#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set sw=4 et: import logging import time import threading import kombu from umbra.browser import BrowserPool class AmqpBrowserController: """ Consumes amqp messages representing requests to browse urls, from the specified amqp queue (default: "urls") on the specified amqp exchange (default: "umbra"). Incoming amqp message is a json object with 3 attributes: { "clientId": "umbra.client.123", "url": "http://example.com/my_fancy_page", "metadata": {"arbitrary":"fields", "etc":4} } "url" is the url to browse. "clientId" uniquely identifies the client of umbra. Umbra uses the clientId as the amqp routing key, to direct information via amqp back to the client. It sends this information on the same specified amqp exchange (default: "umbra"). Each url requested in the browser is published to amqp this way. The outgoing amqp message is a json object: { "url": "http://example.com/images/embedded_thing.jpg", "method": "GET", "headers": {"User-Agent": "...", "Accept": "...", ...}, "parentUrl": "http://example.com/my_fancy_page", "parentUrlMetadata": {"arbitrary":"fields", "etc":4, ...} } POST requests have an additional field, postData. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__module__ + "." + __qualname__) def __init__(self, amqp_url='amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f', chrome_exe='chromium-browser', browser_wait=60, max_active_browsers=1, queue_name='urls', routing_key='url', exchange_name='umbra'): self.amqp_url = amqp_url self.queue_name = queue_name self.routing_key = routing_key self.exchange_name = exchange_name self._browser_pool = BrowserPool(size=max_active_browsers, chrome_exe=chrome_exe, chrome_wait=browser_wait) def start(self): self._exchange = kombu.Exchange(name=self.exchange_name, type='direct', durable=True) self._producer = None self._producer_lock = threading.Lock() with self._producer_lock: self._producer_conn = kombu.Connection(self.amqp_url) self._producer = self._producer_conn.Producer(serializer='json') self._amqp_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._consume_amqp, name='AmqpConsumerThread') self._amqp_stop = threading.Event() self._amqp_thread.start() def shutdown(self): self.logger.info("shutting down amqp consumer {}".format(self.amqp_url)) self._amqp_stop.set() self._amqp_thread.join() # with self._producer_lock: # self._producer_conn.close() # self._producer_conn = None def shutdown_now(self): self._browser_pool.shutdown_now() def _consume_amqp(self): # XXX https://webarchive.jira.com/browse/ARI-3811 # After running for some amount of time (3 weeks in the latest case), # consumer looks normal but doesn't consume any messages. Not clear if # it's hanging in drain_events() or not. As a temporary measure for # mitigation (if it works) or debugging (if it doesn't work), close and # reopen the connection every 15 minutes RECONNECT_AFTER_SECONDS = 15 * 60 url_queue = kombu.Queue(self.queue_name, routing_key=self.routing_key, exchange=self._exchange) while not self._amqp_stop.is_set(): try: self.logger.info("connecting to amqp exchange={} at {}".format(self._exchange.name, self.amqp_url)) with kombu.Connection(self.amqp_url) as conn: conn_opened = time.time() with conn.Consumer(url_queue) as consumer: consumer.qos(prefetch_count=1) while (not self._amqp_stop.is_set() and time.time() - conn_opened < RECONNECT_AFTER_SECONDS): import socket try: browser = self._browser_pool.acquire() # raises KeyError if none available consumer.callbacks = [self._make_callback(browser)] conn.drain_events(timeout=0.5) consumer.callbacks = None except KeyError: # no browsers available time.sleep(0.5) except socket.timeout: # no urls in the queue self._browser_pool.release(browser) except BaseException as e: self.logger.error("caught exception {}".format(e), exc_info=True) time.sleep(0.5) self.logger.error("attempting to reopen amqp connection") def _make_callback(self, browser): def callback(body, message): self._browse_page(browser, body['clientId'], body['url'], body['metadata']) message.ack() return callback def _browse_page(self, browser, client_id, url, parent_url_metadata): def on_request(chrome_msg): payload = chrome_msg['params']['request'] payload['parentUrl'] = url payload['parentUrlMetadata'] = parent_url_metadata self.logger.debug('sending to amqp exchange={} routing_key={} payload={}'.format(self.exchange_name, client_id, payload)) with self._producer_lock: publish = self._producer_conn.ensure(self._producer, self._producer.publish) publish(payload, exchange=self._exchange, routing_key=client_id) def browse_page_async(): self.logger.info('browser={} client_id={} url={}'.format(browser, client_id, url)) try: browser.browse_page(url, on_request=on_request) self._browser_pool.release(browser) except: self.logger.critical("problem browsing page, may have lost browser process", exc_info=True) import random threadName = "BrowsingThread{}-{}".format(browser.chrome_port, ''.join((random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789') for _ in range(6)))) threading.Thread(target=browse_page_async, name=threadName).start()