as well as meeting regulatory requirements.
Since the Constellation CLI also uses Terraform under the hood, you can reuse the same Terraform files.
Familiarize with the [Terraform usage policy](../reference/terraform.md) before manually interacting with Terraform to create a cluster.
Please also refrain from changing the Terraform resource definitions, as Constellation is tightly coupled to them.
Download the Terraform files for the selected CSP from the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/tree/main/terraform/infrastructure).