
398 lines
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$schema: '',
extends: [
commitMessagePrefix: 'deps:',
commitMessageAction: 'update',
addLabels: [
postUpdateOptions: [
prConcurrentLimit: 4,
ignorePaths: [
ignoreDeps: [
// Rules for changing renovates behaviour for different packages.
// The documentation for configuration options can be found here:
packageRules: [
matchManagers: [
matchDepTypes: [
matchUpdateTypes: [
enabled: true,
prPriority: -30,
// Group update of direct Go dependencies.
groupName: 'Go dependencies',
matchManagers: [
matchDepTypes: [
matchUpdateTypes: [
schedule: [
'before 8am on monday',
// Group update of Terraform dependencies.
groupName: 'Terraform dependencies',
matchManagers: [
matchUpdateTypes: [
schedule: [
'before 8am on wednesday',
matchManagers: [
matchDepNames: [
groupName: 'bazel (core)',
2022-10-14 12:04:03 +02:00
matchManagers: [
matchDepNames: [
groupName: 'bazel (plugins)',
matchManagers: [
matchDepNames: [
groupName: 'bazel (modules)',
matchDatasources: [
allowedVersions: '1.23',
2022-10-14 12:04:03 +02:00
matchManagers: [
groupName: 'Python dependencies',
matchManagers: [
groupName: 'GitHub action dependencies',
matchUpdateTypes: [
schedule: [
'before 8am on tuesday'
matchDepNames: [
// example match: v1.2.3 (1.2 -> compatibility, 3 -> patch)
versioning: 'regex:^(?<compatibility>v?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)(?<patch>\\d+)$',
groupName: 'Kubernetes versions',
prPriority: 15,
matchDepNames: [
// example match: v1.2.3 (1.2 -> compatibility, 3 -> patch)
versioning: 'regex:^(?<compatibility>v?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)(?<patch>\\d+)$',
groupName: 'K8s constrained AWS versions',
prPriority: 15,
matchDepNames: [
// example match: v1.2.3 (1.2 -> compatibility, 3 -> patch)
versioning: 'regex:^(?<compatibility>v?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)(?<patch>\\d+)$',
groupName: 'K8s constrained Azure versions',
prPriority: 15,
2023-03-17 09:44:30 +01:00
matchDepNames: [
2023-03-17 09:44:30 +01:00
// example match: v1.2.3 (1.2 -> compatibility, 3 -> patch)
versioning: 'regex:^(?<compatibility>v?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)(?<patch>\\d+)$',
groupName: 'K8s constrained OpenStack versions',
prPriority: 15,
2023-03-17 09:44:30 +01:00
matchDepNames: [
// example match: v1.2.3 (1.2 -> compatibility, 3 -> patch)
versioning: 'regex:^(?<compatibility>v?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.)(?<patch>\\d+)$',
groupName: 'K8s constrained GCP versions',
prPriority: 15,
matchDepNames: [
// example match: v1.2.3 (1. -> compatibility, 2 -> minor, 3 -> patch)
versioning: 'regex:^(?<compatibility>v\\d+\\.)(?<minor>\\d+)\\.(?<patch>\\d+)$',
groupName: 'cloud-provider-gcp (K8s version constrained)',
prPriority: 15,
matchPackageNames: [
versioning: 'semver',
// Allow packages of to update to unstable prereleases.
// This is necessary because renovate will not update minor versions of
// containers that are already tagged as a prerelease in the code
// if this is not set.
ignoreUnstable: false,
groupName: 'Constellation containers',
prPriority: 20,
schedule: [
'before 8am on thursday'
matchDepNames: [
versioning: 'semver',
groupName: 'K8s version independent containers',
prPriority: 15,
matchDepNames: [
matchUpdateTypes: [
enabled: false,
matchCategories: [
prPriority: -20,
matchManagers: [
matchDepNames: [
pinDigests: false,
additionalBranchPrefix: '{{packageName}}-',
groupName: '{{packageName}}',
matchDepNames: [
// Regex Managers allow detection of other versions in files that renovate
// cannot parse by default. For more information, look at
// .
customManagers: [
customType: 'regex',
fileMatch: [
matchStrings: [
// Match all container packages.
// example match:' "" // renovate:container'
// ( -> depName, v1.2.3 -> currentValue, sha256:somehash -> currentDigest)
' \"(?<depName>[^\"]*?):(?<currentValue>[^\"]*?)@(?<currentDigest>sha256:[a-f0-9]+)\"[^\\n]+\\/\\/ renovate:container',
datasourceTemplate: 'docker',
customType: 'regex',
fileMatch: [
matchStrings: [
// Match kubernetes releases.
// example match:' "" // renovate:kubernetes-release'
// (v1.2.3 -> currentValue)
' \"https:\\/\\/dl\\.k8s\\.io\\/(?<currentValue>[^\\/\\s\"]+)\\/[^\"]+\"[^\\n]+\\/\\/ renovate:kubernetes-release',
// Match kubernetes releases.
// example match:' " "v1.2.3" // renovate:kubernetes-release"'
// (v1.2.3 -> currentValue)
' \"(?<currentValue>v\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)\"[^\\n]+\\/\\/ renovate:kubernetes-release',
depNameTemplate: 'kubernetes/kubernetes',
datasourceTemplate: 'github-releases',
customType: 'regex',
fileMatch: [
matchStrings: [
// Match github releases.
// example match:' "" // renovate:github-release'
// (foo/bar -> depName, v1.2.3 -> currentValue)
datasourceTemplate: 'github-releases',
customType: 'regex',
fileMatch: [
matchStrings: [
// Match kubernetes cri-tools releases (
// example Match:' ""'
// (v1.2.3 -> currentValue)
' \"https:\\/\\/github\\.com\\/kubernetes-sigs\\/cri-tools\\/releases\\/download\\/(?<currentValue>[^\\/\\s\"]+)\\/[^\"]+\"',
depNameTemplate: 'kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools',
datasourceTemplate: 'github-releases',
autoReplaceStringTemplate: ' \"{{{newValue}}}/crictl-{{{newValue}}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz\"',
customType: 'regex',
fileMatch: [
matchStrings: [
// Match containernetworking plugin releases (
// example Match:' ""'
// (v1.2.3 -> currentValue)
' \"https:\\/\\/github\\.com\\/containernetworking\\/plugins\\/releases\\/download\\/(?<currentValue>[^\\/\\s\"]+)\\/[^\"]+\"',
depNameTemplate: 'containernetworking/plugins',
datasourceTemplate: 'github-releases',
autoReplaceStringTemplate: ' \"{{{newValue}}}/cni-plugins-linux-amd64-{{{newValue}}}.tgz\"',
customType: 'regex',
fileMatch: [
matchStrings: [
// Match `go install` commands.
// example Match: 'go install'
// ( -> depName, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -> currentValue)
'go install (?<depName>[^@]+?)@(?<currentValue>[0-9a-f]{40})',
datasourceTemplate: 'go',
customType: 'regex',
fileMatch: [
matchStrings: [
// Match mint tags (
// example Match:' ""'
// ( -> depName, v1.2.3 -> currentValue)
'IMAGE: \"(?<depName>[^\"]*?):(?<currentValue>[^\"]*?)@(?<currentDigest>sha256:[a-f0-9]+)\"[^\\n]+# renovate:mint-fork',
datasourceTemplate: 'docker',